The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 86: Heavenly Weapon Ranking – The Guardian Staff [Little Lin]

Chapter 86: Heavenly Weapon Ranking – The Guardian Staff [Little Lin]

The old man trembled, looked up and gazed at Min Hong with teary eyes before asking. "Is this what you truly want?"

"Yes, great elder" Min Hong had seen the man's expression, so he was perfectly sure that this cane really meant something to the man.

"This cane was used by my grandmother when she was very old. Then it was passed on to my mother who always had it on her almost her entire life till she passed away. This was the only thing personal to her that I can remember her by." The old man quaked as he recalled his past.

"Now that I am old, I am also using it, but I guess it is time to pass it on. I will just have to make another one, even if it they might never be the same." His voice was still quivering in loss.

Min Hong heard the old man's story and began to feel pity and sorry for him. The only thing his mother had given him when she was still alive was the storage ring he had on his finger. So, he clearly knew how he would feel should he be told or forced to give it away.

As a result, he instantly changed his mind. "I am truly sorry great elder; I don't know what to pick and the hunger for power was also part of reasons I decided to choose the closest thing to you. But you might exchange it with any other thing just as valuable to you."

Hearing this the old man sighed as he asked. "Why are you changing your mind?"

"Firstly, it is a very rude and disrespectful thing to take away the walking cane of one's elders. Then secondly, I didn't know it was something so sentimental to you and with a back story such as yours. So, no matter what, it isn't a just thing to do, if I take it away from you."

"Then Lastly, my mother has also passed away in a tragic battle to ensure my survival and the only thing I have left to remember her by is my storage ring. So, I know how it would feel, if I am told or forced to give it away."

"As a result of these three reasons, I cannot bare to take this cane away even if it is the only thing that would ensure my survival." As Min Hong spoke, all his emotions were also poured out as he wore a downtrodden expression.

Hu! The old man sighed deeply as he spoke. "I guess we both have a past and strong sense of attachment to our mothers unh?" The old man spoke.

"I truly like your spirit. You have strong ambition, conviction and determination to gain power, but you haven't allowed that to cloud your common etiquettes and good nature. It truly takes a person with strong willpower and self-restraint to do that."

"As a result, I will give this cane to you" the old man blurted.

"Unh? But great elder y" Min Hong was stunned and tried to refuse the elder but he was cut short midway.

"What? Are you trying to break your promise now?" The old man asked with a slight smile.

"UnhI guess notI apologize for shamelessly accepting this gift then." Min Hong bowed his head in sincere apology.

"Haha! Don't always show your heart and sincerity to others. Otherwise, they would always use it as a means of satisfying their selfish desires." The old man advised.

"Moreover, if you had not changed your mind, I wouldn't have told you the true worth of this cane and neither would I have unsealed it for you." The old man spoke as he grabbed the cane and the golden flame earlier exploded out of his palm.

He slid his flamed palm across the body of the cane as its wooden exterior fell off on the floor like a snake shedding its skin. Then a snow-white staff was revealed underneath as an unbound, savage and proud aura erupted and washed into the surroundings.

Even Min Hong still felt a slight pressure despite the instantaneous intervention of the Primus Dao. When he sensed this pressure despite the protection of primus, Min Hong was once again shocked to the core by this realization.

The staff was about six feet long, it was metallic and sightly glossy because its surface reflected light, there also several golden ancient scripts on its body. But what shocked Min Hong the most was the spirit of a little girl which floated out of the staff and hovered atop it.

The spirit of the little girl turned towards the old man and bowed deeply. "Master."

"It's been a while, Little Lin." The old man had a doting and kind expression as he looked at the little girl. The girl took only a single glance at Min Hong and turned to the old man. This made Min Hong slightly awkward. The old man also saw this and then introduced them both.

"This is Little Lin, the spirit of the guardian weapon ranked third on the; Heavenly Weapon rankings. Little Lin t...ththis is" the old man stammered when he realized that he didn't know Min Hong's name which made the atmosphere more awkward.

"I am Min Hong, nice to meet you." Min Hong helped the old man who released a relieved sigh. But the next statement they heard struck the old man speechless.

"Hmph! Master why have you awoken me from rest." The little girl asked the old man.

Min Hong was also struck dumb at this little girl's level of pride. Even if she didn't like him one bit, wasn't she supposed to at least acknowledge his greetings rather than ignoring him like he didn't even exist.

Hmm Hmm! The old man cleared his throat as he tried to ease the tension and the awkward atmosphere which was gradually turning stifling.

"Little Lin, the reason why I have awoken you from rest is to introduce you to your new master." The old man tenderly spoke to the spirit of the little girl and gestured to Min Hong.

"What? Him?" she looked confused. "I don't understand" she added with her jingling voice.

"Yes, Little Lin. Min Hong is now your master. I promised him to give you to him, so you will follow him from now on. So, please don't make this any harder for me." The old man spoke.

"You little mutt! Do you know the story and the level of sentiment he has to his staff? How dare you do this to anyone, not to talk of a helpless old man?" the little girl tried to guilt-trip Min Hong into changing his mind. But she was destined to be disappointed.

"Little Lin, there's no need to do that. He knows everything and had rejected earlier, but I have still decided to give you to him. Are you trying to have me go back on my word and break a promise?" the old man asked.

"But master, he doesn't even possess any significant bloodline, you" the little girl still wanted to protest but was cut short by a wave from the old man.

"Little Lin!" the old man slightly raised his voice as the little girl went quiet in fear. "It's decided!" he added.

