The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 315: Dire Straits

Chapter 315: Dire Straits

Being a serpent which had nothing to do with the air, the Viper was left vulnerable in air, unable to manoeuvre itself

Elder Yun being as pissed as a short tempered Ape, approached the rotating Viper from its bling angle rotating at tandem with it, thereby avoiding detection, then just as she was about to strike, she purposely halted her rotation and allowed the Viper to look into her eyes, and just as the Viper saw her, Elder Yun plunged her talon straight into its other eye, blinding it



The Viper hissed in pain as green, venomous and acidic blood spurted out of its eyes, whilst it descended at free fall

"Weldon, Elder Yun That's perfect!"

Min Rou yelled as she jumped into the air leaving a spider web of cracks in her wake from the momentum at which she bolted into the sky, she gathered all the strength within her soul, as every elven muscle within her body contracted and transfer every shred of power within them to their counterparts, and by the time all those energy entered her arms, she swung her sword with the dexterity of a 'One With Man' level sword expert, before wrapping her sword in her Intent Level Wind Dao which spiked the sharpness of the sword about a hundred fold




Min Rou slashed at the exact spot where she had cut off the Viper's scales earlier and her sword sank into the flank of the Viper cracking its spine but not breaking it completely, whilst the Viper who had concentrated on every other senses it had bar its eyesight, swung its tough, razor scaled tail at Min Rou;


Min Rou was literally sent 3 meters deep underground from the sheer force of its tail swipe

Just as its tail smashed Min Rou, Little Ming saw the Viper's tails glow slightly as she exclaimed within herself;

"Whip Dao!"

Instantly, she bolted out of the void with incredible speed due to her shrunken state and began to hum as all the patterns on her body began to light up from her tail up to her crown;


A stream of azure flames erupted from her mouth, landing squarely on the spot where Min Rou had just slashed the Viper;


The flames went straight into the descending Viper, as its toxic blood blasted outwards, splashing all over Little Ming who hissed in extreme agony, that even Min Rou who was currently bleeding in agony could feel her level of pain

Then just as Min Rou was crawling out of the hole she had just been smashed into, she saw a great deal of the venomous blood of this Viper raining towards her, and she was too injured to move rapidly, lest her wounds expand

Elder Yun accelerated her descent trying to get to her before the acidic blood of the Viper bathed Min Rou till it left only her skeleton behind, but from what she could see, she knew that she wouldn't reach there in time;


Elder Yun screamed in fear as the green blood of this Viper reached the hole

But just as it was about to give Min Rou a literal bloodbath, a green blur dashed over slamming into Min Rou blasting her over 20 meters away as the blood gushed into the hole



The Viper and Little Ming landed simultaneously, just about 5 feet away from the hole, whilst Min Rou fainted the instant she landed about 20 metres away from the hole, her injury severe, and she was bleeding profusely as her outfit was dyed blood red and still spreading


Bubble! Puddle!


The Viper's blood that rained down earlier began to dissolve something


A miserable, shrill and agonizing cry rang out of the pit as Elder Yun who was descending was just about to make out the skeleton of a four legged animal within the puddle

From everything she could see earlier, she noticed that the four legged skeleton belonged to the she-wolf which the Viper had sent flying earlier;

"Don't worry dear, your sacrifice will never be in vain"

Elder Yun spat through furious and gritted beak as she swoop downwards in a menacing manner, and just for a second there, Elder Yun truly moved like her ancestors; The Quicksilver Eagle;



Elder Yun landed with her talons digging straight through the spot where the Viper had received all its injury, and seeing that the properties of the Viper's Wood Dao was already healing it, Elder Yun began to pick at every organ in her sight, eating through the insides of the Viper who continued to writhe and tried to disappear into the ground, but sensing the insane grip from Elder Yun's talons which dug into its flesh, the Viper hissed in agony as it manoeuvred its blood with its Intent Level Water Dao and sprayed it all over Elder Yun

Elder Yun reacted instinctively to this last ditch desperate attack by covering her body with her massive wings, as the runes beneath her wings began to glow and shimmer with silvery glow, and when the acidic blood of this Viper landed on her wings, nothing happened

In fact, it was like as if Elder Yun just had a splash of ordinary water as she continued to pick out the Viper's organs, splattering its organs and blood everywhere

Seeing that its last ditch attack wasn't working, the Viper twisted its body in an angle that finally broke its spine but enhanced the momentum at which it twisted as it opened its maw, revealing a very potent and sharp fangs that was dripping with a more acidic and potent venom than earlier

Elder Yun was obviously caught off-guard by this Viper's attack, and she knew there and then that this fangs were going to penetrate her scales irrespective of how hard and invulnerable it had become

Moreover, her bloodline only hardened her scales and made it extremely resistant to external damage, but it didn't prevent anything from running rampant from within her body

Thus, should this Viper's fangs sink into her flesh and deliver a huge cocktail of venom, that would surely spell her end

But just as the Viper's fangs was about to land, the massive head of a she-wolf clamped onto it, crunching it with a force of about 50,000 pounds per square inch

Under this extreme bite force, there was nothing the Viper could do to resist other than writhe with the rest of its body it could control whilst Elder Yun continued to pick on its insides

Four more she-wolves rushed over and ravaged the Viper with several steel crunching bites, and smartly of them, they didn't sink their teeth into its flesh lest its venomous blood disintegrate their skin and bodies Instead they simply looked to crush the rest of its spine in about seven different locations, rendering the Viper immobile and writhing in pain

Elder Yun finally stopped tearing the Viper from the insides and left it where it was, before flying over to Little Ming who was in a more dire strait than Min Rou;



She called frantically, not knowing how to help her from the agony she was currently suffering

She grabbed Little Ming gently and dumped her in the green pond, but the water within the pond couldn't do anything to alleviate the acidity of the Viper's venom as Elder Yun cursed beneath her breath;

"Damn! Poison Dao!"

"Just how many Daos does this bastard have!?"

She flew over to the Viper in hopes of asking how to negate the effects of the venom, but she found out to her dismay that, though not dead, the Viper was unconscious

"Fuck!" She cursed once again

Finally she went over to Min Rou and realized that she was also unconscious

Thus, she picked the Viper in her beak, grabbed Little Ming gently with her talons and finally with the help of the she-wolves, she was able to carry all five of them with Min Rou on her back as she soared into the clouds and bolted for their tree house

She flew so hard that her movement caused a whistling sound across the sky, after all, she had also comprehended the Wind Dao to its Intent Level

In less than half an hour, she arrived at the tree house where Elder Jun was waiting in his usual pose




Elder Yun dropped the heavy she-wolves with a crash and the Viper from a high height seemingly out of fury before she finally crash into the tree house out of exhaustion


That was all she could scream out before she fainted, not knowing if Elder Jun heard or understood the urgency of their current dire straits

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