The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 158: Ancestral Chains.

Chapter 158: Ancestral Chains.

Haru's vision went white once again as he entered the spiralling vortex. It felt like his body had been put inside a washing machine as his soul was transferred back to his soul ocean. 'Fuck this is bad. He is going to find out about Lao and Li Jun.' He thought as he chased after the demon that had jumped into his soul ocean. 

The white light grew hazy before the familiar sight of his soul ocean came into view. Haru stood still for a moment and then noticed the demon who had entered before him was now looking at the portal. 

"A soul ocean? This is unexpected. I didn't know there was a way to transfer your soul to the soul tempering grounds directly from your soul ocean." The old demon said with a chuckle as the violent screams of Kun echoed through the skies. The man looked up to see the phoenix flying through the sky.

"You even have a phoenix bloodline. I sure made a lot of profit today. After I kill you I'm going to absorb your bloodline." The old demon began to laugh until a voice called out from behind him.

"You didn't tell us to expect any visitors. Who is this?" Li Jun asked as he saw the demon standing within the soul ocean.

The old demon slowly turned to see Li Jun stood with his arms crossed. But his attention was taken by the green-scaled wall behind him as he looked up at the gigantic dragon lay across the soul ocean. 

"Wha" Was all the old demon could get out when seeing Lao. 

"A D-dragon! A real dragon!" The old demon shouted out. Lao slowly moved his head to look at the old demon and then looked back at Haru who didn't know what to do. 

"Why did you bring a demon here? Is he a friend from last time you went there?" Lao asked and then moved his head down to be on eye level with the demon. He looked into his eyes and bright green light began to pour from Lao's eyes. 

"I see. You were trying to find out where the portal led so you could slaughter some humans" Lao spoke as the green light faded. 

"Li Jun what do you think about that? Weren't you the head of the human clan before you were betrayed. What do you think we should do to him?" Lao turned his head to Li Jun. 

"Li Jun You're Li Jun!? The Black Star Monarch!? No, you can't be! You were killed by the divine sword sect!" The old demon began to panic when looking at Li Jun. He stumbled backwards and fell onto the floor. 

"Haru. Is it true that he came here to kill more humans?" Li Jun looked at Haru as a dark aura surrounded his body. It grew bigger and bigger until the point where it was almost the same size as Lao. 

"Uh, Yeah" Haru answered nervously. This was the first time he had seen his teacher get angry like this. There wasn't a comparison he could think of to describe the anger that emerged from Li Jun's body. But the strangest thing about it was that there seemed to be no flow of Qi. 

The aura seemed to be coming from his intent alone. As Haru confirmed what Lao had said Li Jun began to step closer to the old demon who hand now become so frightened that he couldn't stand. He began to crawl across the floor in retreat from the immeasurable amount of fear he felt within his heart.

With each step Li Jun took toward him the old demon felt the hair on his body rise more and more until the point the fear had become so great that he could no longer move. He lay there looking up at Li Jun before he spoke. 

"No! Get away from me!" The old demon cried as Li Jun stood looking down at him. 

A look of disgust formed on Li Jun's face as his usually happy expressions turned to a dark sinister grin. 'What is this feeling? It's making my heart race It's the same feeling I had when I slaughtered the evil sect.' He thought as he felt the shared link between both of their cultivations. 

"Although I don't have a physical body to torture you with. I can still use techniques to torture your soul You should thank your demon gods that I didn't kill them before they created your ancestral chain. But now it is time for your whole family to pay for your sins with you." Li Jun said before holding his hand out and placing it against the old demon's head. 

Two lights began to flow out of the old demons head and into Li Jun's hands until his body slowly faded away to nothingness. Li Jun was left holding two glowing balls of light and Haru couldn't help but ask what they were.

"What is that?" He asked despite the uneasiness he felt from witnessing a scene like that. 

