The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

They were astonished by the overwhelming force, scared by the unexpected and unfamiliar attack methods. They shuddered at Davey, whose viciousness was beyond what they could have imagined.

In an instant, the Illuminati's tower controllers suffered damage bringing them close to destruction. They were now at the point where it was difficult for them to even function properly.

Intangible waves swept through them several times, non-lethal while plunging them into desperate confusion and helplessness. Even though the man’s soul Davey was holding onto was already torn into pieces, he squeezed it even more to create stronger waves.

Davey was the only person unaffected in this entire situation. Due to his unexpected and inconceivable attack, everyone else was left in a situation where it wasn’t easy for them to even get up, let alone use mana.

Flop!! Thud!!

Davey threw away the corpse of the man whose soul was torn into pieces, a blue-red hwando appearing before floating into his hand.

Blegh... Blegh!”

Those who realized the severity of the situation belatedly shouted for Davey to stop, but he mercilessly swung his sword.


Only one man survived. When he came to his senses, he saw the members of his organization falling down while bleeding and being devoured by a black fog. At the center of it all was a pair of red eyes, looking at him in silence.

A feeling of eeriness passed through his entire body. Davey appeared no different from an ordinary person—in fact, at first this old man couldn’t even recognize that Davey was using mana. However, as soon as Davey made up his mind and started to unleash his power, the old man had felt the blood in his whole body go cold.

The mana was so vast and ferocious that even suicide squads couldn’t possibly make a dent.


The old man eventually gasped as he looked at Davey who was grabbing his neck. He felt like it was about to snap from the unimaginable strength.

“You... You bastard...! Don't you know how to respect your elders!? You bastard!!”

“It may not seem like it, but I’m actually older than you. You know, when I look at you, there’s one person who comes to mind.”

Davey was thinking of the elf Elder Condae. He wondered if the elder in front of him happened to know him.

Crack... Crack.

His neck slowly broke. A normal person would have died before they could even scream, but for some reason, he didn’t.

“Gaaa!!! Aaaah!”

Davey wondered if it was because the old man was too strong, but there were too many strange things about him to attribute it solely to his ability to endure physical attacks.

Gaa! Ugh... Stop!! Stop!!"

Davey soon realized that he wasn’t the one the old man was yelling at.


There was a small girl standing alone in the sea of blood where everyone had collapsed, looking at the old man. While Davey couldn't figure out when she had first appeared, he could tell she wasn’t human. The girl with hollow eyes was chanting something, but he couldn’t hear what she was saying.

Davey threw the old man to the side and snapped his fingers.


A light breeze blew by and lifted the hood that was obscuring her face.


Davey turned silent for a moment, then spun Super Ribbon and pierced her straight through the old man’s heart.


He was still alive, but that didn’t last for long.

Grrr... Ga...

Super Ribbon eventually cut out the last bit of life he had. He then aged and crumbled within a few moments, almost as if he was a human being who should have died a long time ago but managed to survive up to this point.

With that, everyone had died—it was just Davey and the little girl left.

“The heart...” Davey muttered as he looked at the girl. “I wondered where the heart had gone... So this is where it ended up.”

Even though most of the Death Lord's body was gone, Davey had assumed that her heart, which contained great power, would definitely remain in the world. Seeing the power radiating from the heart inside the girl’s body, fueling her movement and appearance, he was more than convinced that she had the heart of Rho Aias.

“What is this, using you even after you’re dead? They say saving people doesn't mean much, and it seems that saying is true.”

The Death Lord had made countless sacrifices to save the world. She had protected the humans of the world while erasing her existence, but the humans that survived found the remaining parts of her body and made them into weapons.

Ha... Reality sure fucking sucks,” Davey muttered briefly and quickly pulled out a card from the Heavenly Demon’s Card Album.

“Open Tarot card. In the right position.”


Rumble, rumble!!

Then manifestations of huge walls appeared surrounding the girl and Davey, creating a unique space. Once the two were cut off from their surroundings, Davey instantly stabbed Super Ribbon toward her without hesitation.


The girl reflexively unfolded something, but Super Ribbon pierced through her barrier like a piece of paper, eventually reaching her heart.



After destroying her heart, Davey pulled out Super Ribbon, hoping that he had destroyed the Death Lord’s heart for good. But the feeling of piercing his first love's heart with his own hands was unsettling.

“This feels like shit.”

All he could think about was how it felt worse than he expected. Even so, not doing anything to this heart was also something he wouldn’t be able to endure.

[Father... don’t be sad...]

Super Ribbon consoled him with a bitter voice. She only called Davey by Father with a sad voice when she comforted him.

"I’m alright,” Davey muttered in a low voice, then shook off the blood on Super Ribbon.

The girl in front of him was not a human, a golem, or a homunculus. She had someone else’s heart transplanted into her. With a newly revived heart transplanted into her dead body, she literally became the power itself as a container for the essence of the Death Lord.

Hm. This should be the end of the Illuminati, right?”

Of course, Davey knew there would be survivors here and there, but an organization without its control tower would not last long before dividing and crumbling to pieces. The rest would be left for the beings of this earth to take care of.

What was important now was to get rid of the last traces of the Death Lord that the Illuminati had left behind. The last of those traces was, of course, the little girl in front of him. He did not expect the heart, which could easily be considered the Death Lord’s best artifact, would be immediately shattered by Super Ribbon.

“Though Super Ribbon also has strange authorities.”

