The Messenger of Death

Chapter 45: guest inn

Chapter 45: guest inn

"What about Andrea?" Arabella asked.

"What about her?" Alex asked back.

"Do you like her? With your real status and talents, you can have her regardless of the age barriers."

"Huh. No, I don't. I mean she is gorgeous and all that, but I don't like her as much as I think you are thinking." He cleared out.

['Is she jealous or is she trying to play the matchmaker'] Al wondered.

['Why would she be jealous?'] Alex asked.

['Well because she is a woman and secondly, we spent a while in her father's house and you didn't speak to her the same way you were conversing with Andrea.'] Al explained.

['Hmm, sounds reasonable. You know, sometimes you speak like you have a brain.'] Alex complimented but to Al, it was an insult.

['My brain is your brain, fool.']


A while later when the sun had started to go down Andrea left her position and came over to where Arabella and Alex were. "If you are here who's going to hand out the necessities?" Alex questioned.

"The girls are going to do that. We are supposed to take turns in handing them out. I have done my share and now I am free. Do you want me to show you the way to the general dormitory?"

"No, I don't plan to stay there, I would prefer a private place for myself. I like my privacy." Andrea was surprised to hear him say that, while Arabella expected it. She knew that he could afford it.

"Are you aware that you have to have a lot of MPs or ECs if you plan on staying in a rental for the long term?" Andrea wanted to confirm.

"Yes, I am. It's not a problem for me, I do have a sizable amount of ECs on me." He stated nonchalantly.

"Are you sure?" She stared at Alex skeptically. When he said a sizable amount of ECs she thought he was referring to 20 30 LD ECs. She brought her gaze upon Arabella and saw that she wasn't affected by what Alex said.

'Is it that she doesn't care about what he said or she knows that he is capable of it?' Andrea pondered.

"Alright then. You can get a private room at the Severance Guest inn. Most of the customers of the guest inn are usually hunters that hunt the monsters that reside in the forest behind the snow-covered mountain. Few of them are students, the ones that were lucky enough to find a large amount of ECs during an expedition or those that have a lot of MPs.

The Guest inn is also used to accommodate guests from other continents when the school holds a competition." Arabella briefly relayed some of the things she knew about the guest inn.

"Shall we head over there now?" She inquired.

"Sorry, but not yet. I am waiting for a friend of mine. Her little brother, I am taking him along with me." He pointed at Arabella. "Then let us wait for your friend," Andrea said.


Camron had been patiently waiting for his turn to come. He could see Alex and his elder sister chatting from where he was. For some reason, he liked the fact that his sister was talking to his friend. He recalled the moment when Alex was flirting with the lady that saved him from Duna's punch.

'Alex is one hell of a weird guy.'

"Next!" Duna announced. Finally, it was Camron's turn. He gathered his confidence and walked up to the little pillar. He looked at it attentively as he remembered Alex saying something about touching rocks.

'I can't help but feel like that was a sexual innuendo.'

Camron placed his hand on the pillar, he waited for a few seconds then a blackish-purple glow illuminated the small pillar. The Darkness elemental pillar started to glow with the same color of glow that the little pillar gave. He lit up 8 rings.

"Woah!!! Wow!!!" The crowd exclaimed.


Argus appeared out of nowhere. "Your name?" He asked sternly. "Cam...Camron Avanti." He stuttered. "Alright, someone will look for you tomorrow, follow the person's directions," Argus said. He raised his gaze and set it upon Alex who was heading here. His gaze only lasted for while before he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

This happened anytime a talented person is spotted during the test, a staff or teacher would appear out of nowhere and give instructions. There are always people watching.

"A rare gem," Duna said with a grin as he walked up to where Camron was. He stretched his hand to shake Camron's own. "Young friend, what is your name?"

"Camron Avanti." He answered proudly. Duna had his brows raised. "Another Avanti. Wow, a family filled with talented people." Duna uttered slowly.

He wasn't sure of how he should react. Camron's family was someone he should be careful of when approaching. They had a lot of connections and he didn't want to steer any trouble up without his family's permission. And he saw him talking to Alex too.

"Camron, I never knew that you were a rare talent." Alex who just arrived beside Camron complimented.

"Hahaha, please don't say that. I feel like I'm being mocked hearing you say that."

"Congratulations little brother." Arabella gave a toothy grin. She felt very happy for her brother.

"Thank you." He blushed as he replied.

"Congratulations." He heard a third person say. "Miss Andrea, thank you." He blushed harder. "You can drop the formalities, I am a friend of your sister, and also a friend of your friend." She used her eyes to indicate who she was referring to.

"You are a friend of Alex? Since when?" he was surprised to hear that. "Since today." Andrea chuckled.

"Oh. Haha."

'I thought they had known their selves for a while, after all, she did save him from Duna.' Camron thought. "Come with us, you need to get your uniform and badge so that we can head over to where you would be staying." Andrea ushered.

Duna was left there on his own, ignored by them. 'I will deal with you in the general dormitory Alex, I will make this place living hell for you.' Duna swore to himself.

With Andrea's influence, Camron got his badge and his uniform without having to join the line as she was in a hurry to get Alex to the guest inn, just so she could confirm if Alex Was serious about staying there.

She guided them over to the guest inn. Where the inn is located is around a mountain. Like they built the inn inside the mountain and it had some parts extending out. Despite its crude appearance, weirdly, the inn looked unique and appealing to look at.

['This looks like a prison, a fitting match for your orange-colored uniform.'] Al commented.

['I don't care about its appearance, as long as it can offer me my privacy and the freedom that comes with it.']

"This inn has 78 floors. Don't judge a book by its cover. The insides are like another world, thanks to the amazing ability of runes and the brilliance of the architects." Andrea stated.

"Shall we head inside?" she asked Alex. "By all means, yes." He said and started to make his way to the entrance. Alex pushed the metallic door that seemed to be the entrance.


As soon as he stepped in he saw a nice written neon-like light invade his sight.

['Minus 1 star for the unexpected blinding light.'] Al blurted out.

The insides of the inn were just as Andrea had said, it was nothing like it's exterior. It was bright, warm and it looked like they used a lot of money for its maintenance. The floors were tiled with white tiles. There were carpets placed at random spots in the reception, different styles of expensive-looking cushions around. This was only the reception.

['Alex can we just go and get us a camping tent, I mean there's forest everywhere here. who needs rooms when you have the beauty of nature around you. I have a feeling that the rooms here are expensive. Too expensive.'] Al panicked. The view of the reception had turned him paranoid.

['I know that it is expensive, weren't you listening before? I don't care anyway, I'm going to get a room here.']

"Welcome, I am the steward of the evening, how may I help you." A man in a black and white traditional butler suit, and looked like he was in his 30s said with a professional smile present on his face.

"We just want to inquire about the price of the accommodation here," Andrea said.

"If that is all then you can go ahead and meet the receptionist sitting over there. He pointed at the woman that sat down behind a wooden-tiled counter, she had her hair neatly rolled into a bun. She also had an attire similar to the steward's own, but hers was a lot more feminine. They thanked him and made their way over to the receptionist.

The receptionist noticed them heading her way.

'Horny kids, it's just the first day of resumption and they are here to carry out their wild fetish.'

The receptionists judged and concluded based on her experience. She has been working here for over 4 years now. She knows what the students come here to do. They come with just enough MPs or ECs to spend the night.

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