The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 327

327 Coronation Day

The days up to the coronation went by slower than Katie would have liked. Without her strength returning like it normally did, the girl resorted to reserving what was left of it which limited her movements and hangout areas down to the king’s chambers and the gardens... on occasion.

Cole stopped pushing her to do anything that would exert her in the slightest and checked up on her far more times than she preferred. Regardless of how sweet his checkups were, they only reminded her that she was worrying everyone about her condition.

Cole’s frequent checkups also reminded her that he was now getting better at masking his worry. Either that or the king actually missed her presence so much that he found himself returning to her many times through the day, ‘It’s not like he sleeps somewhere else in the night, sheesh...’ Katie was not complaining. Her inner selfish princess loved the attention she got from her mate.

Darla and Finn visited her daily and kept her company when the king and her visitors were not around. The birds, having been all about the city, had all manner of stories to keep the girl entertained. Finn’s odd imitations of humans got Katie every time. Unlike the people that visited Katie, the Creatures of the Wild that did manage to visit her looked past her weakened state which was refreshing for the girl.

Hearing the words, ‘How are you feeling today?’ from everyone that came to see her was starting to get on her nerves. Thankfully, Darla and Finn never once brought it up. They only showed signs of remembering this when Katie showed that she was straining. Only then did they let her rest.

It was refreshing to speak to someone without being reminded of her condition.

However, regardless of how slow the days went by, the day of Cole’s coronation was eventually upon them. With nothing from the criminal group and no signs of suspicious activity in the entire capital of Lycaon and the surrounding areas, Cole’s coronation day finally arrived and preparations were made just like the king had ordered in the meeting they had earlier that week.

Katie was starting to grow anxious, “You’re sure you’re going to be okay, Cole?” she asked him.

“How many times are you going to ask me that? I will be fine. It’s not like you’re being crowned Luna of the Lycaon empire,” the man chuckled, whilst tying his tie. The girl stood up from the bed in an effort to help him, only to fall back down. Her legs shook from the weight of her body, but she kept the worry to herself.


“I guess being a king is in your blood. If you do feel anxious though, you know you can always call on me and I’ll be right by your side,” the Luna tried. If Katie had been in Cole’s situation at the moment, she would have shivered with fear, but he wasn’t... ‘So cool.’

Cole walked up to her and placed a kiss on her lips, “That’s my Luna. I am fine and will continue to be fine, but if you do happen to feel anxious, there is always space for you by my side, darling.”

“So blue... Your eyes, I mean,” the girl blurted out, stunned by his sudden display of affection. The first thing at the top of her mind simply rolled off her tongue.

“So are yours. I see Ashley is with us today,” Cole smiled, cupping her cheek, “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, it has. What about the criminals though? Have you gotten close to catching them?” Katie frowned, leaning into her mate’s touch.

‘Has Cole always been this much of a softie?’ Ashley’s weak voice resounded within her mind. The wolf was mentally purring in response to its mate’s attention. The presence of her wolf, however, made her wonder if Cole ever had to go through the same split personality situation she went through when Ashley was awake. Shelving the question, she tuned out of her mind before the king could notice her wandering mind.

Cole placed another kiss on her lips and returned to preening in the mirror, “They haven’t done anything to draw attention. I guess they are playing this careful. Our trackers, unfortunately, are not as good as you are. The trail always runs cold. Those escaped criminals are that careful, I guess.”

“I’m not a normal wolf, so you can’t blame your trackers. They’re probably doing the best they can,” Katie replied.

The door swung open inviting in the ladies that Katie had now gotten used to seeing, “Cole, that’s enough canoodling for you. Come with me,” the queen barked, pulling the man before he could complain, “It’s good to see you, Katie.” The woman winked at her... ‘I do not like what you might be insinuating...’ the Luna thought to herself but smiled fondly nonetheless.

Cole picked up his coat on the way out and exited, his mother pushing him to move faster with each passing second. Katie was almost sure she heard his wolf whimper, but perhaps it was just her imagination.

When her mate and his mother were finally gone, she regarded the two that had remained. Two of the most important females in her life. Sandra and her adoptive mother, Marie, “Good morning,” she greeted them.

“Good morning, dear. Let’s get you ready,” Aunt Marie replied.

The girl made her second attempt to stand, steeling her nerves as the dizziness returned. This time, she was able to stand her ground and start walking, “You know, Cole could have done that,” she argued.

“I know that, but considering how much time the two of you take when he decides to get you ready, that would be counterproductive,” the woman replied. Katie winced at the memory her mother forced her to remember. Their last day in Brigadia had riled up her father just because he had to wait for hours for her and Cole to meet them in the hotel lobby.

“Katie, are you feeling okay?” Sandra interrupted when she couldn’t hold it in much longer.

“I’m as fine as I’ll ever be, Sandra. Thanks for asking,” Katie smiled, stepping into the bathroom, “Would the two of you just wait for me for a bit? I’ll try to be quick.”


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