The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 166: I challenge you to a duel.

Chapter 166: I challenge you to a duel.

The man bent down next to the young man who was laying on the floor and put his hand over his shattered leg. He channelled some of his Qi into the bone to try to reline it but the bone was broken into pieces that were too small to reline.

"Dad! Please help me!" The young man begged of his farther while clutching his shoulder with his other hand. As soon as the young man pleaded to his father the man turned around to see both Andrew and Haru stood the closest to them.

Haru still had the bullet in his hand but had put it into the centre of his palm and closed his fist so nobody else could see it. 

"Lord Leung. It was this young man here. I tried to stop him but he managed to get a sneak attack on me and I was knocked over the balcony." The old man that Haru had kicked out of the building said as he entered the room from the door behind. 

He seemed out of breath and was holding his chest where Haru had kicked with enough force to knock down a wall. It was lucky that he was a cultivator and his body was sturdy otherwise he would have had a hole in his chest. 

But for him to lie about being defeated in front of everyone determined the type of man he was and Haru knew what was going to happen before the old man even suggested it. 

"Lord Leung. In my opinion, you shouldn't underestimate him. If you want then I can help you get rid of him." The old man suggested with a sinister grin and then looked up at Andrew and shivered in fear when he saw the expression upon his face. 

"If you so much as to make a move against my nephew I will end your whole organisation. I don't care who you are. If anyone wants to harm him you will have to get through me first." Andrew spoke in a deep and authoritative voice that he had trained over the years he had spent raising children. 

But that wasn't all that he had going for him. He most certainly had the strength to go through with what he was saying and that scared the old man. 

"Who are you? I don't care who you are. If you stop me from killing this brat then you will be going against the crimson spiders." Lord Leung said back to Andrew, not really caring about what he had to say. 

"And who said that you could use the name of my organisation to settle your own personal grudges?" Han spoke up at last. And as he did so it released some of the tension that had filled the room. 

"Sir! I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Lord Leung shouted as soon as Han spoke which showed his position was lower than Han by quite a lot. Haru began to think.

'Why hasn't he called his man down yet? I thought he would do that as soon as he saw me but it seems like he wants us to settle this on our own. Is he giving me the chance to make a name for myself? 

Or is it just the fact that he doesn't want to make any of us lose face if he asked one of us to stand down?' Haru tried to think of a reason but they were the only ones that came to mind. 

"Listen up brat. I challenge you to a duel. But if you don't accept I will murder your family." Lord Leung shouted at Haru expecting him to react but he didn't. The only two people he did react in fact were Han and Lord Meng. 

"What's so funny!?" Lord Leung shouted as he looked back to his group of friends with two of which were laughing at what he had just said. 

"Oh, Nothing. Just don't go too far, for your own good." Lord Meng said in reply to him and then whispered something to Han.

They were too far away to hear what they were talking about but as Lord Meng turned away from Han they both looked at Haru and nodded. Silently asking him to accept the duel.

"Fine, How do you want to do this? Last one standing wins or do you want to fight to the death?" Haru asked the man who hesitated for a moment when he heard the words fight t the death. 

"You have some balls on you, kid. But don't get too cocky. I'm not going to kill you just yet so we will fight only until the other person admits defeat." Lord Leung said with an arrogant laugh much like his son's.

"I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? These two are exactly alike. I guess if you grow p with a father like that you are bound to take on his bad habits. I guess I will just have to teach them both in place of their grandfather." Haru thought to himself before chuckling a little. 

"Did I say something funny?!" Lord Leung shouted, outraged by Haru's lack of seriousness. He felt like he was being mocked by him and didn't know what to do other than antagonise him to boost his delicate ego. 

"Nope, Not at all. I'm ready when you are. I will let you have the first move." Haru said before putting his hands behind his back.

"Haru Maybe you shouldn't be so cocky? This man is a martial arts expert and his cultivation level is many times higher than mine. I know you are strong but no one is invincible." Andrew warned Haru again but it fell upon deaf ears. 

'This Lord Leung is much weaker than Meng is. I doubt he will even last three minutes if we fight against each other.' Haru thought as he used his Qi to read the man's cultivation level. He was at the manifestation stage but the amount of Qi within his body was much lower than anyone he had met at the manifestation stage before now. 

"You little! Okay fine. If you are that eager to lose then we will do it right away. But first I have a gift for you." Lord Leung smiled before a flash of white light filled the room and two silver swords emerged from the air and landed in his hands. 

He then threw one of the swords to Haru with his grin widening a little bit and then unsheathed the sword in his other hand. 

'A duel of swords?' Haru thought as he caught the sword and then unsheathed it also, Following Lueng's movements and then ending up in the same stance as him. 

"You know the pentagon sword arts too? Wait who are you?" Leung lost his concentration when seeing Haru get into the same starting form as himself. 

"The what? I am just matching your movements. Don't tell me you haven't fought with swords before? If I use the same movements as you then you won't be able to attack me. Don't you know that?" Haru mocked him with a smile and then looked up at Han who was stood at the other side of the room with a serious look on his face. 

He seemed to be interested in just how deep Haru's skills went. He knew that he held a lot of power but the only information he had on Haru's fighting style was what Meng had described to him in his report. 

'Is he really a swordsman? He seems way too relaxed The way of the sword teaches you to keep a stable defence but he is wide open' Han thought while looking at Haru. He was stood with his feet angled inwards and his legs were too close together to form a good defence but Haru didn't seem to realise.

"Pfft. Stupid kid. I'm going to attack now so do your best to keep up okay?" Leung mocked Haru's lack of knowledge and then ran at him aiming directly for the openings in his defence. 

Leung angled the tip of his sword toward's Haru's chest as he charged forward as fast as he could. The whole time he had a sinister smile on his face. He was aiming directly for Haru's heart and there was nothing in his way to obstruct his sword from hitting its target. 

The blade moved closer and closer until eventually ripping a little whole in Haru's shirt. But that was as far as the blade went. A loud sound of metal clashing together rung out as Haru tilted his wrist a little and pushed the tip of his blade into Leung's crossguard.

"What!? How did you!?" Leung shouted before looking down to see that his sword had been blocked. He had made a rookie mistake. He fell for his opponents intentional opening since he thought Haru was a beginner to swordsmanship. 

Haru smiled before flicking his wrist one more time in a circular motion and disarming Leung before he even realised what had happened. As soon as he did realise though it was too late. Haru had already put the blade of his sword against his neck. 

"Admit defeat yet?" Haru smiled, Knowing that he won by a landslide. With this small and insignificant victory, he had finally started to feel independent from Li Jun and Lao. He knew how much power he held and was now ready to show it. He no longer felt like he was new to cultivation. In fact, it felt like this is what he was meant to be doing with his life all along.

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