The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 93: The Master Bestows the ‘Realm of Creation'

Chapter 93: The Master Bestows the ‘Realm of Creation'

"No, Primus. Not this time" Min Hong instantly deactivated the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' as the Primus energy receded into his body.

Then these Chaotic Daos then raged towards him and washed over every inch of his soul. 

But something really strange happened, instead of being shredded or blasted into pieces like he expected, this Chaos only caressed Min Hong's soul.

They washed over him as its emotion was transferred into Min Hong. 

This wasn't a feeling of anger or hatred, rather it was purely that of the frustration and sadness of being sorely misunderstood and being maltreated.

Before Min Hong could know what was going on, tears were already spiling from the corners of his eyes. 

But just as these tears were spilling out, the Chaos all around him were disintegrating them into oblivion.

Min Hong then shut his eyes, inhaled sharply and sighed as he spoke.

"I understand, I won't cry anymore. What is it you want me to do?" He spoke.

"Oh! I would know when the time is ripe? And I should comprehend other Daos?" Min Hong kept repeating the requests that was being transmitted to him. 

"Thank you, I will try my utmost best. I will try not to fall short of your expectations." The moment Min Hong said this, a pitch-black seed radiating the powers of innumerable entities darted towards him.

This was the Chaos Dao seed. 

The Dao seed then entered his soul and took root within the core of his soul.

This time the flower it birthed was that of a 'Rose Flower' with pods.

Its root spread out as Min Hong's soul power climbed and soared crazily.

Then after about thirty breaths of successfully comprehending Chaos, he was finally teleported out. But this time, when he got out, he wasn't neither happy nor sad. 

He had become utterly mysterious, and when Little Wu saw him, he also noticed a strong difference to his disposition.

To Little Wu, Min Hong felt strange, his emotions were fluctuating on and off, one would think he is happy and at the simultaneously feel he was very angry. 

Min Hong had become Bipolar! But he could also feel a certain level of threat from him that made Little Wu's scalp tingle slightly.

He was having the feeling that, though Min Hong didn't have any cultivation, he would be rendered useless should he fight him. 

"So, you comprehended the Chaos Dao, unh?" He smirked as he asked. But even Little Wu, himself didn't notice that, this time, there was currently no form of bickering between them.

It was more like he was scared of even bickering with him right now. 

But he knew he was safe... After all, Min Hong had sworn an oath by the seven heavens.

But that didn't mean he couldn't be beaten half to death, so he was utterly wary of the new Min Hong.

But before Min Hong could respond, a multi-coloured pillar of light descended on him and warped him away catching Little Wu completely off-guard and scaring him half to death.

In less than an hour, Min Hong was already standing in front of the 'great creator' once again.

"This speck of dust; Min Hong, greets the 'great creator'." Min Hong gave a respectful bow.

"Since you have comprehended two of the strongest Daos, you are now eligible to be my apprentice, so you must have a different form of address between us. Thus, you can take the bow of apprenticeship now." The many voiced 'great creator' spoke.

Then Min Hong went on his two knees and made the kowtow a new apprentice gives his new master.

"Accepted. From now on, you should refer to me as 'Master' and not the 'great creator' anymore. Then you must address yourself using either 'student', 'apprentice' or use the word 'I'." the 'great creator' gave his first instruction.

"All my students are destined to be one of the greatest and strongest in existence, I would not tolerate anyone soiling their names in my presence." It concluded.

"I completely understand. gr I mean Master." Min Hong stuttered.

"Now that you have passed your final trial, the 'Realm of Creation' now belongs to you. Yao Li would explain everything about it to you. Lastly, I will never interfere with any of your matters even if it means your death. You can go now!"

"Thank you, master!" Min Hong gave another respectful bow before he was being teleported once more with a wave of the 'great creator's hand.

Then he reappeared once again within the protective barrier formation Little Wu had created earlier. 

He had another feeling of vertigo but it vanished a second later;

"So, you even maintain the balance of your master's health, unh Primus?" Min Hong thought when he sensed that it was the Primus energy that eradicated the feeling of vertigo he just had.

"Moreover, it seems the 'Master' uses the multicoloured pillar of light to set a marker, then when he wants to send me back, I instantaneously appear at that same spot. Such mastery of space. I want it!" Min Hong thought with conviction.

When he looked behind, he saw that the portal into the 'Realm of Creation' had open and was currently swirling.

Then he looked to Little Wu and spoke;

"Let's not waste any more time and begin the process of putting down the formation."

"After doing this, my mental energy would be extremely depleted, so it might take me a full month in the outside world to completely recover. You will be on your own throughout this period of time." Little Wu explained.

"As long as it is done, I will be fine." Min Hong replied flatly. But as they approached the portal, an energy repelled Little Wu, simultaneously shocking them both.

"I guess you have to grant me permission before I can be brought in" Little Wu speculated.

"I hereby grant you; Little Wu, the permission to enter my domain" Min Hong spoke and instantly the repelling force vanished.

Then Min Hong called out to Little Lin in the outside world, and when she entered his Mind Palace, she darted towards the dimension he was located, since she could sense him because of their soul bond.

"Yes master, you summoned me." She bowed slightly as she looked towards Min Hong.

She was instantly surprised at the fact that Min Hong's aura had completely transformed, and though she could sense Chaos within him, there was another entity within him that whenever she tries to sense it, her sensors were blasted into nothingness. 

Furthermore, she didn't seem to be the only shocked one around as little Wu was currently looking at her in petrification.

