The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 322

322 News of a Wounded Sirius

The king was seated in his office, rubbing his temples and not at all on top of things like he usually was, “It’s like the world is trying to implode from the inside out,” the man exclaimed just as the three girls were making an entrance.

“Is something wrong, Father?” Lina called out.

“Yes, Drake. Something is wrong. Well, I’m not sure if I would... wait, Lina, could you please stay in character?” the king exclaimed, finally noticing it was a feminine voice that had referred to him as ‘father.’

“It’s contagious. I can’t help it sometimes,” the girl chuckled, taking her seat in front of the king’s desk. The king took his time before addressing them.

Queen Martha had refreshments brought to the office and served the king. He was oddly tense for a normal meeting. The tension in the room made the suspense worse.

“I’ll get to the point. We rushed your exams because you received an invitation to go to King Cole’s coronation. We have all been invited, but I don’t think we’ll all be able to go, obviously. While we’re there, it would be important that you pay your respects to the departed king of the Lycaon empire,” the king started, drawing a tight-lipped smile. The king wiped his brow, avoiding his daughter’s eyes.

Lina noticed the king’s white knuckles along with all the other nervous ticks she rarely witnessed from the king... he was hiding more than he was letting on, “Dad, what aren’t you telling us?”

“Well, it’s Katie. Beta Alpha Caden reported her condition. She’s not doing well,” the man replied in a low tone. A gasp went through the room. Drake was the only one that didn’t react that way.

“After what she pulled in Lycaon against the rogue king, there were bound to be consequences,” the male sighed.


“That was to be expected and she was hospitalised, but this is different. She was supposed to get better like werewolves always do. What’s even more troubling is that medical tests return claiming she’s perfectly fine and yet she continues to get weaker and weaker as the days go by,” the king’s royal aura wavered. Deep lines of worry appeared on his forehead as he relayed the information.

Drake held back his next reply while Lina’s breath turned uneven. “That’s not all though,” the queen picked up.

“What could be worse than that?” Lina muttered.

“Lycaon is under attack.” When silence was all that greeted her, she continued, “During the rogue king’s escape, there were several prisoners that escaped the dungeons.

These prisoners didn’t leave as everyone had hoped. Instead, they stayed behind and began abducting people and wreaking havoc. As of right now, it is known that they will make an attempt against the empire during the coronation. Their goals are not yet clear, but a recording of one of them revealed this much.”

“This is not good. Katie cannot defend herself if they were to find her,” Lina rushed out.

“Yes, that is true. The future king notified us that her room is guarded at all times and that she doesn’t go anywhere without a skilled escort. It’s not like she can travel that much either,” the queen replied with a sigh.


“Yes, Drake... Oh, sorry, Lina,” giggles rippled through the room.

“I would like to go to Cole’s coronation,” the girl replied.

Madeline trained her eyes on the girl in shock, “Lina, are you sure about that?”

“Yeah... I am. Katie was there for me when I was almost kidnapped. I would like to help her in whatever way I can,” the girl smiled, “I’m also really worried about her. It can’t be easy for her to be... ‘weak’.” The girl scrunched her brows as though she’d tasted something funny... ‘That whole sentence felt wrong.’

“What is that supposed to mean?” Madeline asked. Without ever having the chance to see the hunter, the girl knew little about the person they were talking about.

“I almost forget you weren’t here when she was. Katie is the sister I talk about. She’s... really... really strong,” Lina replied, “And she’s used to protecting everyone that matters to her... or at least... was. The thought of her in a weakened state feels alien to my mind. It must be eating her from the inside out.”

“I’ll have to agree with you on that, Lina,” the queen agreed, “And I would like the whole family to go to Lycaon to give her the support she needs. Alpha Jackson and Alpha Phillip were able to hold the fort when we went to Brigadia, this will be no different.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll be making our way for the capital in two days,” the king announced, noting the final tone in his wife’s voice and ending the purpose of their meeting. In all honesty, it sounded like it was the decision he was hoping they would reach from the beginning.

“What about Bree?” Honour asked.

“We’ll have to keep an eye out for that one. I can tell she has cut herself off from the mind link. Sean hasn’t done so completely, even though we can’t reach him. The two of them are far from the capital now. Knowing him, the girl is safe, but that’s from what I knew of him before all this,” King Davin scrunched his eyebrows.

His opinion on the man was still shifting within his mind, never taking full form. This was the same state of his emotions towards his uncle, “I’m afraid we are stuck on that matter.”

“I’ll check with Bree’s parents and see if I can figure out anything from there,” Drake replied.

“Thank you, Drake. If she kept a diary and happened to leave it behind... Doubtful, but... It wouldn’t hurt if you tried.” With that said, the meeting was closed and the three girls left the room quickly, following Lina’s lead.

The king smiled upon realising her intended destination. ‘I guess you and Crysta will be just fine,’ he thought to himself.

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