The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 177: Visiting the Neighbours.

Chapter 177: Visiting the Neighbours.

But that wasn't the case. As soon as the episode had ended Yun put on another before Haru had the chance to make conversation and ruin the silence that they were sat in. And she repeated the same tactic until four hours had gone by and the sun was just about to vanish over the horizon. 

"Wait a minute. Didn't you say you needed to go home to get some clothes so you could stay over?" Haru asked. He was unsure what she planned to do since she seemingly forgot all about it when watching the show.

"Oh Yeah, I did say that, didn't I? I forgot" Yun remembered what she had said and then began to stand up from the couch, stretching as her body had cramped up from spending that amount of time sat in the same place. 

"I can call you a taxi if you want?" Haru asked and then pulled out his phone.

"That would be great, thanks. I just need to go to the bathroom." Yun announced and then looked at Haru for directions but the truth was that even he didn't know where the bathroom was.

"It's somewhere. You will just have to find it." Haru laughed when noticing that her eyes were asking him where to go. Yun sighed in response and then walked out into the hallway to try and locate the hidden bathroom. 

Haru searched for a Taxi companies phone number on the Internet before dialling it and ordering it to come and pick up Yun. Although it was a little bit of trouble since he hadn't memorised the address yet. He had to open his message history with Yun while still on the phone and read off the information he had given to her earlier in the morning. 

A few minutes went by before Yun came back and sat down next to Haru on the couch. They sat there and talked for around fifteen minutes until the Taxi arrived. They concluded that she would go home and pick up her clothes and then on the way back she would stop at the store and pick up something for them to eat. And then she made her way outside leaving Haru alone again.

Haru sat there for a few minutes before realising that he still had the beast core with him and he hadn't used it yet. It caused his soul ocean to flood the last time that he used one so he didn't manage to absorb the whole amount. But now that his soul ocean was already flooded. If he decided to use one now he would absorb every last bit of Qi that it held within. 

He then reached into his storage ring before taking at the small blue crystal and held it in his palm before squeezing down on it as hard as he could. As he did so a slight cracking sound emerged from his hand as the crystal broke into a fine powder and released all of the Qi it held into the air. 

Haru closed his eyes and sat on the edge of the couch with his legs crossed before beginning to absorb all of the Qi that was floating around the room until all of it was gone. 

Around ten minutes passed and it had all been absorbed into his dantian but he felt dissatisfied. It wasn't the same as last time. It didn't feel like his strength had grown at all. He sat there for a few minutes.

"I guess this is the diminishing returns that Li Jun had warned me about. No matter how fast that I grow there will be a point where I will hit a plateau and this looks like the most I can absorb from beast cores." He uttered to himself as the disappointment set in.

As he sat there in the living room he had the feeling that he was being watched again. It was exactly the same as what he had felt when he went outside to talk to the police. So he decided to take a walk over to the window to see if his assumption was correct. 

And sure enough, when he got there he noticed that the same old woman and old man were looking at his house with hatred in their eyes.

"What is their problem?" Haru sighed and then got ready to go outside and confront them. He made sure to take his keys with him and then headed outside to go over to their house. He closed the gate behind him and then walked to the house that was directly next to his. 

It had a similar layout to his but looked older. A lot older. It was almost like it looked abandoned. But that wasn't right either. At a distance, it looked like any other house but as he got closer it looked abandoned. It didn't make any sense until he spotted a small engraving in the stone wall that surrounded it. 

"Weathering with storms, the new fades to old." The engraving read.

'This is an array But why would anyone want to live in a house with an array to make it look abandoned? Unless' Haru thought as the gate to the house opened up and a dark presence emerged from the crack as it got wider to reveal a hooded man In a cap with a funny-looking hat. 

Haru stared at him like there was something wrong with the man that was stood there. 

"You are the young man that moved into the house next door. Let me apologise about what happened last night. My slaves aren't really obedient. They are more like a failed experiment since their souls are still intact." The man bowed his head and took off his hat causing his long black hair to fall out, stopping just before it hit the floor. 

"Slaves? What do you mean?" Haru asked confused. This man wasn't a cultivator yet he still gave Haru a feeling of danger. It seemed like he was much more of a threat than all of the cultivators he had met before this point yet there was no trace of Qi.

"Yes, My slaves. I commandeered this house a few years ago and they are the original family that lived here. In order not to arouse any suspicion I left their souls intact so they could communicate with others. But it is funny that you should come here at this time.

You see I was starting to feel a little bit hungry..." The man said and then placed the hat back on his head. The man then ran towards Haru with a speed, unlike anything a regular human could dream of having. 

Yet it was still too slow. Haru grabbed the man by his face and began to squeeze the side of his head with his fingers. As he did so the man hissed and bared his teeth like a wild animal revealing four long and sharp teeth that stuck out above the others. 

"There was this mythology I once read about in school. It said that in Romania there was a family full of humans who would drink blood. Until their souls became corrupted and they were cursed to become demons that were impossible to kill. They were called vampires." Haru said to the man before inspecting his teeth a little more. 

With one hand Haru held the man's head in place before reaching into his mouth and grabbing one of his teeth and then he pulled it as hard as he could. With a snap, the tooth came free and the man screamed in pain. 

"But that is just mythology. The real vampires are one of the lesser clans in the upper realms that feed on human blood like parasites. I also heard their teeth are pretty valuable to use in pills" Haru said with a sadistic smile forming on his face before hearing the beep of a car as a taxi pulled up outside his house. 

He turned his head to look and as soon as he looked away the gate clicked as the lock was put into place and the man had vanished from where he was previously rolling on the floor in pain.

"Haru what are you doing?" Yun shouted from down the road as she got out of the taxi and saw him stood at the gate of the neighbour's house. 

"Just visiting the neighbours. That's all." Haru shouted back before walking toward her and putting the tooth he had just plucked into his pocket.

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