The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 150: Lord Meng.

Chapter 150: Lord Meng.

The man who stood blocking his path was the only man who had attempted to take his life since he had reincarnated. But he thought for sure that he had been killed when Teacher Lin sent down a technique to Shenzhen. It was the director of the faceless unit that had caused trouble for Haru and Jake when his family visited him at Zen's house.

"You followed me here?" Haru sounded slightly confused as he asked the man. He didn't think someone would hold a grudge for this long. It had been at least a few months since the altercation happened. It seemed almost childish to not move past what happened between them.

"Of course. I have been following you since that day, You cost me my career and almost my life. There is no chance in hell that I will let you go so easily." The Director was quick to respond in a threatening tone. 

Haru used his Qi to sense the cultivation level of the Directer. He had bound to have gotten stronger too or else there wouldn't be much point to come out right now. But there wasn't any change in his cultivation level at all. He had the same amount of strength he did during their last fight.

But Haru had progressed tremendously since they had last met, The director put up a decent fight the last time they had met but he was still defeated in the end. There would be no point to challenge anyone with his strength but that didn't seem to stop him. 

"Hey, mister? Is he a bad man too?" The little girl in Haru's arms asked as she turned her head to see the Director stood with his arm pointed at Haru. 

"Of course not. He just hurt his head and has gone silly. There's no need to worry." Haru reassured her and then pulled out his phone. He ignored whatever the director was trying to say as he made a phone call to Lian.

"Haru?!" She asked as soon as the call connected. She sounded surprised to hear from him so soon. But there was also a hint of worry in her voice. 

Yeah I need your help again." Haru started with hesitation. He didn't want to burden her too much but she was the only person he knew that could help him in this situation.

"What do you need? Is everything okay?" She asked again. He guessed the sudden end to their last call made her slightly worried. She probably knew what he was going to ask of her but she kept an open mind instead of jumping to any conclusions. 

"Well, I decided to put a stop to that sect But I've run into a slight problem. There are a bunch of innocent people locked underground and I don't know what to do with them. They are all injured in some way so I don't think just letting them free will do anything.

Do you think that you could send some people to come and pick them up and take them to where ever they need to go?" Haru let her know what had happened and then asked her to help. 

She didn't think about it before jumping on board with his plan. 

"Just send me your location and it's done." She said with a sigh of pity for the people Haru had saved. He didn't need to describe their condition since she knew that the sect probably tortured them before sacrifices. 

"Uh" Haru stopped mid-sentence as he looked at the girl once more. 

"Is there something else?" Lian asked after hearing him hesitate.

"Well I found a young girl in there. She seems around ten years old What do you think will happen to her once your people get here?" Haru worried a little. He figured she would probably be forced into foster care or something assuming that her family was dead. But he didn't dare to ask her about her family after what had happened to her in there. 

"You shouldn't be worried. She will probably go and live with one of her family members. Although if she doesn't have any family members then she will be put up for adoption. But either way, she will be looked after." Lian said reassuringly.

She was right. Either way, the girl would grow up with people who care about her. There wasn't anything that he could do but hope she would be returned to her family. 

The director began to shout threatening words toward Haru from the other side of the field but he ignored them all and continued his conversation with Lian for just a few more minutes before hanging up and sending his GPS location to her so she could send some people to help out.

"The arrogance of you young people these days never fails to surprise me." The director yelled out as Haru looked over to his sword stuck in the ground. The body of the behemoth had already been digested by the vicious bugs the lived by absorbing the Qi released in the sewage system of the cultivators that lived in the compound. 

"I'm confused What was your purpose for coming here? Did you come just to insult me?" Haru asked as the only thing he had done since they had met again was through insults and threats toward him. 

"What!? Do you think I would come out this easily just to insult you? I came here to witness your death!" The director yelled out once again, sounding sure of his words as he didn't have even the slightest doubt. 

"My death? You came here to kill me?" Haru asked.

"Haha, I'm going kill you? No not me. I came here to watch as the crimson spiders kill you for destroying one of their bases of operation. I already called one of their leaders and told them what you have done. I expect he should be on his way here right now." The director let him know and then started laughing. 

On the other side of the rock, the man who had brought Haru to the sect looked down at the ground. He seemed to be feeling bad about setting him up like this. Which was probably because the story he told about being captured and turned into a corpse by the sect was a true story. 

His main reason for taking Haru to the sect was so that the director could put his plan into action. But Haru did just get revenge for both him and his sister. He looked up at Haru and made eye contact with him for a few seconds before looking back down to the ground in shame.

"And you. You set this up before we even met?" Haru wondered since it was an accident that they met each other. If Haru wouldn't have escaped from his classmate using a void corridor then he never would have met the cursed man. 

"You mean how I planned for you to meat Gin? Well, that was just a coincidence. I planned for him to go to Hudan university since you would be bound to meet eventually. But who would have thought that it would happen on your first day?

I can't believe my plan worked out so well. Originally it was for the old witch to kill you but I didn't expect you to be stronger than her already. But now since you wiped out the whole sect you will die by the hands of one of the crimson spider's leaders." The director began to brag about his plan.

"Is that so? You were the one who made somebody kill the leader of one of our smaller factions?" A voice emerged from the tree line behind the director. 

The Qi in the whole area fluctuated as a man in black clothes with long black hair walked out from the shadows. Haru hadn't even felt his presence and had no idea when he had gotten there. His strength was also unreadable making him almost sure that the man who emerged from the forest had a higher cultivation level than he did. 

The director turned around to see the man walking towards him with a blank expression on his face. He didn't look angry but the blood lust that was coming from his body was strong enough to let everyone know his feelings despite the empty expression he had.

"Lord Meng! No that wasn't my intention at all I didn't want such a thing to happen it is just that" The director dropped to his knees and tried to come up with an excuse as to why he had planned against the crimson spiders.

But Lord Meng didn't want to hear another word come from the director. He had already determined his guilt. He reached down into his shirt and then pulled out a black dagger. As soon as he pulled out the dagger he released it from his hand. It flew forward for a few metres before striking the director in the centre of his head. 

As the knife stuck into his skull a loud cracking sound echoed out. 

Lord Meng then changed his attention to the man cursed man and then held out his hand. 

"A mere zombie planned to use me as a tool to kill somebody?" He asked before releasing a wave of Qi that was strong enough to rip the man's head from his shoulders and then shoot it deep into the forest. 

Haru covered the girl's eyes just in time so she didn't see what was happening and then looked back to the man known as Lord Meng.

"You're strong How come I haven't heard of you before?" Lord Meng said as he looked at Haru for a few seconds. He then reached his hand beneath his shirt once more while glaring at him.

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