The little girl’s body was still a corpse. However, as he saw her quickly recover, he extracted the spirit from the old man’s body whose soul had not yet escaped.

"Hey. What on earth did you make?”

- Ugh? What in the... Gasp! Soul extraction?! You disgusting bastard! You even mastered dark magic and yet you call yourself a saint?

“Black magic was originally created to study the human body, not for twisted maniacs like you to cause despair and torment others with.”

Some that had no clue what they were getting themselves into would say something like that when they learned dark magic.

- Bullshit! The core of devil mana is fear and despair! You’re a bastard that doesn’t even know the basics...!

If the devil mana could hear what he said, it would have already run amok.

“Even though devil mana has ferocious qualities, that doesn’t mean it’s the source of despair and fear. Idiot,” Davey said, sighing calmly.

"I’m not surprised at what happened, considering that y’all took her inheritance without knowing her wish in the first place.”

- Hmph! Even you won’t be able to harm that girl easily. That girl’s heart was replaced with the heart of the real Death Lord, something that our organization spent a long time searching for! Her powers haven't awakened yet... But she hasn’t died, by any means!

His soul screamed while looking at the girl standing with an expressionless face.

“She’s an Absolute Shield. Do you think you can kill her?”

Davey sighed at his shout.

“I don’t think I have to even look into why such a great artifact is in the hands of people who aren’t even commanders.”

But if her heart was really the Death Lord's heart, Davey figured it was time to use it.

As Davey saw her revive as if nothing happened after being stabbed by Super Ribbon, he could tell that he wasn’t going to be able to kill her by any regular means.

"That... hurts...” the girl muttered quietly.

“So you do feel pain.”

Davey figured she wasn’t an emotionless being at first—various experiments she had to go through must have worn away all her emotions.

“Those vicious bastards.”

After putting Super Ribbon away, he took out a skull-shaped wand from the Pocket Plane and activated it with devil mana.

- Ha... Hehehe! Are you trying to use dark magic against the incarnation of the Death Lord?!

Davey muttered, ignoring the spirit. “No, I’m not going to use black magic.”

In fact, he had no intention of fighting her in the first place.

- Hmph! What else are you going to do, other than killing her?

"Grow, quickly."

Then his eyes became the size of saucers.

- What... What is this?!

“You didn’t transplant the heart thinking that a mere human could contain the power of the almighty Death Lord, right?”

The heart unleashed its suppressed power to protect its host, and then...


The girl went down as her heart was overloaded.

"Thanks. I had to get the heart back no matter what, even if it meant giving up on other parts of the Death Lord’s body.”

‘It’s mine now. That means I can do whatever I want with it,’ Davey snickered. [1]

He then kicked away the spirit that was gaping with astonishment. He also dispelled the Colosseum. He had set up walls around her in case she went on a rampage, but now he discovered it wasn’t necessary for him to do so. He then glanced around the heliport that had turned silent before using dig magic to bury all the corpses in the ground.

There was something he had wanted to ask the Illuminati, but now with them completely destroyed he figured there was no need.

“Kain, how’s the Absolute Gem ritual preparation going?”

- It's difficult to pull it off here, I think we need to go back to Tionis for the preparation.

Davey shook his head.

“No. Do it here.”

- Okay? But we don’t have enough strength...

“I just so happened to get my hands on something incredible.”

The Heart of Aias. It took the form of a red gem instead of a real human heart, resembling a mana stone.

“With this much energy, now there won’t be any problem activating the gem.”

Davey made plans to extract the power imbued in the heart to the Absolute Gem and then hide the heart in a place where no one would ever be able to find it, an eternal resting place. He knew this would be good enough.

Davey called in the four divine beasts that were rampaging through Singapore. He then warped to Asgard, noticing that although it had already been attacked once, the damage didn’t seem to be significant. Everyone was out on the deck clearing away the mutant corpses, except for Verdandi who was suppressing Urd.

Davey handed the Death Lord's heart to Kain, who was waiting for him.

“If you drop this, I’m going to kill you. Treat it with care, or else.”

“What is this...? Huh?! What... What is this?!”

“I saw it on the ground on my way here.”

Davey knew Katshi would recognize the seriousness of the situation and come after it, but that didn’t matter to him. After all, he had already won.

“Davey, what is that?”

“The heart of the Death Lord.”

Perserque made a surprised face at his answer before she quickly changed to a stern face.

“Davey, are you angry?” she asked cautiously.

He then answered with a smile on his face. “Yeah. I'm angry. To the point that I want to destroy everything.”

He was already mad about what they did with the other parts of the body , but the things they did with the heart made him even more furious.

“To be honest, I want to tear them all apart and kill them with my bare hands without using the Absolute Gem.”

However, Davey knew that would unfortunately cause untold destruction, so he had to control himself.

“How’s the ritual going?”

“Once we use the tremendous power contained in this heart, we will be able to do it right here, right now. But we will need... at least two people to use this power...”

“I can be one, and Rinne can be the other.”

Rinne already had experience of applying the power of the Death Lord to herself. Both of the only beings in the world who were capable of imitating Rho Aias’s power were here.

“So then can we do it or not.”


“Then start already.”

Kain activated the Absolute Gem—the sacred item that would end this fight. Perserque smiled slightly as she watched the gem activate.

1. This line is a reference to a Korean meme where a news reporter claims someone’s car is theirs after filling out paperwork that allows them to use loopholes in Korean law. ☜

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