The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 58: A Big Transformation

Chapter 58: A Big Transformation

Min Hong felt all the mists in the area recede, followed by the dark clouds as the afternoon sunlight descended once again.

He saw Min Qing standing there with a swollen spot on her forehead. Clearly, that finger attacked backed by Min Hong's entire power still hurt.

Min Qing suddenly shook in a strange manner. But what was stranger was that, she was still standing there with a smile on her face.

Min Hong saw this and activated everything in his arsenal as a small wind kicked up from the sheer level of power he was conjuring at this point.

The seventy dragon tattoos within him bulged out on his skin, followed by the several roars and cries from the four beasts on his 'Yuan Wonder Gate' as his aura soared higher and higher until it was equivalent to that of a 3 Star Dan Formation expert.

He then initiated the 'Second Seal' of the Art of Myriad Seals technique looking to force his aura into the 4 Star Dan Formation stage.

But, before he could even finish making the hand seals, he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

Like a sixth sense, signaling danger. He gazed at the image of the Min Qing in front of him and noticed it was slightly trembling.

"Oh no!" as if coming to an understanding, he turned around to see another Min Qing smiling mischievously at him with a palm strike that was radiating an aura of a full-blown 4 Star Dan Formation stage.

He instantly activated the 'Eagle's eye' as the world seemed to slow down a bit, using that brief moment, he completed his hand seals and instead of attacking he channeled all that power into the [Willow Leaf Palm] technique.

The moment Min Qing's palm arrived with the full force of her cultivation, Yin Intent and Water Intent, Min Hong sent his palms to receive the attack also backed with every power that he could muster.

"Hmph! Not this time" Min Qing snorted as she increased the momentum of her attack and poured more Qi into her attack.

Perhaps because of her desire to winthe Water Intent within her surged aggressively as water was forcefully drawn out of the atmosphere and wrapped itself around Min Qing's palm fusing with the Yin Qi, causing the attack to become more potent.

Boom! A massive shockwave exploded outwards, followed by a massive wind, then everything within a hundred meter radius was blasted into dust as cracks formed all over the solid training ground.

The commotion caused by this collision reached the castle and everyone rushed out to take a look at the source of the ruckus, this included Min Tian, Min Shin and the rest of the elders who were already on edge because of the incoming battle with the Wang Clan.

When Min Tian looked saw that the source of the commotion was Min Hong's training ground atop the mountain, as well as the thirty-foot grey wind that was currently howling atop the same mountain and the current shockwave that was sweeping towards the castle.

He vanished from the spot and reappeared above the roof of Min Rou's residence which was about two hundred meters away from the training ground.

Instantly, Elder Shin and Min Bolin appeared on either side of Min Tian before Min Bolin yelled. "Return to your quarters, it's just an elder having a breakthrough".

Hearing this, all of them returned to their quarters as Min Tian and Elder Shin gave Min Bolin a nod of approval at the way he quickly calmed the situation.

When the shockwave was only a few meters from Min Rou's residence, Min Bolin just stared at the it and a wind with equal force as the shockwave kicked up and silently dispersed the shockwave like it was nothing.

"Wonderful! I never knew you have reached such a high level in controlling the Law of Wind, you might probably catch up with us pretty soon" Elder Shin praised Min Bolin as he slowly stroked his long, white beards.

"Elder Shin, I'm only in the third plane [Wind Concept realm] and still have a long way to go before I can catch up with your venerable selves Furthermore, Min Rou is about to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, so it's only normal that she shouldn't be disturbed" Min Bolin humbly responded with a slight bow.

"Haha Haha! You're too humble we're only a plane higher than you and you're still far too young it took us almost ten years to reach the fifth plane [Wind Law realm] " Elder Shin laughed loudly as he patted Min Bolin's shoulder.

"Father, what do you think is happening up there?" after Elder Shin stopped laughing Min Bolin asked the pressing question.

"You can't sense it? Min Tian turned to Min Bolin with a deep and contented smile as he asked.

"Tian, not everyone can be as monstrous as you who has comprehended two elemental and one special Laws." Elder Shin grumbled to his best friend and rival before answering Min Bolin's question. "It is Min Rou's brats that are causing this commotion."

"Isn't the only difference between us the types of Laws we comprehend?" Min Tian lazily replied his friend. "Moreover, one of them is on the path of an Ancient Law" Min Tian smiled so widely his beards were nearly horizontal.

"Ancient Law?!" Min Bolin nearly fell from the roof in pure shock. What were Supreme Laws, that someone from their backwater Min Family would actually comprehend one? It was an impossible feat.

In fact, in the entire East Wind Empire to the best of his knowledge there was no one who had comprehended a Supreme Law.

There were only experts who had comprehended multiple Special Laws. Laws were split into five grades but only three were common knowledge;

Elemental Laws: The Simple Earth, Fire, Lightning, Metal, Water Wind, Wood and so on.

Special Laws: The Generals Sword, Sabre, and other kinds of weapons.

