The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 155: Sweets.

Chapter 155: Sweets.

"What? I thought you said she would be returned to her family? Why would she need to become a cultivator?" Haru asked Lian. He was confused as to what she had just said. 

"Well, she doesn't need to become a cultivator But it will probably be for the best. Just think about it from your perspective. If you were a young kid and you saw strong people who could jump dozens of metres into the air and then you are told you're not allowed to become one of them. 

It would be heartbreaking. I just thought since she had seen and heard a lot about what we do that it would be good for her to become one of us But I guess it is her choice." Lian stated casually. She seemed to have double-backed on what she said. 

At first, it seemed like she wanted to force Meiling to become a cultivator but after Haru questioned her she changed her mind. She knew it wouldn't go over well with him if she forced a kid to give up on a regular life while Haru was there.

"I see you're point. But a kid should grow up with their family if her family decide it is okay then so be it but I don't want her to be forced into anything. We would be doing the same as what that sect had done by forcing people to be their prisoners." Haru sighed and then looked down at the girl to see the glint in her eyes once more. 

'Seriously What is this? It seems so familiar yet very different.' He thought as he saw the tint of blue light sparkle in her eyes. He had seen it three times now but each time felt more and more familiar to him. He needed to ask Lao or Li Jun about it but he also didn't want to disturb them from whatever they were doing. 

"But it's different. It would be for her own good and she will be free." Lian tried to argue but Haru had already decided. The girl was going back to her family no matter what. 

"It's exactly the same. The only difference is that she will be allowed to go out. But at the end of the day if she belonged to a sect or your association then she would have to follow their rules. That isn't freedom." Haru said and then dismissed the conversation entirely. 

"Meiling?" Haru asked as he looked down once again. 

"Yes?" She replied with a confused look as she gazed up toward him. 

"Do you know where your house is? Or your parent's names so I can make sure you can get home safely?" He asked with a gentle smile.

Meiling looked down for a second and then back up at him with the same look of confusion on her face. 

"My parents? They were taken by the bad men" She said without even the slightest bit of hesitation. She knew what had happened to them and so did Haru. If they were taken away from the basement then they were most likely dead. Or used to perform some kind of ritual. 

"They were taken Then what do you want to do now?" Haru asked. He didn't know how to speak to a kid like this but he figured that she had thought about the things she would do once she got out of that hell hole. 

"Hm What do I want to do?" She asked and then started thinking.

"Like anything at all?" She asked now this time a smile started to form on her lips. 

"Yeah. I guess so Anything at all. What would you like to do now?" He asked. Once again. But before he could even finish what he was saying she shouted. 

"I want to eat sweets!" She giggled before looking up to see the look of confusion on her face. She then looked at Lian who also let out a chuckle. 

Lian walked over and put her hand on Meiling's shoulder. 

"I'm sure Haru will get you all the sweets that you want but I think he meant what would you like to do for your living situation? 

You can either go to a place where they look after children and until you grow up. It will be full of other children and you will make lots of friends I'm sure. 

Or you can choose to come with me and join our special school. You will be taught how to fight and be strong like Haru here." Lian slightly laughed before putting her hand on Haru's head like he was a child. 

"Don't push your luck" Haru glared back at her. 

Lian removed her hand as fast as she could and then looked back at Meiling who seemed to be thinking. 

"Will I be able to save people too?" She asked while deep in thought and then looked back up at Lian. 

"Of course you will. We will make sure you grow up to be big and strong." Lian replied and then patted her head. She looked back at Haru with a slight smirk.

"Well, there you have it. It looks like she is coming with us." She smiled and then waited for Haru to reply. 

"That's probably for the best. At least I won't have to slaughter every last member of my sect if someone mistreats her." He smiled sinisterly at Lian. The smile soon faded from her face as she foresaw the future in her thoughts. She would have to make sure that Meiling is treated well or else it could lead to a blood bath.

"Um I will make sure she is treated like a princess." Lian laughed nervously. 

"I'm only joking, I will just kill the person who mistreats her. So make sure you spread the news once you get back." Haru smiled. He was joking of course but the way he smiled was similar to how a serial killer would smile when admiring their work.

"Ah. Yes!" She shouted by accident. She couldn't quite explain it but the longer she got to know Haru the more it felt like he was older than he looked. And in turn, accidentally addressed him as she would when the president of the association would order her to do something.

Haru smiled when he heard her mistake. Her cheeks flushed red for a second before she put her arms out. 

"Hmm?" Haru was confused as to what she was doing. 

"Hand me the girl. If she is going to join us then I had better take her to get cleaned up and get some new clothes." She explained with her arms still out.

Haru moved his arms to Meilings hips so he could hand her over to Lian but she wrapped her hands around his neck a little tighter to make it harder for him to do so. 

"What are you?" He was about to ask what she was doing but before he could get the words out she puckered her lips and pressed them against his cheek. 

She then let go so Lian could carry her instead. Both Lian and Meiling giggled as Haru rubbed his cheek. He didn't know what had just happened at first.

"Thank you for rescuing me!" Meiling shouted with the biggest smile imaginable before Lian spoke.

"I will take her back now. If you ever want to visit then just let me know." She said with a smile before walking away while carrying Meiling in her arms. 

"That little shit" Haru whispered and then shook his head with a sigh. 

'I'm worried about how this whole thing will affect her mind as she grows up. But at least she will be safe from now on.' Haru smiled before walking back to his dorm. It took him much longer to get home as he was miles away from his dorm but after about forty-five minutes of walking he had made it back to his dorm. 

As he opened the door he was greeted by a mattress that was propped up against the wall in the hallway. He then heard the cries of AJ from inside his room as he shouted profanities at people he was playing his games with.

He stopped in the hallway for a moment as he heard the tv in the living room was on. He could feel someone else's presence in the room with him. He then walked into the room to see a man who looked to be in his twenties. He had short brown hair and had a muscular stature. 

He had the air of a martial artist about him but was definitely a regular person. He wasn't concealing any Qi and he didn't have enough Qi that it would make a difference to the overall amount in the room. He seemed to be an athlete of some sort. 

He sat on the couch with his eyes glued to the tv. He didn't even notice that Haru had entered the same room as him. But he suddenly felt like he was being watched. He looked up to see Haru standing in the doorway and then screamed. 


His cry for help rung out as he raised his hand to his chest. 

"Fuck, Don't do that, I thought you were a ghost." He said with a deep bellowing voice. It was the total opposite of his feminine scream.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." Haru apologised as he still clutched his chest. 

"It's good. You're the new guy, right? I was going to move your mattress for you but your door was locked. You need some help?" He asked and then paused whatever he was watching and stood up from the couch before helping Haru take his mattress into his room. 

After he had left Haru locked his door and sat down with his legs crossed on the bed before entering his soul ocean.

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