The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 91: Comprehending the Oblivion Dao

Chapter 91: Comprehending the Oblivion Dao

"Well since I don't have the necessary materials to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex] yet, the only other option left is to begin with the [Myriad Path Codex]." Min Hong spoke.

"But the problem is that I still have to comprehend on of the two Daos, so I can tap into their natural energies and use them to cultivate the [Myriad Path Codex]." He added.

"Hmph! So dumb" Little Wu sneered. "Who said you don't have the materials to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex]?" He added.

"Unh?!" Min Hong looked intently at Little Wu. "Are you saying I have the materials needed to cultivate the technique?" Min Hong tensed up as he inquired.

"Hmph! Take me for? A newbie into the world of cultivation?" Little Wu sneered as he gazed at Min Hong from the top of his nose.

"What materials do you think you need to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex]?" He asked.

"Aren't they supposed to be the most valuable medicinal pills, extremely rare cores, ancient plants and fruits?" Min Hong responded, a little unsure.

"So nave! All you need are materials that possesses extremely untamed energies within them. So, it can be anything, as long as it possesses top quality untamed energy within it"

"Don't you currently have access to one already?" Little Wu spoke.

"UmCan you just stop being mysterious and tell me what exactly you are referring to?" Min Hong was already going nuts by Little Wu intentionally mystifying his responses.

"The Chaos Law energy, you mutt!" Little Wu Lectured. "What type of energy can be more aggressive than Chaos energy?" He added.

"Oh, that's right Stupid! Why didn't I think of that?" Min Hong nearly smacked himself on the head in frustration.

"You need to learn how to use your head more often, and you being a twelve-year-old wouldn't be an excuse because your enemies won't care" Little Wu warned.

"Thanks! But how do we begin?" Min Hong asked.

"Firstly, since the Chaos Law energy can work for the first stages of both the [Kingmaker Codex] and the [Myriad Path Codex], we should begin in both paths simultaneously." Little Wu responded.

"But if you just begin to absorb Chaos Qi, it will definitely kill the current you. So, you have to begin by comprehending the Oblivion Dao and based on your explanation, it should be stronger and able to protect you from the untamed nature of the Chaos Qi." He added.

"Cool! But can we just use the Chaos Law energy to cultivate the [Kingmaker Codex] to its peak?" Min Hong knew that it was most likely wishful thinking. But he was willing to still try, since that could save him a lot of troubles in the future.

"Nope! The intention behind the [Kingmaker Codex] is to make the body extremely strong by tempering it with extremely aggressive forms of energies. This would make the body intensely durable and tough."

"But it was also intended to familiarize the body with several types of energies, so your body can develop a certain amount of resistance to these energies should they invade your body at any point in battle." Little Wu explained.

"Does that mean I would still have to temper my body with a very strong poison at one point in time?" Min Hong anxiously asked.

"Hehe! Goodgood. You're finally using you head." Little Wu smirked. "Don't worry I will personally be in charge of this part of your cultivation, and I will make sure that you get the strongest of them all." He then gave Min Hong an evil grin.

Min Hong blanched when he saw Little Wu's grin and the thought of intentionally poisoning himself just to make his body significantly resistant to poisons.

"Well, if my body is going to be resistant to many fatal energies, that means I get to have one of the most invulnerable physical body in existence." Min Hong sighed.

"Now you're sounding more like a master. if you continue thinking at this rate, then I might just consider being a little lenient in your hellish body cultivation" Little Wu spoke.

"No way. There's no free lunch in this world, even if Lady Luck is one's mother. If the harshest training means the strongest body type, then I will have it no other way" Min Hong's determination and hunger for power surged as he rejected Little Wu's suggestion.

"Hehe! That's more like it. I thought you would cower in front of pain and seek shelter behind my suggestion or excuses." Little Wu complimented with a nod.

"I am never one to cower in the face of pain. In fact, the stronger you can make me the better. Even if pissing you off to death would make you put me through the harshest training, I will gladly do it." Min Hong responded.

"Hm. So you can kill three birds with one stone, right?... Receive the harshest training, get the strongest body and the joy of making my life miserable I like it!" Little Wu smiled broadly for the first time in a long while.

"Ha-ha Ha-ha! Are you ready for me to make your life a living hell?" Little Wu laughed loudly as he yelled.

Then Min Hong gripped his fists tightly as he clenched his jaws and donned a serious expression turned and the blurted. "Thanks I shall be in your claws then."

After about half an hour of making their final preparations, Min Hong sat cross-legged within a special formation that Little Wu had set up earlier. 

Then he looked up to him and spoke. "I am ready!" 

Hearing this, Little Wu threw away the ancient fruit he was eating as the hovering staff carried him towards Min Hong.

Then they began.

"Firstly, you have to comprehend the Dao of Oblivion. Then afterwards, the Dao of Chaos. The moment both are achieved, the [Myriad Path Codex] would automatically use the activate its 'steal' function, and combine with the 'Chaos Eye' to absorb Chaos Qi for your cultivation."

"Remember, we can only use one Dao for each realm of cultivation. This means that, you can only achieve a cultivation strength of Peak Warrior and Qi Creation stage with the Oblivion Dao and then proceed to the Peak King and Qi Sea stage using the Chaos Dao." Little Wu explained.

