The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 182: She's going to be mad.

Chapter 182: She's going to be mad.

A few days passed after Yun's sleepover and Haru developing the pills that he wanted to create with the teeth he had taken from Erstin and coming up with a plan of what to do with the dragon situation. They would have to visit Changbai mountain soon but they couldn't do that without a solid plan.

The last thing that they wanted to do was to rush into it without thinking everything through. From what they all understood. The dragon sacrificed himself to stop the volcano from erupting. If they removed his body there was still the chance that the eruption he stopped that day would come back with much more fury than it had before. 

The reason they were going was more or less to take a look. If they could get the body for Lao to have then they would do that but they weren't deadset on bringing it back by force. 

Haru and Li Jun felt bad that they had to come up with such a plan but Lao was sure that he was fine with either outcome. He didn't know the dragon that had sacrificed himself but he respected his decision to do so and wasn't about to make his efforts go to waste by activating the eruption that he gave his life to stop. 

After they came up with the plan they had to figure out how they would get there. It was still thousands of miles away and they would have to pass through Beijiang to get there so they figured that they would take a bus to Beijing first and then try to get on a bus or hire a taxi to take them the rest of the way.

It was a long way to go for a single trip so it was nearly impossible to get there with a single route so they had to plan it this way just in case one of their plans fell through. And with that, it was decided. They knew what they were doing and how they would do it.

All that was next was to get permission from the principle to leave university for a week. He did ask Andrew to ask the principle on his behalf but he never told him the outcome of his phone call. So he would first have to make a call to his uncle. 

Haru left his soul ocean after the discussions with Lao and Li Jun were over and then decided to ask Andrew what had happened. 

He pulled out his phone and went downstairs to sit down in the living room. He had been in his room for the whole weekend and wanted fresh scenery so he thought it would be better to talk downstairs. He had the whole house to himself so he didn't have to worry about disturbing anyone. And after a few days of lining on his own, he concluded that he enjoyed the freedom. 

He held the phone up to his ear after scrolling through his contacts and calling Andrew. A few seconds of ringing went on while Haru sat patiently waiting for his uncle to answer. Just as he was about to give up on the phone call he answered. 

"Haru? It's not like you to call at this time. We were just sitting down for dinner." Andrew explained why it had taken him so long to answer the call. Haru turned his head, noticing that the sun had already begun to set. He had spent two whole days planning the trip with Lao and Li Jun and didn't even realise how much time had passed.

"Oh, Sorry. I didn't know you would be having dinner. I can call back later if you need me to." Haru apologised for disturbing them. He wasn't on the best terms with his uncle so he felt like he needed to apologise since it didn't seem like a good reason to disturb someone's time with their family.

"No, It's fine you already called. You might as well go on with what you were going to say." Andrew assured him that it was okay and he had nothing to apologise for before hearing him out.

"Well, the other day when Yun stayed over. I asked if you could talk to the principle about me taking time away from classes to go on a trip. I was wondering what he said? You never got around to telling me." Haru announced while switching the tv to the news. He hadn't kept up with what was happening in the world all week. He wanted to know. 

"Oh, Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I was planning to tell you later that night since I spoke to him right after you called but something came up. He said it was fine. He heard that you were having trouble in class so he thought it might do you some good to get away for a few days so he said it's fine if you take a week off. 

Although he did want me to make sure that you go and see him when you get back. He seemed like he had something he wanted to talk to you about although he wouldn't tell me about it. 

But he seemed sure that you were going to be happy what he had to tell you." Andrew said with a sigh as Nadia's voice called out from the kitchen. 

"Are you done with that damn phone call yet?! Your dinner is going to get cold." Haru chuckled after hearing her shout before the phone sounded like Andrew had cupped it in his hands.

"Give me a minute woman! I will be done when I'm done!" He shouted back with a muffled sound covering his yelling but it was pretty clear what they were shouting about. 

