The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 1: Hero's Scar

Chapter 1: Hero's Scar

A very long time ago.

At the time of the outbreak of the Seventeen Kings War, a war between the entire world and the Demon King, seventeen brave men were chosen.

There were seventeen, one from each country in the world.

It is said that here in the kingdom of Huglia, the Holy Knight Histoa Huglia the prince at that time took up the sword and boldly stood up to the demon king.

The battle between the heroes and the Demon king was fierce, and more than half of them died in the battle.

Histoa was lucky enough to survive, but he returned home with one arm and one leg missing.

It was from that point.

The descendants of the royal families of the seventeen countries that participated in the Seventeen Kings war would occasionally have children who were missing something.

It could be one arm, one leg, a finger, or an ear.

It could be both eyes, the light in the eyes, emotions, or even taste.

It is said to be a curse left behind by the demon king, and although there are various interpretations in each country at least in the Kingdom of Huglia, it is called the heros scar and is revered.

Those with this scar became the crown prince if their status was close to the crown prince, then became the king or the queen, and led the people.

But that is now a thing of the past.

For the past hundred years or so, no one with the Heros Scar has been seen.

Until a baby boy was born into the Gurion family.

Kunon Gurion.

That was the boys' name, and from the moment he was born, he had no light in his eyes.

The royal family of Huglia celebrated greatly.

He was the first child in almost a hundred years to have a heros scar.

But it didnt matter to the boy himself.

He cant see.

He couldnt see anything.

He couldnt see his parents faces.

He couldnt see his brothers kind face.

He couldnt see beautiful things, He couldnt see light or dark, He couldnt see a single thing.

The scars of a noble hero?

Who cares about that.

The fact that you cant see doesnt make you happy or anything, it just makes you resent your own misfortune, resent your parents for giving you this kind of birth, resent the demon king of the past and the hero.

When Kunon was a baby, the king came all the way to the mansion to say a few words to him, but when he was informed of this, he could only feel anger.

What a blessing, he said.

The people around me were very kind.

My parents are kind, my brother is kind, the maidservants are kind.

However, he was able to hear many voices.

Maybe its because he couldnt see, his hearing has developed to compensate for that.

I dont care about the voices anymore.

No matter what they say, I cant do anything about it because I cant see what I cant see. In the first place, there is no one who is directly throwing things at me, so I can just pretend not to hear them.

The problem is sighs.

Sighs often show our emotions.

Sighs of pity for Kunon, sighs of disappointment, sighs of frustration.

All those countless times he heard the sighs, it pierced Kunons heart more deeply than a heartless voice.

I cant see, I cant move on my own, Im a hassle to others.

I cant live on my own.

At the age of seven, when he had come to fully understand this, an emblem of water appeared on Kunons body.

The emblem is a sign that you contain magical power.

Apparently, Kunon can use water magic.

While his parents and brother were rejoicing What about it? muttered Kunon in a voice that no one could hear.

So what?

It was Kunons honest feeling.

No matter what happens, I cant see, I cant do anything by myself, and I cant go anywhere.

No matter what I have, it will be meaningless.

Kunon, who has been in the dark for as long as he can remember, has already found it hard to live.

It is scary to not be able to see.

He was afraid of the emotional sighs of others.

The number of times he had fallen and injured himself was too many to count, even at the age of seven.

And on top of that


Milica, who is probably right in front of me, is letting out a sigh.

Milica Puglia.

She was the ninth princess of the Kingdom of Huglia, two years older than Kunon, and nine years old.

Shes a royal bride that Kunon didnt even know existed.

Although they greeted each other at the meeting, Milica was clearly disappointed in Kunon and let out a sigh.

Thats probably true, Kunon thought.

Who knows if its a heros scar or what, but the truth is hes just a blind man.

Milica, too, was only decided by the kings order, and there was no way she had any will of her own. Who would prefer to choose someone like him?

It was a small sigh, but Kunon could hear it.

He can hear it.

In that sigh, there was a clear sense of dissatisfaction.

She even became mean to me when we met too often.

your highness?   Milica, your highness?

When I was strolling in the Gurion family garden with Milica supporting me, she disappeared or so it seemed and then quietly moved away.

Kunons hearing and sense of presence have developed to compensate for his non-existent sight.

To be honest, he can at least tell what kind of movement a layman in his vicinity is making.

He could tell when Milica is moving away without making a sound, he can tell where she is going, and he can tell where she is now that she is close by.

what a troublesome person, he thought.

Thats the thing, this is Gurions garden.

He does have a walking stick, and he can usually tell where he is by the smell of the plants and the air flowing around him.

He has lived here for seven years, so even if he cant see her, he can at least remember where the garden is.

He thought about just going back to the mansion, but if thats what Milica wanted, he decided to pretend to be desperately looking for her.

If thats what she wants, Ill do it.

She had come all this way for me.

Oh, what a pain in the ass, he thought.

With the appearance of the water emblem, magic training became a part of Kunons daily life.

The number of tutors increased.

In addition to the tutor who can read to him about things, a water magician teacher has joined the team.

  Yes, yes, thats right, dont forget the feeling.

Something in me is decreasing, something is happening around me, and the tutor praises me for it.

But Kunon, who cannot see the changes, has only a vague idea of what is happening.

Without any real sense of success or failure, he just does as he is told.

One day, after about three months of such a routine, Kunon was awakened.

What kind of magic am I using now?

He was completely uninterested, but he wanted to know what he was doing, so he asked.

The magic teacher gave him an unexpected answer.

Its about the size of an eyeball.

There are several balls of water floating around him, and they are about the size of eyeballs apparently.

Kunon was awakened by a casual, almost gibberish comment from his magic tutor.

It was a shock that he had never felt before, and it shook him to the core.

From the depths of his heart, a strong desire that he had thought would never come true no matter how much he prayed, rushed up to the top of his head, burning his heart.

Thats right. I can try to make an eye ..outside.

The magic power is something you possess, and magic is something you use your magical power and send out something.

Magic power is directly connected to the body.

There is also a connection between magic power and magic.

If thats the case, why dont I use magic to create an eyeball so I can see?

Not this useless thing of mine, but Is there a way to use magic to gain sight.

Can I do that?

Is that even possible?

No. I will do it. I have to.

Its not about whether I can or cant.

I have to do it. Absolutely.

This was the first time Kunon, who had been unable to even see the meaning of life, let alone see his vision, had a strong desire to do so.

No, its a longing hes had since he can remember.

He wanted to see his family.

He wanted to see the scenery.

He wants to see everything.

Its a natural thing for someone else, but he wants it so badly he cant stand it.

This is how Kunon became devoted to magic.

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