"I don't want to drag this out. Firstly, you will be of little use if you continue to stay with me, the outside world is your stage, go and show remind your peers of their position. They seem to have forgotten and the guardian spear is already staking false claim on your position."

"Secondly, he is going to take the inheritance trial, so he might no longer have the bloodline disadvantage." The man spoke to the spirit of the little girl in a chastising manner.

"Then lastly, if he ends up getting the inheritance, we might still occasionally see one another. So, be good and serve him like you would serve me." The old man added.

"But I... Fine! I will serve him if he can accept three conditions of mine." She spoke.

"Little Lin! Don't m." the old man was now getting angry and tried to scold her but was cut short by Min Hong instead.

"It's fine great elderreallyif it is something I can do; I will naturally try my best." Min Hong spoke.

"Hmph! Remember I am right here, and you're going with him either ways." The old man snorted as he used a tone that brood no arguments.

"Firstly, I won't help you until you get to the peak of the spirit realm. After all, I don't want to be ownerless and wandering just because my master couldn't even pass his nirvana test." She made her first condition.

"Secondly, our master-servant relationship must initially be at free will, then when you have grown strong enough to my taste, only then will I allow you to bind me." She added. This made the old man frown slightly, but he said nothing since Min hadn't objected to it yet.

"Lastly, as you have previously heard, some impetuous beings have been getting gutsy and don't know their place anymore, so you are going to help me reclaim my place on the Heaven Weapon Rankings." She completed her conditions.

"Firstly, you really underestimate me. You might not even get the chance to serve me freely by then." Min Hong was already unhappy with this little spirit's attitude. Even though she was a top ranked weapon, he didn't mind not having her.

After all, he had never expected to get a weapon before and he still had a plan determination and goal to stand at the peak of this world. Furthermore, not even the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' gave him this much problem, not to talk of her.

So, if she wanted to feel proud to the master of the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' he would smash that attitude out of existence by showing her, he was not only not superior, but vastly superior to her in every way.

"Secondly, I don't like having servants, neither do I want any friends nor enemies. The only thing I am looking for are reliable comrades that are willing to give their all to a common goal and must be willing to face the full consequences of their actions and decisions."

"Then lastly, if you need to rely on me to stake your claim of your position in the so-called Heavenly Weapons Ranking, then you are not fit to own the position in the first place. If one claims to be anything, one should back it up with one's abilities and not external strength."

"Furthermore, don't think I am eager to have you. After all, I had rejected great elder's offer earlier and though it was before I knew what you truly were. But, if I don't have you, I can always strive to have others stronger than you since you are only third."

The old man was truly impressed and nodded favourably at how Min Hong handled the situation. But the little girl was struck dumb and speechless as her expression began to alternate between shock, indignation and rage.

She dashed towards Min Hong and tried to strike. But an eye abruptly opened from the spot in between Min Hong's brows, as an epic, more overbearing, more unbound and vastly more prideful aura burst forth from Min Hong and intercepted the incoming strike.

The aura went on to shackle the girl's spirit as several ancient seals appeared and latched on to several parts of her body. The old man leisurely watch the situation like he had already expected this outcome. But the little girl was gravely petrified.

"Primus Dao? The 'Eye of Infinite Dao'?" She sensed the difference in the prideful aura they were both giving off. Whilst hers was forced and gotten from being in the third rank of the Heavenly Weapons Ranking for ages.

The one the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' was giving off was subtle and easy but very potent. It was at a level where it had become subconscious and not intentionally released by it.

After all, it got its own aura from being the overlord over Ancient Laws since basically the beginning of existence, not to talk of the Special Laws she belonged to. After all, no matter how much sentience she might develop, she is still a weapon; a staff.

"The one and only true weakness in life is a bad attitude and I don't want that anywhere near me. So, I'm sorry, but you don't qualify to give me conditions." Min Hong struck whilst the iron was still searing hot as he finally shredded the little girl's pride completely.

He simply waved his hand and the seal binding the spirit of the little girl dissipated into several motes of light as he turned to the old man and asked. "Great elder, can you kindly tell me where to take the inheritance trial?"

"UnhAll you need to do is to will it within yourself and the 'great creator' will teleport you over there, and when you are done, you will be teleported over here." The old man answered.

Min Hong noticed the little girl's failed expression as an aura of defeat began to radiate from her but he paid no attention to her one bit.

"If one can't handle a defeat and keep a defiant heart in the face of stronger opponents, how can one ever rise to the top?" He thought.

After giving the old man a deep gratified bow, he willed it within himself and a mysterious many-coloured light pillar descended over him and when it vanished, Min Hong was gone.

Little Lin wanted to speak, but before she could Min Hong was already gone, so she could only swallow her pride and keep quiet as her emotions descended into deeper chaos.

The old man smiled contently before chastising. "I have always warned you about your proud attitude. You might have just missed the greatest opportunity of your entire life." He spoke.

"But I" probably she was trying to object or explain but the old man didn't give her the time.

"Shut up!" he bellowed as lightning crashed violently over the hut, sending all the floating and crawling beings of life around the hut scrambling into their respective hiding places.

"Being here for too long has really made you impetuous. Or have you forgotten why you were created? Or do you think this fickle peace we that seem to exist in the outside world is permanent?" the old man raged as the lightning strikes intensified.

"That brat is blessed with uncommon luck and even the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' now protects him. What will you do if he ends up receiving that inheritance?" He fumed at her...

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