"I'm sorry for disturbing your meal. I will let you go now. And thank you for asking him for me." Haru thanked Andrew for his time and then was about to hang up when he was called back to the phone. 

"Oh, And Yun said she will come over tomorrow after classes. She wanted me to let you know that you don't have a choice." Andrew laughed. 

"Tomorrow? I'm afraid she can't. If I got the go-ahead from the principle then I will be setting off tonight. I have some things I need to take care of. Oh and let tell her to stay far away from my neighbourhood. A violent thug has shown up in the past couple of days. He has been harassing people around here." Haru subtly warned Andrew about the vampire living next door to him.

The last thing he wanted was for his cousin to be drained of all her blood by that moronic vampire. He didn't seem like a bad guy just a bit foolish and would probably mistake Yun for a burglar when being creepy and watching Haru's house again. 

"Okay, I will tell her. But are you sure you have to go so soon? I mean. You just moved into that house right? And you are leaving it empty for the next week Oh well, I suppose you one of Mr Ma's men will look after the place for you. I worried for nothing." Andrew laughed at himself for forgetting. 

"Yeah, He said he has some people who live in the area who will make sure everything is okay while I'm gone." He lied to make sure that everyone stayed away from his house while he is gone and then wrapped up the call with his Uncle.

"While that's all I needed. I hope you enjoy your dinner." Haru said before Hanging up. He didn't give time for Andrew to say nye but he wasn't the type of person who would say bye on the phone. He liked to keep his stoic personality.

As Haru sat on the couch wasting time before planning to go upstairs and pack a bag for a week's worth of clothes the tv gained his attention.

"And with records soaring to a record-breaking number. The new artist topping the charts Jiang Suyin has become the youngest woman in history to get her debut single Soaring Love to number four within the first week of it being released." The news reporter said as the screen switched to a picture of Suyin holding a golden coloured record in her hands and smiling for the picture. 

"Suyin Did she get that popular already? I thought they were waiting until next year to release her album?" Haru asked himself confused. But he remembered that she said something about a single releasing before they released everything she had recorded so far. 

"I'd better call her to congratulate her. I don't know how she is holding up since I left. But she did say she wouldn't text for a few days to make sure I had time to settle in." Haru muttered before calling her.

The phone didn't have time to ring out it just went straight to an automated message. 

"This number is no longer in service." The robotic voice began to say before he hung up.

"Okay" He said with confusion before opening the application for nowchat on his phone and seeing that she was active less than two hours ago and had even left him a few messages over the past couple of days. But he hadn't received them for some reason.

"Haru. I have some good news! Please message me back when you see this." Was the first message sent the day after he had left for shanghai.

"Hey, I hope you are settling into the new place well. I don't know if you saw it or not but they released one of my songs and it sold over one hundred thousand copies in the first day. Call me if you can." Was sent the day after. 

"Hey, I miss you." Was all that was sent the day after that.

Each day she had left a different message saying how much she had missed him but his phone decided not to give him any notifications for it. 

"Fuck She's going to be mad about this." He whispered before writing out a message for her. 

"Hey baby, I'm sorry that I didn't respond all week. A lot of things happened and for some reason, this stupid app is acting up and didn't send me any notifications. 

I just saw you on the news just now. Congratulations. I'm so proud of you. But I am still going to hold off on listening to your music until we can listen to it together as I promised. 

I just tried to call you but it said your phone is out of service. I hope everything is okay. And don't be too mad okay? I love you." He sent the text and then went upstairs to pack his bags. He would need to get to the bus station before all of the buses left for the night so he was in a bit of a rush.

He packed his bags and then called a taxi to take him to the bus station at the edge of the city. The overnight buses were at a different station than the usual ones so he would have to go there instead. 

After he had done that he picked up his bags and walked outside to the front gate to wait for the taxi. To arrive. It didn't take long before the driver pulled up and rolled down his window after seeing Haru stood by the gate waiting.

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