The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 169: Halran.

Chapter 169: Halran.

"Wow." Was the only word that escaped Haru's mouth as he looked at the house in front of him. He had seen his fair share of fancy houses and mansions over the years but it didn't have the same effect. This house was now all his so it made the whole idea of living here that much more exciting. 

Not to mention this would be the first time he was living completely alone in his eighteen years of life. He didn't know how to react. He knew for sure that he would need to thank Han for this but he didn't even have his contact information to do so.

He stood at the foot of the driveway for a few minutes taking in the modern architecture of his new house when the thought came to him. 'I wonder if there is a pool' That was the thought that took him away from staring and now made him want to know the answer to his thoughts so he walked down the drive to the front door and put the key into it and twisted.

A click sounded out as the door unlocked and then it opened up to reveal the fully furnished house with his bags by the door already waiting for him. One of the reasons he wanted to refuse the house was because he thought that he would have to buy furniture but he should have expected that it would all be done for him if they were going to give it to him. After all who would give someone a half-finished house?

"Woah, Look at this place" Li Jun's voice called out as his figure floated in the air above Haru. 

"Oh, So the minute we're alone you make an appearance? Your help would have been appreciated earlier. My uncle almost got shot and you were nowhere to be seen." Haru complained when he saw Li Jun. He was silent all day, usually, he would be talkative though out the day but he figured that he and Lao had a lot to talk about. 

"Almost being the keyword. I knew you wouldn't let any harm come to him. But even so, you overestimate my power. I don't have a body remember. A bullet would pass right through me. It's not like I could stop it." Li Jun laughed and then floated down to be at eye level with a vase on a shelf next to the front door. 

"Look." He said as he tried to knock the vase from the shelf but his hand simply passed through it.

"I know that. But you could have told me about it sooner at least. I almost snapped my neck while trying to turn around that fast." Haru held the side of his neck for dramatic effect and then smiled. 

"I'm just kidding. But what is it that's keeping you and Lao busy in there?" He asked and then looked down to the golden ring on his finger. 

"Well we were just discussing a few options but now that you have this house it makes things a little easier. It would be hard to do a few of the things with prying eyes around. I wasn't sure about you walking into their hideout like you did but it all looks like it worked out for the best." Li Jun said and then carried on looking throughout the house. With Haru following close behind him.

"Options? Options for what? What are you two planning?" Haru asked with suspicion. Usually, they would tell him their plans right away. It wasn't like them to scheme behind his back. 

"Well, you know. What we talked about last time. Lao wants to take that kid as his student but he can't do that without a body. And to find that missing dragon corpse we need to perform a ritual of sorts." Li Jun told him without thinking too much into it but Haru on the other hand after hearing the word ritual got the wrong idea.

"Ritual? No way! I'm not sacrificing anything." He said in protest. He had just taken down an evil sect for sacrificing people. There was no way he would go ahead and do after what he had seen. 

"No, Not a sacrifice. The dragon race has its own form of magic that relies on their language. Lao told me that you learned how to speak his language. but you didn't learn how to write it did you?" Li Jun asked. 

"No, I didn't. What's the point in learning how to write it? I doubt I will ever meet a dragon so it's pointless me learning how to even speak in their language but it just kind of happened." Haru explained. 

"That's what I thought at first but after seeing what their language is capable of it will change your mind." Li Jun smiled. 

"Okay, then show me." Haru challenged him. He didn't entirely believe that it would be important but he was willing to have his mind changed by seeing it in action. 

"Okay then." Li Jun said and then opened the storage ring and pulled out a calligraphy brush and a sheet of parchment. 

"Keep in mind this is going to be weaker since it will just be a copy of the true power using my Qi. But if you can learn how to write these runes then you will be able to decipher most arrays that are written in other languages." Li Jun explained and then began to write. 

In three flicks of his wrist, a dark mark formed on the parchment. It looked like he had drawn the base for a house only it had no supports to hold the roof in place it meant nothing to Haru but the brushwork on the parchment was amazing. It looked almost like it was printed. There wasn't a single splatter of ink anywhere

'Wait There wasn't any ink Did he use liquefied Qi to write something? When he taught me about arrays he made me use alchemy to make some ink that had Qi within but I guess this is more convenient' Haru took the moment to learn something new about arrays. But then he noticed something

The flow of Qi within the house had increased significantly. It kind of reminded him of the feeling he had when he was trapped inside the Qi gathering array all those years ago but this was so much more powerful. 

"This is" Haru began to say but was cut short by Li Jun's laugh. 

"I told you it would amaze you. The dragon race where the first beings to create arrays. Since each word they speak is imbued with an incredible amount of power, when they decided to write it down they found that each word would amplify the for as long as the rune remained intact. 

Unless this thing is destroyed then it will continue to amplify the amount of Qi in the area. But this is just using my Qi to simulate it. If you actually bring it into the physical world it will be much more powerful." He explained before Haru could say anything else. 

"Okay, I was wrong. How do I learn the language? Do you have a book for it?" Haru asked excitedly. He knew that if he read a book he would be able to memorise the whole thing within a few minutes. 

"I do have a book. But it's written in Halran. It's one of the languages used in the upper realms. You might have seen it in the soul tempering grounds. But then again their soul translation array is probably a lot better than it was when I last went there." Li Jun said with a sigh. 

"Halran? The temple master showed me an array that was written in Halran. But I didn't think that they had a translation array there. That explains why everyone was able to communicate with each other." Haru said remembering the time he saw the runes on the hidden door before entering their meeting. 

"Yeah, Halran is the most common language among humans. The elves and demons have their own languages that they speak. But most of them will learn Halran since the human clan own the main trading factions. I can transfer Halran directly to your brain. But as for Goahen that can only really be taught by books written by dragons since the words have the power to make it easier to understand." Li Jun explained to Haru so he understood why he couldn't learn the language right away. 

"Then I will have to trouble you to transfer Halran to my brain," Haru said and then walked over to Li Jun who had stopped at the bottom of the stairs. He held his hand out toward Haru's head before a pale blue light lit up the room and shot beams of light out of each window on the bottom floor. 

Haru screamed out in pain as all of the information of the whole language was burned into his memory. He was used to Li Jun transferring information to his brain but previously he had just transferred small things like techniques or very specific information. 

This time it was a whole language and he severely underestimated the amount of information that would go directly into his brain. He continued to scream out as it felt like his brain was on fire for minutes before he dropped to the floor panting and trying to catch his breath. 

"*Fuck That hurt a little more than I was expecting.*" Haru stated before laughing a little as the pain subdued. But little did he know that he had just spoken in Halran.

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