The Mafia Empire

Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Meeting Again

Prosecutor Dormier also remarked that trauma cannot cause someone to completely forget a certain period of time. Moreover, the way Morris died doesn't seem like something a girl who had just be raped would be capable of.

Therefore, Prosecutor Dormier believes Nasha is lying, concealing the most critical evidce, and suspects this might have be a premeditated murder."

Julian casually tossed the newspaper onto the table. He couldn't help but admire Kevin. The title of "famous lawyer" wasn't just giv carelessly. Kevin had a clear understanding of how Prosecutor Dormier would react and think, which explained why there wasn't a case in Ternell that Kevin couldn't win.

Wh Kevin first proposed his plan, Julian thought there was some risk involved. But now, it seemed that Kevin might as well be some kind of demon.

Of course, spding a thousand dollars was for peace of mind. From here on, it was up to Kevin to handle things. If he failed, his whole career would be over, and that was why Julian felt reassured.

Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. According to the plan, his thirty thousand bottles of alcohol should already be in the temporary warehouse at the station. Per his agreemt with the suppliers, he needed to pay the deposit, and in the blink of an eye, over two thousand dollars were gone. The three major suppliers had no complaints about receiving only a t perct deposit.

After all, they were the ones begging Julian to buy their products. Ev if they sold half and got paid later, they wouldn't have said anything.

Besides, wh supplying in such large quantities, only paying a deposit was standard practice.

Thus, thirty thousand bottles of alcohol siltly tered the temporary warehouse at the station. Perhaps t days ago, Julian hadn't imagined that in just half a month, his business could grow so large.

That was a deal worth a hundred thousand dollars!

"Yes, good, good, lift it a bit more... there, don't move!" Following Julian's instructions, the boys hoisted the parts of a large distiller and began assembling them piece by piece. They might not know what these things were, and they didn't need to know. All they needed to understand was that these items were valuable.

Under the powerful lure of money, the warehouse was quickly built. This warehouse didn't need luxurious or high d finishes, it only needed to be watertight, windproof, and raised a foot off the g. With such simple requiremts and everyone working together, it was quickly completed.

Once these distillers were assembled, they could start bringing in low proof alcohol in batches, distilling it into high proof liquor for sale.

The untold wealth lying ahead filled Julian with ergy.

After assembling two distillers with the boys from the Fellowship association, Dave, who had be watching from outside, finally stepped in. He walked over to Julian and whispered something in his ear. Julian wiped the dust from his hands with a towel and instructed everyone to assemble the other distillers in the same way as the first two. Th, he turned and left the warehouse.

As they walked, Dave said, "Our people have tracked down the whereabouts of the Hu family. After arriving at the location, they captured them, and they've just returned. They're now in Warehouse T." Warehouse T was the last one built, just completed yesterday, and hadn't yet be varnished.

Julian nodded and said, "Good job." He didn't say another word as they walked.

Originally, he had giv the Hus ,800 dollars because he still had a shred of mercy in his heart. He believed that a person should keep some sse of deccy and kindness. He could have waited until Hu was completely desperate to buy the ranch, which would have saved him the ,800 dollars and the additional ,000 dollar consulting fee.

His thought process was simple: ,800 dollars, plus whatever valuables the family might still have, would probably bring them another 00 dollars, making ,000 dollars in total.

With ,000 dollars, whether they borrowed from relatives or frids, finding an extra 00 dollars wouldn't have be impossible. He had left them a way out, offering them a final glimmer of hope, because he wasn't yet the ruthless person from his dreams. But he had never imagined that this act of kindness would bring him so much trouble.

As he prepared to face the Hu family again, Julian's emotions were complex and hard to describe. There was some awkwardness, some restmt, and a bit of confusion.

He pushed op the warehouse door, and the distinctive smell of fresh wood wafted out. Bright light slowly poured into the warehouse, allowing Julian to see the Hu family, tied up together. He stood with his back to the sunlight, his tire face hidd in shadow, and the people inside the warehouse couldn't see his expression.

Julian walked from the sunlight into the dark world of the warehouse, allowing Hu's family to finally see who had tered. Hu let out a visible sigh of relief, and his wife and daughter visibly relaxed as well.

Something seems off about this script?

Actually, it was unfolding as expected. Wh Hu first returned to his family's small, rundown home, a group of youths had pounced on him like wolves. They wielded knives, tied him up, and covered his head with a dark, opaque hood. As the black hood dropped over his vision, he recalled the past, reflected on the prest, and imagined the future, suspecting he might not have long to live.

Hu was older and well expericed, ough to know that only two types of people used such black hoods. The first was judicial officers, who would put these hoods on prisoners, fit them with heavy shackles, and prepare the noose. It was said that people could still hear the snap of their own necks before their lives faded away.

The second type of person was gang members. Wh a black hood covered someone's head in their world, it meant the gang had stced them to death.

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