The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady

Chapter 37 - Syltina And Tedla - I

Hey, Ill be off to somewhere for a bit.


Roger. See you later.



Tedla raised a confused voice, as he slowly waved to Alhart who had disappeared into the crowd as soon as they entered Fiminan.

Um, where has Alhart-san gone to?

I was told we have an old friend in this town, so he went to meet him for a bit.

An old friend

He will be meeting us later, so until then, lets get some shopping done.

Ah, yes.

Tedla looks around and tilts his head as he follows Syltina around as she walks through the crowd while looking at the shopping list.

Doesnt it seem like there are fewer people compared to yesterday?

Well, if you think about the uproar yesterday, then thats a given.


It was a plan that Kuro, Tyr, and I hatched. I had Kuro transform into a demon.

Ahh, so, thats why.

It was just supposed to bring the Saintess fake composure down a notch, but, as soon as the demon appeared, she looked like she wanted to get out of there fast, didnt she? Were the only ones who know that yesterday was a fake though.

From there, they were silent for a while.

Syltina shops according to the shopping list as Tedla follows her around.

The ice was broken when they were halfway done with the shopping.

Lets take a short break.


An alley slightly removed from the main road. Syltina sat on one of the wooden crates as was her habit. In turn, Tedla also sat down on the nearest crate in the same way after setting down their baggage first.

What are you people planning?

Tedla, who seemed to be thinking about something while looking down, quietly asked.

Oddly enough, it was the same question that Frackt threw at Alhart the previous day.

Why are you asking such a thing?

Syltina asks, even as her body language reflected that she was not even the least interested.

However, the sharp glint dwelling in her eyes seemed as if she were ready to eliminate an enemy if need be.

Ive been thinking about it for a long time. The reason why you took on being the Saintess escorts.

Tedla spoke as he cast his eyes downward once again as if avoiding Syltinas gaze.

Thats because a request came.

Yes, I understand that but

He remembers the exchange that took place in the castle several months ago.

You have not asked for the Kings life.


A sword-like glint dwells in her narrowed eyes.

At that time, that place, you swore in front of the King. Thats why I did not become suspicious. However, thinking carefully, you said that a request from the guild came when you accepted it. You never asked for the Kings life.

I didnt notice it at first since you said it was to escort the Saintess, but what youre carrying out right now is the guild request, isnt it? Then, who in the world would make such a request? What was the reward? What were the details? That time when you pledged your oath, who was it actually intended for?


Syltina abruptly chuckled.

It seems like youre apparently less objectionable than the Prince and the Saintess, huh!

Less objectionable?

It means theres still some hope for you. But,

Syltina leans over and brings her face closer to Tedlas.

She seemed to be smiling, but that smile never reached her eyes.

By voicing that doubt, have you never considered the impact that it would have on you?


Did you actually think I would answer you honestly and not feed you with lies?

Thats what we call stupid.

B-but nothing will happen if I dont ask. No matter how dangerous it might be, even if perhaps you fed me lies, if I didnt ask in the first place, then it will end just like that.

I dont want that, Tedla thought, clenching his fist.

Ive had enough of pretending not to know anything, pretending not to understand, stopping my thoughts up to a point, and getting swept away just like that and then regretting it later.

So, I ask if I have any doubts. Even if the risk is high, I will still ask if you are the only one who knows the answer. Even if I am lied to and led astray, then I will just accept it as it is. So, with that resolution, I am asking you now.

Tedla declared, looking straight at Syltinas eyes.

Maintaining eye contact with Tedla for a few seconds, Syltina deeply exhales and returns to sit back in her original place.

I understand your resolve. Lets just forget that I called you a fool. But, unfortunately for you, I only have one thing to say about your query.

One, Syltina smiles again, raising an index finger close to her face.

Youll understand eventually.

Syltina ends the conversation with that and stands up to take the luggage.

P-please wait! When is eventually? What exactly are you intending to do at the time when you said that I will understand?

Thats why I said youll understand everything eventually. But, yeah, lets just say that it will be by the time this journey ends.

By the time the journey ends..?

Thats right. And then, you will have to make a choice when that time comes.

Make a choice?

Yes. At. That. Time. You will have to choose.

What kind of choice?

About you.

About me?

Yes. And remember how very lucky you are that you can choose.


Some people arent even given a choice. . Well, its about time Al meets up with us, so lets get some more shopping done while were at it.

Syltina finally ends the conversation by walking again as Tedla follows her in a hurry.

Oh, right. When you entertained that doubt, was it because you talked to the Saintess and the Prince about it?

No. Honestly, even if I talk to them, its a little

Syltina easily imagined the words following Tedlas ambiguous comment.

And, because she could easily imagine such a thing, she was truly astonished by the people who never realized how foolish they were even now.

A wise decision.

Ahh, umm, just one more thing! What youre trying to do, is it to save the country? Or

Syltina stopped and turned around at Tedlas question.

Me? Save this country?

Tedlas breath hitched and immediately shook his head from left to right at Syltinas blunt response.

Until the time comes, dont unnecessarily stick your nose in our business. Otherwise, you wont be able to make a choice again.

That was a solid warning.

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