Supreme Laws: The Emperors Gravity, Force, Slaughter, Karma and so on.

The strongest person in the entire East Wind Empire who was the Royal Advisor and also the current King's Grandfather, had only comprehended Four Elemental and One Special Laws.

The reason why the Min Clan knew about Ancient Laws was because their founder was a scholar.

Scholars are cultivators who loved to roam the entire world in search of knowledge and solution for the several problems which haunts the human race.

Furthermore, the founder only came across a single burnt page that only listed the laws and nothing more, there was no further information on them.

Probably some ancient clans or sects had killed him and burnt the entire manual or scroll, for the sake of keeping the knowledge to themselves.

And the knowledge of that single page and some other notes the founder left was what raised the Min Clan to the stage where they were only below the Royal Clan.

Thus, the moment Min Bolin heard that statement, his heart nearly flew out through his throat.

"The spar should be ending anytime soon" Elder Shin spoke as the trio turned towards the mountain top.

Though, they could not make out what was happening due to the trees, rubbles and dusts that were swept up and hurled about by the strong wind, they could clearly sense everything that was happening within the raging wind.


Back on the Mountain Top

The moment the collision occurred; Min Hong's palm began to violently absorb the force within Min Qing's attack. Gradually the force behind Min Qing's attack began to weaken.

"Hmph! let's see just how much you can absorb" Min Qing snorted as she infused more Yin Qi into the attack. Then as if responding to her feelings, the Water Law also soared in strength.

Min Hong began to feel suffocated by the sheer amount of power that he was absorbing.

Since the rate at which Min Qing infused her Yin Qi was greater than the rate at which Min Hong was absorbing it, it was only a matter of time before Min Hong becomes unable to absorb any more of it.

After all, Min Qing was in the Dan Formation stage, whilst Min Hong only had a combined power equivalent to the Dan Formation stage.

"In the end everything still boils down to one's cultivation base" Min Hong thought to himself. But he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

After all, if he couldn't even defeat Min Qing now or if he buckled under pressure now, how could he have the confidence to go into the outside world where he would face people who were more peculiar than Min Qing.

The struggle continued between the two of them and aggressive ripples began to spread out destroying all the trees in the vicinity.

Min Hong was already feeling strained at this point and was in fact, he had already run out of Yuan Qi and was only relying on his body cultivation alone.

As Min Hong approached his limits, the sealed ancient door within his Sea of Consciousness suddenly trembled as a golden mote of light whooshed out through a tiny crack on the door. This mote instantly arrived on that futon and entered it.

The moment this happened, a unique, never seen before, never felt before, never heard of intent burst out of Min Hong's body as the sky churned and thunder rumbled in response to this intent.

This change spread out very far, leaving the boundaries of the East Wind Empire and even went past the Ocean of Demons.

This intent couldn't be sensed by just anybody and in fact, in the Entire East Wind Empire only less than thirty people sensed it.

The only person who really sensed it was the Royal Advisor; the Grandfather of the King of East Wind Empire all the way from the Royal Palace, and even for him, the feeling only came and vanished in the same instant.

Moreover, even Min Tian and Min Shin only felt the abnormal phenomenon in the clouds because they already possessed a Nascent Soul which was formed from a Special Law.

"That's not normalSomething different and unique is happening up there" Elder Shin looked at Min Tian who was as calm as still waters. "Should we go take a look?"

"Nolet whatever changes happening to those brats run its course. It's not like we could do anything about it anyway and we might even become a distraction if we head over." Min Tian responded in deep thought.

Min Bolin was lost at the statement made by these old fogeys. So, he only bottled his curiosity as this was not the best time to ask questions.


Within a plain room that contained nothing else other than a bed, a wooden chair and table. A man with crisp white hair, broad shoulders and strong build could be seen sitting on a hovering golden futon with black luxurious embroidery.

This man sat there, unmoving and also not breathing. The entire room was silent and the man seemed dead to the ordinary eyes. At this moment there was a soul hovering around him.

The soul was of different colors; 40 percent earth-brown, 20 percent fiery-red, 20 percent yellow with a vibrant aura, ten percent sky blue with an electric aura and the last was ten percent white with a sharp aura.

Clearly, he had comprehended the Laws of Earth, Fire, Metal, Lightning and a Weapon.

Furthermore, since three of his nascent souls were brown, it only shows that he was most proficient with the Law of Earth and least proficient in the Law of Lightning.

Then all of a sudden, all these nascent souls entered this man's body and his eyes snapped open. Then he murmured to himself thoughtfully "Was I mistaken?". Then after a while, he shut his eyes once more as the nascent souls flew out to hover around his body.


Several occurrences like this happened everywhere the intent spread across. Some experts only opened their eyes, thought for a bit before going about their business, others actually stepped into the air and looked towards the direction of the East Wind Empire.

Some looked in fear, others in joy. There were even some that actually set out on a journey towards the direction of the East Wind Empire.

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