The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 135.1

Chapter 135.1

In the western suburbs of Luoyang, there was a royal palace called Wu Yan Palace, which has long since fallen into disrepair. Dirt, grass, cobwebs, and dust filled the deserted Wu Yan Palace.

The poor Han Emperor, Liu Tong, who had been a puppet emperor since he was seven, never got a days peace of mind. In the past, due to Xing Xuns threat, he spent his days in fear and trembling. Then, he was forced to abdicate the throne and transferred to this cold palace. Xing Xun still retained his life, but it was only a cover for the world to see. Eventually, he will kill him. The few surviving close servants by his side spent their days in fear and misery. After coming here shortly, he fell ill, but how to ask the doctor for medicine? Its just a self-inflicted death.

In the first month of the following year, the sky was cold while the ground was freezing. Liu Tong had been imprisoned here for several months. He was so sick that he knew nothing about the outside world. On this day, Liu Tong and his servant, Song Qing, were weeping when they suddenly heard a chaotic shouting interspersed with the sound of swords from outside. Thought that Xing Xun had sent people to kill him, he shivered with fear. Song Qing carried him to the back garden to flee, but within a few steps, they heard the sound of chasing behind him. They fell to the ground, and Liu Tong closed his eyes and waited for the swords to kill them, only to hear a voice shouting: Your Majesty, do not be afraid! We are here to save Your Majesty from imprisonment!

Liu Tong opened his eyes and recognized that they were Marquis Wang Ba and Minister Dong Cheng.

After Xing Xun usurped the throne last year and raised his slaughter knife, Wang Ba dared not speak out, only bowing down with the crowd. Later, he knew that the emperor was imprisoned in Wu Yan Palace, with only three or two close attendants by his side. He had always been good friends with Dong Cheng, the minister. A few days ago, he secretly met Dong Cheng, who said that Xing Xun would kill the emperor shortly. Wang Ba then made up his mind and secretly dispersed his family first. Today, he led dozens of his loyal guards, broke into the deserted palace, killed the guards, and came to rescue the emperor.

Wang Ba and Dong Cheng both knelt and greeted him: Xing Xun, that old thief has acted against heaven, and the gods are outraged! I learned that the old thief wanted to harm Your Majesty, so I took this opportunity to rescue Your Majesty from imprisonment. Your Majesty may first go to the Yong Land to join the clan and then send a message to call the worlds lords to serve you and protect our Han dynasty!

Liu Tong was only a weak young boy. How can he resist? Without any idea of his own, he was carried out of the palace by Wang Ba. Seeing a dozen corpses of the palace guards fall on the ground, he knew that Wang Ba and Dong Cheng were loyal to the Han family. Under their protection, his heart slightly settled.

Unexpectedly, not a stones throw away, the pursuers came from the direction of Luoyang. The Northern Palace Guard, Xu Jian, led two hundred pursuers to catch up.

Wang Ba and Dong Cheng escorted Liu Tong to flee westward along the wilderness path. Only a few dozen miles after escaping, the pursuers had already arrived and had them cornered. Shortly, Xu Jian arrived with his sword in a murderous spirit. Wang Ba was not afraid and protected the crying Liu Tong. He angrily scolded Xu Jian for being a lapdog and sobbed: My 400 years of Han Dynasty has fallen by the hands of the old thief! Although I lost my life here today, I am still a loyal subject!

When Wang Ba cried, Dong Cheng looked anxious, looking left and right as if waiting for someone.

Xu Jian, who couldnt care less, took his sword and caught Wang Bas collar. Before his sword could fall, an arrow suddenly came from behind him, hitting Xu Jian in the back of his heart, and he fell dead on the spot.

Wang Ba thought he would die here today but met a turning point and saw a group of soldiers and horses without banners coming out from a diagonal direction. The leader was a 24 or 25 years old young man, wearing a red helmet with dragon pattern armor and a strong horse underneath. His handsome face was like a crowned jade, galloping towards his direction. He couldnt help but freeze.

After seeing that Xu Jian was shot dead and a team of men came out from the side, the Northern Palace guards resisted for a while and then fled.

The young man dismounted and strode towards Wang Ba and Dong Cheng.

Wang Ba, who had come back from the dead, was incredulous. He did not recognize this man and was in doubt. The young general arrived before him and bowed to Liu Tong, who was still sitting on the ground and said, I am Liu Yan from Langya. I am late to save you! His Majesty was frightened, and I deserve to die!

Wang Ba never thought that Liu Yan, the king of Langya, would be like a god descending from the sky to save his people from danger. He went up to pay his respects.

Liu Yan said: Although I lived in Langya, I have heard about Marquis Zhuodu of the Han Dynasty. Please, dont despise me. I would have liked to live in peace, but Xing Xun rebelled against the heavens, and the peoples grievances seethed. I also learned that he imprisoned His Majesty in the cold palace. I was sad and angry. As a son of the Han family, how can I turn a blind eye? I grasp this opportunity to come to the rescue, and God has an eye to let us meet here!

Wang Ba was overjoyed. Dong Cheng also got up to see Liu Yan. Several people hurriedly discussed. Liu Yan sighed and said, The old thief has left guards in Luoyang. He will surely come after Your Majesty if he knows he has escaped. This place is not safe. Why not follow me quickly and hit the road, we will go to Langya first, and then we can discuss the matter in the long run.

Wang Ba and Dong Cheng agreed, picked up Liu Tong, then a group of people hurried towards the east. To avoid the chasing soldiers, they disguise themselves, eat and sleep in the wilderness, taking a circuitous route, inevitably suffering many hardships.

Liu Tong was originally sick for a long time, and after some fright, he fell seriously ill on the road.

On this day, they finally arrived at Yangdu, only a few days away from Langya. In the morning, Liu Yan, Wang Ba, Dong Cheng, and the others were outside the room waiting for Liu Tong to get up and go on the road. After a long waiting, they entered the room only to see the young emperor had died last night. It was unknown when his breath had stopped. The people were horrified and looked at each other, howling.

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