Li Jun's expression changed when hearing the question back to his usual happy self. But to Haru, it seemed like he had two personalities that he could switch between whenever he wanted to which made him feel even more uneasy knowing that at any moment his teacher could vanish and become a monster as he had just seen.

"These? Well, this one here is his cultivation. There is a technique that I learned that tortures the soul to the point where the body will disappear and become a ball of Qi. 

It seems strange right? That is what I thought until I got the chance to try it out on someone. But don't worry I'm the only person who knows this technique so you don't have to fear someone using it one you. Oh here catch." He said before throwing the ball of Qi to Haru.

"You're giving me his cultivation?" Haru asked.

"Well, I have no need for it. You need a body to absorb Qi so it doesn't mean much to me. And it will also be the most amazing thing you could imagine for you right now. 

That old demon was at the profound life stage. He was hundreds of times stronger than anyone on this planet. So go ahead and absorb it but I don't want you to breakthrough yet. It would be for the best that we strengthen your foundation as much as possible." Li Jun said casually. 

"The profound life stage? What is that?" Haru asked as not all of the cultivation stages had been explained to him yet. There were already so many that he had to know that it was easier not to tell him yet since he wouldn't encounter anyone at that stage for now. 

"It's the stage above nascent soul. You still have a long way to go so don't think about it too much. Just absorb it all and don't breakthrough. We still need to take advantage of your flooded soul ocean." Li Jun instructed him and without another word, Haru sat down and absorbed all of the Qi into his body.

As he opened his eyes he saw that Li Jun was still looking at him. 

"Is something wrong?" Haru asked as he saw Li Jun smiling as he watched his student absorb the immense amount of Qi.

"It's nothing. I was just waiting for you to finish so I can tell you about this." He said while holding the other ball of light in his hand.

Beneath the light, there was something white in colour and seemed to resemble a bone but it was shaped like a chain. Haru had no idea what it was so he inquired about it. 

"What's that?" He asked and then stood up and walked closer to Li Jun. 

"This is what's known as an ancestral chain. Millions of years ago there was a strong demon who was betrayed by his own clan and exiled. As the years went on he gathered his strength until he became strong enough to destroy the whole demon clan with his own hands leaving behind only a few who swore to be loyal to him. 

To make sure that he could trust those demons that had sworn to serve him he created these ancestral chains. With every descendant, the demon who wore the ancestral chain would gain, another link was added to the chain. But that wasn't all.

The chains would too form in the bodies of his descendants. So each demon descended from the demon god's subjects all carry these chains within them. 

It isn't a well-known fact and I happened to stumble across it when I found the demon god's inheritance. But when one of these chains are extracted from a demon's body you can wipe out everyone who shares the same ancestral chain. 

And this is what I wanted you to have." Li Jun said and then handed the white chain over to Haru.

"You want me to have it? What am I supposed to do with it?" Haru was confused as to what Li Jun meant by giving it to him. 

"Well Think of it as insurance. If you ever find yourself in trouble with people from the demon clan you can hold hundreds and thousands of demons hostage just by threatening to destroy the chain.

Or if you are ever engaged in a large scale battle with people from the demon clan then you can destroy it. You are bound to kill off at least a few of them. There were only sixteen ancestral chains created so if this is destroyed you will be killing over fifty billion demons at once. So make sure you don't act rashly." Li Jun warned him.

"Fifty billion demons?! That is insane. How many demons are there in that case?" Haru asked the population of earth was around seven billion. He couldn't even imagine how many demons the universe could hold. 

"Well, that was an estimation based on how many demons were registered to be living in the middle realm. And that was also at least thirty thousand years ago. There were over nine hundred billion demons in total so if every single one of those had generations descending for thirty thousand years there could be a lot more." Li Jun explained. 

Hearing the amount blew Haru's mind completely. He just couldn't imagine how big the universe was. Not to mention the other two realms that contained hundreds of universes. But the discussion was cut short as his concentration was broken by banging and shouting from outside of his room. 

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