The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 139.2

Chapter 139.2

Qiao Yues face was still gloomy.

Seeing this, all the generals knew they couldnt continue this banquet anymore. They were almost drunk, so they got up by two or three, holding each other out, and dispersed without notice.

The only people left in the hall were Qiao Yue, Qiao Ping, and Zhang Pu.

Zhang Pu coughed and threw a wink at Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue finally forced a smile and said, Fine. As an elder, how can I still be ignorant like Cier?

Qiao Ping thanked him.

Thinking of his sons angry departure, he was worried and said, Its late. Elder Brother has drunk a lot of wine, so why dont we rest early?

Qiao Yue said: Second brother, wait. Youve been busy, and its been a long time since you and I have had the time to sit down and drink like we did tonight. I wanted to take this opportunity to toast you.

Zhang Pu picked up a wine jug on his table, filled a cup for Qiao Ping, and offered it with both hands.

Qiao Yue raised his glass and said, The battle of Juye was a great victory for Yanzhou, thanks to the work of my second brother. I want to offer you a toast.

Qiao Ping was stunned, but he took it and drank the wine in his cup.

Zhang Pu filled his cup again.

I am aware of my mediocrity. These years, Yanzhou has todays situation, all thanks to the hard work of the second brother. I am grateful but also feel embarrassed. This second cup, Ill cheers!

Although between them there are often arguments because of different views, at this moment, when Qiao Ping saw his eldest brothers words were sincere and remembered their painstaking efforts all these years that finally had results, his heart felt a lot of emotion, bowed and said: Brother, please do not praise me. What could I have done with my strength if it were not for your tolerance? Im the one who should toast to my elder brother. After saying this, he drank again.

Qiao Yue seemed touched, raised a third glass of wine, and said, Very good. From now on, if you and I are of one mind, we can accomplish anything!

Qiao Ping nodded his head and again drank the wine in his cup.

After three cups, Qiao Ping was about to leave, but Qiao Yue said: Wait a little longer. I have one more thing to say to the second brother.

Please speak, elder brother.

I have decided to support the emperor of Han and sever the ties with the traitor Xing Xun!

Qiao Ping was astonished: Liu Yan? Why didnt you say anything about this?

Qiao Yue said slowly, What do you mean by that? Do I have to ask for your permission to do something?

Qiao Ping felt uneasy, and the wine he had just drunk suddenly seemed to be rolling around in his belly, burning his heart and lungs. His forehead and back were hot and sweaty in a flash.

I dont mean that! I think its right to sever the ties with Xing Xun, but please think twice about joining Liu Yan! The situation in the world is not yet clear. Yanzhou can protect itself for now. I suggest to wait and see. Not join Langya.

Qiao Yue snorted: Second brother, do you think I do not know what you think in your heart? You still want to lean on Wei Shao to get a share of his pie in the future. I advise you, do not hope for anything else! Now that Xing Xun and Le Zheng Gongs allied forces restrain Wei Shao in the Yellow River, he hardly protects himself. You expect him to protect my Qiao family in the future? Liu Yan is the rightful Han emperor, and the world supports him. Even Yuan Zhe openly supports him! Our Qiao family was loyal and virtuous. We have protected people here for many generations. Now we follow the situation to support Liu Yan. How is this a rash move?

Qiao Ping suddenly felt tightness in his chest, and his vision turned dark. Trying to calm his mind, he said, Brother, has it ever occurred to you that our Qiao family is related to the Wei family by marriage? Wei Shao is in a difficult situation, and I should have sent troops to help. Even if were not, there should not be any rash action at this time! Your decision is like throwing a stone into a well. Where do you want to put my daughter?

Qiao Yue said coldly: Second brother, you are saying that you want to tie my Yanzhou and Qiao familys life and death to Wei Shao? Wei Shaos life is now in danger, and even if he escapes this disaster, there are only two ways out. Either worship Liu Yan as emperor or stand on his own. If he worships Liu Yan as emperor, my decision today coincides with his, so why dont you nod your head? If he establishes himself as a great emperor, what is the difference between him and the traitor Xing Xun? If he became convicted of treason, our family would be affected. How would I face my ancestors? As for my niece, at that time, she was forced to marry the Wei family because of the situation, and you were also full of reluctance. Then, it is not too late to mend the fold. In my opinion, why not take the opportunity to bring her back so that the two families are completely separated and save you from being involved in the future!

Qiao Ping couldnt hold back and became furious: I cant obey your words! Since you have said it to this point, I will say it straight! You decided to join Liu Yan because you were certain Wei Shao would lose this battle. You were afraid Liu Yan condemned you, so you were eager to clear your name. The marriage between the Qiao and Wei families was your intention. Now, due to the slightest hint of trouble, you want to renege on your promise! What is the difference between such behavior with the grass on the wall (*)?

(*)T/N: , Chinese vocabulary, contemporary words, pinyin pronounced as qing tu co, a metaphor for a person who is good at changing positions according to the situation.

Qiao Yue got furious: How dare you talk to me like that? Do you still see me as your brother? Dont forget that I am the head of the Qiao family and the governor of Yanzhou!

Qiao Ping said, I also know that if brothers fight against each other, a great disaster will come. But this is not something I would agree to! I advise you not to underestimate Wei Shao. Even if he is at a disadvantage now, he may not necessarily lose the battle at the Yellow River! The scouts I sent out earlier have not been able to return, and the information we know now is only half a month old. The battle is changing rapidly, and the actual situation is still unknown. I am still waiting for news. I advise you, might as well have more patience, dont do something stupid that makes the enemy happy and harm the relatives!

Qiao Yue looked gloomy.

Wei Shaos troops are already inferior to Xing Xun. With support from Le Zheng Gong, he suffered defeats at Gaotang. Hence, he retreated to Muye. The Allied forces would have destroyed him if not for the cold weather. How can he have the opportunity to turn defeat into victory? I have no children, and I treat Cier as if he were my son. Did I do this for my own sake? Its for Yanzhou! You dont have to say anymore. Ill tell you the truth. Ive already submitted the letter to Langya! You cant say anything more about this matter!

Qiao Ping suddenly felt tightness in his chest. His vision blurred, and feel countless needles stabbing his eyes. Alarmed that something was wrong, he sternly shouted: You drugged my wine - His eyes suddenly couldnt longer see things.

Furious, Qiao Ping overturned the table in front of him. With the remaining impression of the position, he drew his sword and stabbed Zhang Pu. The blade slashed Zhang Pus shoulder. He screamed and fell to the ground.

Qiao Ping waved his sword again to kill him, but the drug was kicking in. The long sword shook and fell to the ground, accompanied by the owner.

With the last bit of consciousness that remained, he gritted his teeth and hissed: Brother, Yanzhou might be ruined by your hand

Qiao Yue was trembling and watched as Qiao Ping gradually stopped struggling on the ground. He ran up to him to check his nostrils and was relieved to see that he had only passed out. Then he turned around and shouted: What medicine did you put in the wine? Why cant he see with his eyes?

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