The Messenger of Death

Chapter 9: the merging

Chapter 9: the merging

"So she is a genius. How exactly do you want me to help her when accompanying her?"

"Well, the dragon blood that you are going to merge with is what I need help from exactly. You see dragon blood, in it is prominent dominance, and there is almost no bloodline that can suppress it. With you accompanying her many powers will have to think twice before making any kind of move on her. No one on this plain would want to offend a dragon or its successor. It is very rare to see a dragon blood successor." Grace said.

"Then why don't they just merge their blood with your niece?" Alex asked.

"Cause it will reject her. Trying to merge the blood of one primordial beast with another, the chances of that being successful is almost zero. If it becomes successful, then that hybrid will be strong beyond measures.

The universe will most likely not permit that because technically it will be considered an abomination. That is one of the reasons why primordial beasts don't try to crossbreed. It has to be a human or a normal beast. The weaker the blood power of the receiver is, the higher the chances are for a successful merge." Daemon explained.

"With the blood, I really can't be suppressed?"

Alex wanted to confirm, it sounded too good to be true.

"There are levels of how it works. It would be too good to be true if it couldn't be suppressed. The bloodline also works a bit like cultivation. There are different stages, the stages are;

Blood Awakening Stage.

Blood Integration Stage.

Blood Resonance Stage.

Blood Transformation Stage.

Blood Tempest Stage.

"Within every stage, there are 3 levels, the first, the second, and the third level. If you merge with more than half of our blood then you are most likely to be at the third level of the Blood Awakening Stage. A first and second level Blood Integration stage bloodline bearer cannot suppress you." Daemon said.

"What will happen to the remaining blood that I couldn't merge with?"

"It will remain dormant in your body, till you are able to merge with it or pass it down through your seed."

Alex gave a nod to signal that he understood.

"How painful will the merging process be?" He asked

"Don't worry it won't hurt much. You will feel your body getting hotter and stronger. The process of expelling impurities will be uncomfortable though." Voss said.

"Then let us begin, I need to get strong fast." Alex prompted.

"Okay." The Dragnel brothers chorused. Saying so, they raised their hands at the same time and placed it on their chest, just above their heart. They closed their eyes.

Alex felt very nervous, he looked at them feeling a bit impatient. The Dragnel brothers raised their hands from their chest and a thick red glowing drop of blood followed behind...

The blood looked very thick. They turned their hands, making the back of their palms face the ground. The thick red glowing blood hovered above their palms. The three red glowing drops of blood illuminated the whole cave. From their palms, the three drops of blood slowly drew closer.

They revolved around their selves as if they didn't want to intrude on each other's territory. The distance between them was covered slowly.

As they touched the atmosphere around them changed, one side was covered in lightning streaming through the cave and air, another in flames that seemed to burn the air itself, and another was filled with cracks on the air. Like the air was breaking and darkness could be seen inside the cracks.

The amazing phenomenon caused by the three red glowing drops of blood ceased and everywhere became silent and calm again. The three drops of blood combined and became one. It hovered in the air.

"Prepare yourself, Alex, you have to accept it, allow it to flow within your veins," Daemon said.

"Even if I wanted to stop it from flowing in my veins I wouldn't know how to," Alex whispered.

"Let us begin," Granoss said.

The hovering blood moved closer to Alex and he closed his eyes. The blood stopped in front of his chest, he could feel his heartbeat heavily. He suddenly felt something heavy and wet pass through his cloth and skin. Alex could feel the dragon blood going into his body slowly, and he could feel his body temperature increasing.

Soon the dragon blood reached his heart and his heart that had been beating heavily calmed down. It was like he felt safe, the dragon blood gave him the feeling that he couldn't be harmed.

The dragon blood went into his heart and he felt a powerful burst from within his heart, it was so strong that he couldn't describe it. The power started to slowly flow through his veins, Alex felt euphoric at the moment. As he breathed in and out he could feel the quintessential energy of the world.

"Is this what you call QI?" he asked as he opened his eyes.

"Yes, with the power of QI a lot of things are possible. It is with the presence of QI that we are able to become this powerful, and with it comes our nature. It is boundless energy. It is because this energy is scarce in your galaxy that dragons during Earth's ancient history left. Staying in such a place was not beneficial to them." Granoss replied.

Alex shut his eyes once more and this time he could see what was happening on the inside of his body. The way his heart was beating and the vibrations it caused, the way his muscles tensed and unclenched, the way his blood flowed smoothly. Alex saw a vortex in him drawing his blood.

"I can see a vortex in me. Is this part of the merging process?"

"A vortex!?" this time Grace joined in on the chorus.

They looked at each other with a confused look present on their face.

"No, I have never heard of a vortex appearing when anyone is merging with a bloodline. Are you sure that it's a vortex that you are seeing?" Granoss asked.

"Yes, I am very sure that.. ARRGH!!" Alex shouted halfway through his answer.

He fell on his knees, an unbearable pain assaulted him. Alex had never felt such pain.

"What is happening!?" Grace asked, feeling concerned for Alex.

"I'm not sure, it's like something else is absorbing our blood and trying to merge with it," Granoss said

"Could it be his already awakened bloodline is trying to merge with our blood?" Voss asked.

"That should be the case," Granoss answered.

"Wouldn't that mean that if it is successful an abomination would be born?" Voss inquired.

"What do you mean by if? It has to be successful. He is our only hope." Daemon felt annoyed and scared by what Voss had said.

"If he turns into an abomination then the universe will really be against him. But Abomination or not, he is our only hope and the successor of our legacy."

"ARRGH!!!!" Alex screamed in pain.

He opened his mouth again but this time it was not a scream that came out his mouth. He started to vomit a black gooey substance, those were the impurities in his body.

The impurities started to come out of his skin too. He laid on the ground due to the excruciating pain he was feeling. For Alex time seemed to have slowed down. It was like he spent days in this pain. But in reality, only a few minutes had passed.

Finally, he stopped vomiting impurities, and the pain that he had been feeling started to subside.

"Voss, you freaking liar, how is this not painful, you said that it would only be uncomfortable. The whole thing was beyond the word uncomfortable." Alex forced the words out of his mouth as he passed out.

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