The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 331

331 Suspicious Gang Of Thugs

Deep in the forest, a group of suspicious beings walked through the woods, their movements barely perceptible. From how smoothly they navigated the woods and based on the confidence in their stride, it could be deduced that they knew where they were going.

To an oblivious observer, they didn’t seem to be going to the palace, however, it was their target. Their relaxed journey led them to a deep pit with fresh dirt forming its edges from the digging that had been taking place there.

The leader of this suspicious group repulsively stepped onto a mound of dirt, cursing under his breath. Standing over the edge of the deep dark pit, he waited. ‘Being a parent is a true liability. Makes sense that the rogues were able to crush those hunters in the last war.’

The leader’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of panting coming from inside the pit. He took a step back and watched a man climb out of the dark pit with a shovel in hand.

Using all his energy, the new arrival lifted himself to the rim of the pit and fell on the dirt panting. His clothes were covered in dirt and he was filthy from the hard labour he’d been doing. Blisters could be seen on his palms. Having formed and ruptured due to the hard labour.

However, all that hadn’t slowed him down in his job. He’d worked tirelessly, pushing himself through the pain of having his own hands cut and mutilated by the hardwood of the shovel he’d been entrusted with, “You’ve certainly been working hard,” one of the men in the group snickered.

The leader ignored his comrade and proceeded in a calm tone, “Our deal was simple. You get done with digging by the end of the coronation. Only then would we honour our end of the deal. From the looks of it, however, you’re barely done and the coronation is about to begin.”

“No, I’m done, sir. I’ve done what you asked. Please give her back to me,” the dirty man, frightened out of his mind, got to his knees and began begging the leader of the criminals, paying no mind about the dirt he was placing his forehead on.

A woman in the group regarded his sorry state with a look of disgust... ‘He’s no more than an insect. Such gives me more reason to wipe these foul creatures from the face of the planet.’


“Well, I’ll have to confirm your words first,” the man responded, beckoning to one of his men. A somewhat built man with green eyes leapt into the pit and vanished into the darkness.

They waited for him for the better part of thirty minutes for him to return. Gripping the edge of the rim of the large pit, the man hefted himself up effortlessly.

“He speaks the truth, my lord. The tunnel makes it straight to beneath the palace. No, it’s not just that, the tunnel stops somewhere and meets a collection of tunnels. The one I followed led me to one of the store rooms. I’m sure there are other places the tunnels can lead us, however, all might be just within reach of the ground floor,” the man gave his detailed report.

“See, I did what you required of me. Now, please, let my daughter go. I beg of you,” the man begged hysterically.

“Do you know why we picked you out?” the leader smirked, “It’s because you don’t interfere with the empire’s matters. Those of you that think hermit life is the way to avoid the war feel like you’re all high and mighty. So I’ll tell you this.

You won’t see your daughter. Perhaps you could do something to persuade me into giving her back, but it’s pointless now. Besides, we don’t have time to start playing hide and seek with the little devil,” the man turned his attention away from the grief-stricken hermit and leapt into the pit. His goons followed him with snickers and smirks on their faces.

The man looked into the pit with a look of despair, “What have I done? Megan, I’m sorry.” The hermit sobbed into his palms, dreading every possibility that could result from his actions. It had earned him nothing and he was now bound to see the chaos and suffering happening in front of him... because of him.

While he was sobbing, a guttural growl filled the air, snapping him out of his weeping. He looked around the forest floor in search of the source of the sound and soon came face to face with a majestic creature with an equally magnificent golden mane.

Despite the creature’s menacing power and oppressive aura, he felt at ease in its presence. If he was to choose the suspicious group of thugs that had taken his daughter away from him and this lion, he would have chosen the lion.

However, now the creature was walking up to him. Its golden eyes were set on him, never once shifting their gaze. The hermit found himself dreading whatever it was the lion wanted from him, ‘Please, don’t eat me...’ he thought to beg, but this was a lion. It couldn’t possibly understand him. If anything, he thought any sound he made would sound more like a challenge to the majestic king of beasts.


Katie didn’t like the attention she garnered by simply showing up in the throne room. The moment the doors of the room swung open to admit her along with her beta alpha, she felt everyone’s eyes flying to her.

The scrutiny was overbearing. Nevertheless, with Kyle not far behind her, she pushed through and made her way to the front row of the chairs in the room where she was glad to find a collection of familiar faces... ‘her family.’

Katie’s nerves melted away at the sight of her family and all her obnoxious thoughts of decorum. Her family was here.

The Luna embraced her mother, father, Lina, Drake, Marie and Sandra before taking a seat beside her mate, “Don’t I get a hug?” the man asked her.

“You already have my heart, isn’t that enough for you?” she teased him, placing a peck on his cheek. The sentiment got him flushed.

‘Nice colour to see on the king of Lycaon,’ Ashley giggled.

“Y-you can’t say things like that. I’ll forget my entire speech,” Cole responded, taking note of the pigeon that had taken flight to her chair once she started hugging everyone.

The girl didn’t seem bothered by the creature. ‘This might be one of the birds she kept going on about... Fan, was it? No, that’s not it... What was the other one... Diana... I’m in trouble,’ the king sighed.

“Your majesty, might I get rid of the foul bird that’s been hanging about you?” Jason asked with a slight bow. Kyle covered his mouth to hide his laughter... and walked a distance away from the spectacle.

“Foul bird! How dare he!” Darla cooed in anger.

“No, Jason, you will not get rid of my pet friend,” the Luna quickly replied.

“There has never been a single animal in the throne room. Why would we make an exception today of all days?” he countered.

Katie looked about her before rubbing her temples, “It’s like you’re forgetting the largest number of people in this room are werewolves.”

“Back off, Jason. Have some respect for your Luna’s wishes,” Cole intervened before the two of them would start bickering, “It might be unusual for someone to bring a bird into the throne room, but I know Katie wouldn’t... Wait... Katie, what’s going on?” Cole’s words had sounded better in his head.

However, now he was on to something. Katie rarely ever acted on a whim. She was also not one to casually embrace her ability to talk to animals in public. He knew this much about his mate from the first time she had revealed this ability to him.

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