Then Min Hong searched his soul and sensed the invincible orb of Dao the 'great creator' gave him. Then when he found it, he willed it and then it came out and laid on his palm.

"How do I comprehend the Dao of Oblivion?" Min Hong asked.

"To comprehend the Dao of Oblivion, you have to first know how it came to be" The ancient Heavenly Monkey; Little Wu replied.

"What does Oblivion mean to you." Little Wu asked. "Let your emotions and belief of your reply guide you. Only then can the orb open to you and the Dao respond to your call." He added.

"Oblivion is emptinessan utter state of nothingness." Min Hong thought the answer within himself as his emotions and belief in the validity of his answer guided his inner voice.

"It is the most powerful and endless entity that had always existed but also never existed It became before any other came to be it has no concept of time and thus has no beginning or end" Min Hong continued as his thoughts merged with his emotions and belief.

The moment this happened, a bright light erupted from Min Hong's soul body as he began to glow brightly.

It flowed simultaneously from the top of his head and sole of his feet, and gradually surged into his arms, and from there into his palms, then finally, into the Dao orb.

As this bright light surged into the orb, it carried a mixture of Min Hong's emotions, beliefs and whispers of his thoughts, as they altogether poured into the Dao orb.

"It has begun. It is acknowledgement time!" Little Wu moved backwards as he looked at Min Hong who was now within a protective barrier begin his Dao comprehension trial.

Upon coming in contact with the bright light, the invincible Oblivion Dao orb began to absorb the bright lights as its shape began to become more pronounced and as it began to shine brighter and brighter as time went on. 

Then Whoosh!...

Min Hong's soul body was sucked into the orb as he completely vanished from the spot.

When Min Hong reappeared, he sensed himself floating within a different dimension. Though he could not see, hear, smell or feel anything, he could still sense that he must have been teleported into another dimension. 

As he floated within this dimension, Min Hong could only get a sense of vastness and primordial feeling.

It was like he was taken to a moment when nothing had been created not even any form of energy. 


As Min Hong immersed himself within this grand vastness, a slight ripple suddenly spread out from within his body.

Instantly his expression changed drastically. The ripple was minute and abrupt. But since it was being emitted from his soul, he was able to detect it.

But what caused the drastic change in his expression was that, the ripple that was being emitted from him was every ounce of the ancient aura he had used to temper his body earlier.

They were all gradually being sucked out directly from his body in the outside world.

He gradually began to lose all his vitality also, as his flesh began to shrivel as his muscles weakened and his bone became brittle.

Then came his mental power (the sea within his sea of consciousness). It began to evaporate and ripple out of Min Hong's soul within this dimension.

Min Hong instantly became flustered and frantic.

He had just arrived at the thought that, if his body had already been sucked dry, and now his sea of consciousness was going next, that means his soul would be the next to be devoured!

"This should be the Oblivion Dao comprehension trial" Min Hong raised his head as he sent out his senses in a bid to scan his environment. 

It was successful, but once they extend for more than ten metres, they were abruptly consumed by an unknown entity. His seemingly tiny insignificant soul body stood upright within this boundless dimension.

"The rate at which I am been depleted is so stifling that I can't even breathe properly. Anyone would cease to exist and fade into oblivion in less than two days." He thought to himself.

The moment this thought crossed his mind, Min Hong's body suddenly jolted in shock.

"It is Oblivion! Naturally, nothing is supposed to exist within oblivion and that is why I am gradually being turned into nothing." Min Hong reached a certain enlightenment.

"Furthermore, its superiority over every other Dao and the fact that everything was born out of it means that, it is extremely compatible with them all and can also manipulate every other Law in existence!" The moment Min Hong thought of this, his soul sense increased in span.

What could only reach ten metres earlier expanded to a 50-metre radius. But just as that increased, so also did the rate at which he was being depleted. 

"This also means that it could manipulate the thread of fate, which was why it could connect my soul to my mind and then body and forcefully suck out my vitality." The moment this happened, his senses expanded to a hundred metre radius as the depletion increased again.


Min Hong exhaled sharply as his senses became sharper, he wanted to know what the Oblivion Dao was trying to show him.

"Off I go!" He began to float forward within this boundless dimension. The expression he was giving was one that wanted to crack open the dimension and touch the enlightenment of oblivion.

But no one in existence knew how long that would take Min Hong or maybe he would even survive long enough. 


Min Hong's weary soul was now raggedly floating across the dimension. Min Hong raised his sense and scanned the endless emptiness around him, his originally sharp and determined senses were currently dull and blank at the moment.

He had been travelling within this dimension for about a month now and all he could sense was still the endless emptiness.

His soul was now slightly dim, he was also having a mysterious sense of thirst and if it were possible to actually see him, one might see a shriveled twig.

Min Hong knew that the moment his soul energy got exhausted; he would have failed this trial. As for the Oblivion Dao, that would simply become a figment of his imagination or fantasy. 

"As expected, it would have been extremely worrying if the greatest Dao in existence doesn't push me to and fro the borders of death." An ugly emotion surged within Min Hong at this point.

He sighed through his nose as he dragged his seemingly lead-filled soul across the dimension.

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