Then Little Wu fell to his knees as he bowed slightly and spoke.

"This little one pays respect to the venerable Guardian Weapon!"

"Bloodline of the ancient guardians, but yours is slightly subpar. When last have you been home?" Little Lin looked at Little Wu and asked. 

"A very long time!" Little Wu sighed.

"I've been stuck here for too long" He added.

"Urgh, Stupid! Don't you know your bloodline purity would continue regressing if you don't go home?" Little Lin scoffed in fury as she lectured Little Wu. 

But then, both of them realized that they had ignored their master in the side-lines and have been carried away by their conversations.

Instantly, Little Lin got to her knees and begged.

"I'm so sorry master, Little Lin only got carried away a little. I never expected that you would also have someone with the ancient guardian bloodline serving you. please forgive Little Lin of her impetuousness." She was really flustered.

"Are you both done? If so, let's goI only called you here because I am about to visit the 'great elder' and I know you would want to see him" Min Hong responded in a flat tone that only seem to scare Little Lin the more.

Min Hong wasn't pissed at all. ..In fact, he was glad their meeting happened.

This way Little Lin as a female could help him keep Min Qing company.

Then as an ancient weapon who was familiar with guardian bloodlines, she would also be able to relate with Little Wu very well. 

So, to him, it was a good thing.

After all, he was yet to understand the opposite sex well enough and master the art of relating with them.

Neither did he know how to relate with Little Wu who was over 250,000 years old.

Thus, the presence of Little Lin is killing two birds with a stone.

Little Lin was naturally overjoyed when she heard this as she and Little Wu both followed behind Min Hong who held his hands behind his back like an observer, as they all entered the portal and vanished. 

When they got to the other side, they all appeared on the tall bridge Min Hong had previously seen the huge eye.

As they walked on, Little Wu was completely wowed at the sheer majesty and how ancient or more like primordial this place felt to every single one of his senses.

Then when they got to the part of the bridge where the statues were, Min Hong spoke. "Only look at the statues on the right once again, only look at the statues on the right." He stressed and repeated his point as the duo following behind him nodded in acknowledgement. 

Before long, Little Wu saw the statue of his ancestor on the right-hand side, the statue of the first Ancient Heavenly Monkey.

He then stopped and kowtowed to the statue of his ancestor. Min Hong waited for him and once he was done, they continued their journey.

"If you want, once we are done with the portal we are to build, you can come here and cultivate." Min Hong spoke to Little Wu in a flat tone without looking back. 


Little WU was truly shocked.

He had never been to this dimension in his entire life.

After all, his previous master never got a bloodline inheritance since he failed the trial, as a result he was not given access to this dimension.

So, when Min Hong actually passed both trials and received the two Daos and a top Bloodline constitution, he had already begun to revere this twelve-year-old boy within his heart, even though he refused to show it. 

Then he went on to receive the greatest Dao and another one in the top five strongest Daos, and also managed to comprehend them both.

At that time Min Hong had already become a master within his heart.

Now that Min Hong had inherited the 'Realm of Creation' that even his previous master could not, his reverence for Min Hong had really soared.

Furthermore, despite the fact that Min Hong owned this place and can choose to grant someone access into it or not, he had thought Min Hong was only granting him access into this place just because of the task at hand.

But now he had been told that he could come here anytime he wanted, what more kindness could he ask of Min Hong.

"He has the strongest bloodline; the 'Dawn Sovereign Bloodline', he also controls three of the five strongest Daos; Oblivion, Chaos and Primus. Not to mention the greatest support treasure; Eye of Infinite Daos."

"With the two cultivation techniques he had been given, only death can stop him from being the greatest. It is a huge fortune to have someone with such massive potential as a master. No wonder even the Guardian Weapon had submitted to him." Little Wu thought as they walked. 

Before long they reached the massive gate, but this time, the gates opened on its own accord without any action on Min Hong's part.

After all, he was now the lord of the 'Realm of Creation'.

Min Hong saw the hut once again and the field of flowers and tiny little beings fleeting here and there amongst the beautiful flowers.

Min Hong could clearly feel the intense joy and agitation within Little Lin as he looked back at her and ordered;



Little Lin vanished from the spot as she bolted through the door.

Min Hong began to hear the yelling of the 'great elder' from within the hut as thunder rumbled in the sky.

He then turned around and looked at Little Wu and asked "What are you flustering about?" though he had yet to bond with him, but Min Hong knew that, this guy's silence wasn't normal.

"Do you know what these are?" Little Wu asked with his eyes nearly falling out of its sockets.

"No, what are they?" Min Hong obviously didn't know what they were. After all, these are things that had been created way before anyone even thought of creating his first ancestors.

"Okay. To sum this up, the materials needed for you to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex] to the peak of Ancestor stage are here!" Little Wu was so agitated, even the tiny beings flying all around could clearly feel it.

Min Hong's body tensed slightly...

The first reaction he had made since he returned from comprehending the Chaos Dao.

But he knew it wasn't good to covet someone else's properties, especially behind their backs.

"Forget it, we can't obtain any of them." He returned to his previous unemotional state as he replied with a flat tone. 

He knew there was nothing they could do about it.

The old man had said everything within the vicinity of the hut belongs to him and not even the 'great creator' could do anything about it.

So, even if he the Realm Lord, this place was a no-go area.

"Realm Lord, welcome into this servant's abode." The old man bowed deeply as he gestured Min Hong into the hut.

"'Great elder' please stop that. I prefer our usual form of address" Min Hong spoke as he followed behind the old man into the hut.

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