The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 171: Ancestral Dragon's Memories.

Chapter 171: Ancestral Dragon's Memories.

"*The lost soul of the ancestor dragon I call upon your soul to reveal where you took your last breath.*" Li Jun read out the sentence from the paper. And Haru followed the script word for word and wrote on the concrete with the ink that Li Jun had provided for him. 

But before he could even finish writing the words began to glow a dark shade of green as the Qi within each rune tried to merge with the rune that followed it. And as he finished writing the runes all glowed the same shade of green before burning out and becoming nothing but the ink runes on the floor. 

Haru looked at Li Jun with confusion. He was sure that he had written to runes correctly and word for word. Li Jun shook his head and then moved closer to take a look at the runes. 

"I know you wouldn't be able to do it." He said in a mocking tone before looking down at the runes. He then pulled back and looked at Haru with the same amount of confusion. 

"That's exactly how I would have written it. You got it all correct But why did nothing happen?" He asked Haru when suddenly a flood of green light erupted from the ground and shot high up into the sky. 

Haru and Li Jun both looked at each other for a split second before they were shot up into the air. The feeling of wind rushed through Haru's hair as he looked down to see the concreted he was previously stood on had vanished. He was now stood on what looked to be blue coloured scales.

"Haru look!" Li Jun shouted to catch his attention and then pointed to the sky where dozens of dragons with scales that had the same blue colour flew alongside them through the air. 

"I've never seen so many dragons before. This is amazing" Li Jun became speechless from the sight that he was witnessing. Usually, dragons would rule different worlds independently so they wouldn't have to worry about the threat from others taking over. This was simply unheard of. 

As Haru and Li Jun remained speechless a roaring sound emerged from beneath them as a smaller dragon cut its way through the clouds. 

"Father. You don't have to sacrifice yourself like this do you?" The smaller dragon's voice boomed out throughout the sky, talking in goahen as he flew at the same speed as the dragon Li Jun and Haru were currently on the back of. 

"Don't be sad my child. The prophecy has spoken and if we wait for the eruption to come true it will already be too late. This world might be cursed for our kind but it is our home. We can't simply sit by and watch as the other beings are disintegrated." The dragon they were riding on replied to the juvenile dragon flying alongside him. 

"But why does it have to be you!? Others would happily lay down their lives for you to continue living. It's not fair!" The younger dragon shouted out in pain. 

"Listen to me Fan. As the leader of our clan, I must keep all of my people safe. What about the people back at home like your mother? The ones who don't have a body as sturdy as ours. Her people will be wiped out if I don't do this. 

It's not a matter I can put in the hands of someone else. I need to be the one to do this as I am the only one with the strength to make sure that my sacrifice doesn't become useless.

It became my responsibility when I decided to bless your mothers kind with my strength. And as you grow older you will learn that there are somethings that we must do if we hold the power to do so. I hope one day you will have something worth protecting that you are willing to give your everything to keep safe." The older dragon replied, spreading his wisdom to his child that flew beside him. 

A single tear dropped from the eye of the younger dragon and fell into the ocean below them. Creating a small tidal wave with its collision. 

"I understand" His child replied with a sense of sadness but there was also a hint of true understanding of his father's words. He knew there wasn't another way. This was something that had to happen. 

"Sir! We've arrived!" One of the dragons flying ahead shouted back to the father and son duo as the peaks of mountains poked through the clouds. With one of the mountains billowing smoke up into the air. 

"It will be okay. I promise." The dragon turned his head slightly and rubbed it against the head of his child almost like he was hugging him. Before starting their descent into the valley below. 

As the flew down beneath the clouds the scenery bellow came into view. Many mountains surrounded a gigantic lake with water as clear as crystals within a perfect circle. It was like the mountains were a dam that held the water within them. 

But one mountain stood above them all. The peak was charred and burnt and the smoke erupting from the top of it was the sign Haru needed to determine where they were.

"Changbai mountain" He said to himself when he caught glimpse of the sight he had seen countless times when he was back at school. 

"You know this place?" Li Jun asked. He had been trapped in the array for thousands of years so he didn't have time to explore this world for himself. But Haru being a native was the one who held all the information at the moment.

"Yeah, We learned about this place, in school. We even had an assignment to make a model out of clay. This is Changbai mountain. 

It's on the border between Korea and China and is still an active volcano to this day. There was a huge eruption that happened called the millennium eruption. The whole mountain erupted in nine hundred and forty-six A.D and spread molten rock for over one hundred and twenty kilometres. 

It was the biggest volcanic eruption in the last five thousand years Surely this isn't" Haru was about to say but was cut off before he could finish his sentence. 

"No, don't worry. The time we are in is much more ancient than you can even imagine. This is probably closer to five million years before your time. But my guess is this eruption will be much bigger than the one you were talking about." Li Jun said with an unnervingly calm expression.

Before Haru could ask anything else the dragon landed on the ground and he was thrown from his back in the process of landing and rolled across the soft grass on beneath its feet.

"All of you gather around. I have some things to say to you all." The dragon address the others who were all much smaller than he was. 

"Hurry up. You're going to miss an ancestral dragon's final speech." Li Jun wrapped his Qi around Haru and pulled him back up on to the dragons back and both watched as the other dragons all began to glow the same shade of green as earlier before their bodies vanished and they shrunk down into the bodies of humans. 

"What are?" Haru asked.

"Half dragons So this dragon fell in love with a human huh?" Li Jun asked before patting the scales of the dragon he was sat on the back of. 

"My friends. I would first like to thank you all for giving me a send-off like this. I appreciate it and hope you will continue to Honour my memory by living on. I want you all to follow your paths. May that be on this world or out in the great galaxy above. 

My status of chief will naturally be passed on to my wife until little Fan becomes of age to inherit the responsibility of leading you all. 

Although my wife is a human and she is bound to make a few mistakes in the beginning. She certainly has the strength to take my place as chief. I ask that you all remain patient and don't forget your roots. I blessed your ancestors with my power out of the kindness in my heart. 

And now I am asking you as their descendants to give me your kindness and respect my wishes 

This will be our final goodbye young ones. I hope you all live well and achieve your dreams." The Chief dragon said his final goodbyes to his descendants and then looked down to the ground where his son was stood. 

"Fan!? Where did he go!?" The dragon's voice roared out before he turned his head to see that his son had transformed back into his dragon form and had flown up into the sky above the top of the volcano. 

"Father I'm sorry but I can't let you do this. I can't bear to live without you. It would break mothers heart and I don't want to see her cry again. 

Thank you for bringing me into this world. Tell mother that I love her." The Juvenile dragon used his spiritual sense to communicate his feelings to his father without the others hearing him. Since Li Jun and Haru were both connected to the dragon they were riding upon the thoughts came through like they were directed to both of them. 

"No! Fan! Come back here at once!" The Chief dragon shouted before rushing up to the peak of the volcano as fast as he could. He moved so fast that Haru was almost thrown from his back once more and only managed to stay on with Li Jun's help. 

"I'm sorry." Were the juvenile dragon's last thoughts before he flew straight down into the volcano below him. 

"Noooo! Fan!" The Chief dragon screamed out with pain before flying down into the volcano after his son. The heat of the magma burning bellow was unlike anything Haru had experienced.

Even though he couldn't be burned by fire his eyes began to water as the burning current flew into them as he descended into the molten rock and metal below. 

Another flash of green light shot up into the sky as Haru and Li Jun were both returned to the backyard where they were stood previously. 

"That was" Haru was going to comment on how amazing the experience was but as he looked up at Li Jun he noticed that tears were streaming down both of his cheeks.

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