The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 313: Beauty And The Beasts [2]

Chapter 313: Beauty And The Beasts [2]

"Very nice sword"

This sword was given to her by Elder Jun from their treasure chest, and it was something Little Ming had found and plan on giving to her master when she returned, and seeing that it was the mother of her master who needed it, she didn't even think twice before telling Elder Jun to hand over the sword to Min Rou

Furthermore, from Elder Jun's estimation, it seemed to be a Low-grade Gold Tier weapon

Speaking of Little Ming who was currently atop Elder Yun who was soaring in the skies surveying the entire environment whilst they watched Min Rou slaughter a train of beast as she advanced

As of this moment, since they have begun their training, Min Rou had at least slaughter at least 30 spirit beasts, 28 of them in the Peak of Dan Formation stage, whilst the remaining two were the Chimera which had a 1 Star Nascent Soul cultivation, and this green spider which had a 2 Star Nascent Soul cultivation, and whilst Elder Yun looked from above, she couldn't help but mutter;

"Beauty and The Beasts"

"We must be getting close to the Viper's lair"

Elder Yun looked up and mouthed to Elder Yun without actually speaking, and Elder Yun with the sharp eyesight of an Owl and the insane zooming eyesight of an Eagle got everything she said like as if she was staring at her lips only two inches away

They have only begun their training about two hours ago, and the more they approached the Viper's lair, the greener everything became, whilst vines decorated everywhere, causing Min Rou to pay extra sensitive attention to her surroundings lest she walked past the Viper itself and think it was an ordinary vine

Furthermore, the reason why she felt they were getting closer to the Viper's lair was because the giant spider she had just killed was actually spinning vines, rather that webs

She instantly understood that it must have been the effect of the environment that caused all of these changes


She was gone, leaving only the leaves which were blown into the air from the momentum and explosiveness of her speed

"Damn, she's fast!"

Little Ming peeked from above and saw the way Min Rou tore through the leaves on the floor;

"and so nimble!"

Elder Yun added when they saw Min Qing approach a little green colored pond, but instead of jumping across it, she simply jumped to the right bouncing of a tree that propelled her to another tree on the left which she also jumped off, and that way she zig-zagged her way across the pond...

But just as she was about to land from a height of about sixty feet, she saw a wolf-like beast approach her from below;





Without even sparing the dissected wolf another glance she stored it into her storage ring and landed

She didn't even pause for a breath as she tore through the jungle once more

The wolf she had just killed was just as strong as the spider earlier, and from the howl it made just before it died, she knew it had called to rest of its pack, and if each of the rest of them was just as strong as this wolf, then it might slow her down significantly if there were three more, but any more than that will have her in deep trouble

She hadn't even reached the end of her train of thoughts when she heard some huffing and puffing on both of her flanks

Looking around, she noticed that there were about six wolves on either of her sides, all female, and from what she could obviously sense, she seemed to have killed the only alpha that pounded their cunt regularly, and as a result, they were suicide-pissed

She also noticed that they were all in the 1 Star Nascent Soul stage with red eyes staring at her, and some spiral runes etched in their green colored body;

"Are these magic beasts?"

She thought to herself, before a wicked and loving smiled curled her lips;

"My baby, would definitely love these little girls as a gift from me, and they will make perfect mounts"

She continued her train of thought;

"But to think I would have to use my spirit ring ability this early"

"Well, anything for my baby"

She dashed off, leaving these wolves behind in dust and shock as they wondered how they could find someone who could actually be faster than they were, and it wasn't bragging, they were at least in the top 5 fastest beast specie in this entire jungle

But before their thoughts could end, they looked ahead only to find the same lady standing there, but with a Purple colored Spirit Ring spinning around her with her being in the middle of the ring

Furthermore, from the heavy pressure that was weighing down on their physical body, these she-wolves understood that whatever beast she must have gotten that spirit ring from was way older than they were, and from the way their bloodlines were being suppressed, they also knew it was from an ancient history, and from the eerie and demonic pulse the ring radiated, they knew it was evil

All these properties caused a deep fear to surge within their very souls as their tails subconsciously curled beneath their legs, and this was one of the signs that they were about to submit

"Dark Forest Medusa!"

Min Rou muttered to herself as black runes began to appear all over her body and then;


An ancient power rippled out washing over these she-wolves as their legs buckled to a kneeling position looking up at Min Rou in deep fear

It was at that moment that the illusory figure of a giant snake with the upper torso of a lady that was so beautiful it combined the beauty of Min Qing, Qing Tan and Min Rou and still put them all to shame

Her eyes were still closed and her head was bowed like she was looking at her feet, and that was what did it for the wolves, they began to whimper in fear as they bowed their heads unable to look at Min Rou or the image behind her at all, not to talk of in the eyes

"Wow! That's so amazing!" Elder Yun blurted in shock;

"I was even thinking they would resist long enough for her to show me some of the abilities of that spirit ring! But, that was still cool either ways!"

Little Ming added as Elder Yun who had descended the moment she saw the wolves ground to a halt and perched behind these whimpering and shivering

Min Rou put away her spirit ring and felt 2 percent of her strength drained, and that was just from activating it

"Aunt Rou, that show of yours was spectacular!"

Little Min screamed as she blinked past the wolves and coiled around Min Qing's wrists

When the wolves saw Elder Yun coming, they began to growl defiantly, obviously they weren't disturbed by her Void Soul Owl bloodline, and this was because Elder Yun wasn't activating her Quicksilver Eagle bloodline otherwise they might have taken a hot shit, there and then

But Min Rou simply walked past the wolves and stood in front of Elder Yun with deep respect

Elder Yun was basically way older than her father and had been the guardian beast of the Min Family for a long while, so Min Rou gave her the respect she deserved

Min Rou then waved her hand in a 'Calm Down' manner, before she muttered softly;


Instantly, and like obedient bitches, the wolves sat quietly, as Little Ming chimed at Elder Yun;

"And now we can add 'Then Mother of Wolves' to her list of names!" She said with a smug grin



"Something just passed by us..."

Min Rou was the first person to pick up on that nearly silent sound of something that moved past with blinding speed, followed by Elder Yun who caught a glimpse of the figure's body length and color, and then finally Little Ming who spoke;

"I can feel the presence of a serpent nearby" she whispered;

"And it is at least 10 meters long and vine-green in color"

Elder Yun added, before Min Rou confirmed their descriptions;

"We are here."

She whispered as they looked around and finally realized that these wolves had chased them straight into the Viper's lair


The wolves began to growl aggressively as they stood up and surrounded the Min Rou trio in a protective circle whilst growling in different directions

Apparently, they have caught the scent of the Viper also, and were aggressively resisting and challenging its presence

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