The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 310: A Soaking Dream

Chapter 310: A Soaking Dream

The water felt so refreshing, it was similar to the Min Family Resort, only about a thousand times more refreshing and energizing

In fact she was sure that if she cultivated here for just half a year, she would return to her previous peak, if not surpass it

She looked around but could only see a Y-shaped metal wall, demarcating the pond in three parts, one was for each of them, but because she was here, Elder Yun and Little Ming picked one side and left the third spot for her only

After basking and reenergizing themselves, the trio set out for their final mission of their entire training journey; to defeat and if possible capture alive, the strongest beast in the jungle; a Sage Beast; the Forest Green Viper


Back within the sect...

Min Hong was awoken by something slithering its way into his robes, and because he was indoors and sleeping the only thing he used to cover his total nakedness was just the thin silk robe, and now something had just slipped beneath his abdomen, but when the thing wrapped around his slumbering dragon, he felt a slight jolt that snapped his eyes fully open

Looking below to find this mysterious and cold entity, he found it to be a hand

Tracing the hand to its source he found Min Qing lying beside him her head still on his chest, but completely fast asleep with a content smile on her face

Min Hong had blessed her yesterday for over 8 hours in every possible way and angle, and he had truly filled her up though every possible tunnel

But despite all that, here she was again, early in the morning, fast asleep, but still hanging onto his pleasure weapon, and no one knew if it was to prevent him from running away, or she was try to claim it all to herself, or perhaps she wasn't satisfied, but Min Hong soon got his answer, because she started making several different faces as she writhed on the bed, her laps clasping and rubbing against each other, and before he could blink, the moan came, and all this whilst still fast asleep

"What is she dreaming about?" Min Hong thought to himself;

"It is truly astonishing how you can go from intelligent to stupid and back again in the split of a second"

Daniel muttered with a helpless sigh, whilst Little Fei simply laughed and faced the system screen in front of him, seeing the rewards for the mission Min Hong had just completed a while ago

Min Hong meanwhile was watching Min Qing have her episode, waiting for her to wake up and explain what the situation is all about, but despite her increasing writhing and moaning, she still didn't open her eyes even after half an hour and being a man that he was, Min Hong's little brother couldn't help but stray away from his thoughts and act independently standing like the English flagpole in the Birmingham Castle

After ten minutes, it seems she couldn't take whatever was happening within her dreams anymore and Min Qing's eyes snapped open and without as much as a 'good morning' she looked down to what her hand was grabbing and seeing how stiff the microphone in her hands were, she scurried downwards and began to make use of it

Putting her lips on the mushroom tip, Min Hong who felt the contrast between the cold hands grabbing his shaft and the hot moist engulfing his mushroom found all the muscles in his body tense and stretch, his back arched whilst his toes curled inwardly, he grabbed the sheets as a slight muffled grunt escaped his throat

This was a morning flag, and just like the radar of a stealth bomber, it was always extremely sensitive at this time of the day

Min Qing stuffed as much of it as she could, which by the way still didn't reach halfway, before sliding a little lower and began to give the stiff, twitching lollipop in her hand a long, moist lick, from the foundation up to the penthouse

She licked from the ground floor, and when her elevator of a tongue 'dinged' at the penthouse, she sucked;


That was how several jolts fired one after the other though Min Hong's body, and he knew that if things continued the way it is, he might really see his plug explode from having too much current running through it

"Please, stop!"

He begged, but instead Min Qing simply became more intricate and dedicated, licking moistly and taking as much time as she felt was needed, like a little kid who wanted to find out how many licks it would take to get to the center of a lollipop

Sometimes when she got to the peak, she would slurp, other times her lips would make popping sounds and each of these divine sounds only seemed to tug Min Hong's consciousness between sanity and insanity

Whenever Min Qing left the tip, his body would calm slightly, but that would only last for half a breath because that is all it took Min Qing who was hard at work to take her elevator from his ground floor, up to his penthouse

Thus Min Hong's brain was experiencing several euphoric explosions in the space of a single second

Finally removing her mouth and shagging the divine staffs in her hand for about another minute, Min Qing looked at her handwork and gave a slight content grin, especially when she saw the face 'the love of her life' was currently making



Those were the only two sounds that spread throughout the entire room, as Min Qing slowly lowered herself on her lovers groin, slowly taking in his load, inch by inch, like someone who was told to lift an egg with a single chopstick and walk a mile without dropping it

The more she descended physically, the more her soul climbed into heavenly bliss, spiritually

Halfway down the hallway, and she could feel a hot metal rod spreading and reshaping her loins from the insides as it slowly intruded her privacy like a hot pin through candle

~Mmnhh~ ~Aahhh~

She sucked in cold breath whilst releasing steamy ones like the engine of a coal powered train

Min Hong himself couldn't even make any sound as he was almost unconscious

His mushroom in its own was extra sensitive, followed by the oiling and servicing Min Qing just gave it which seemed to suck all his energy away, and now, he was feeling it all being engulfed by a different mouth that was so warm, it seemed to have drank a hot coffee on a cold morning

He just lay there, beat, exhausted, brain short-circuited, but plunged within the depths of bliss-abyss

Moments later he felt Min Qing pause slightly, looking up, he saw her having a painful expression on her face, but biting her lips, she continued to descend

There were only three inches left, but Min Hong could feel an obstruction on his tip

It was like trying to carry a three feet wide table through a single foot wide entrance, but with scrunched brows and eyes radiating determination, Min Qing lowered herself until Min Hong's mushroom which on its own was about two inches long finally peeked through the entrance ~Aaaiyy~

She whelped in 30 percent pain, but 70 percent pleasure, as Min Hong felt his little brother held tightly between two ropes, one at the tip and the other at the base, since Min Qing had finally taken all seven inches of him like a champ, but was sweating profusely like someone who was having a Qi deviation

She couldn't move as she felt weak from something impaling its way through and into her baby factory, so she just laid on Min Hong's bare chest with him still lodged within her deepest depths

She took rapid breaths through racing heartbeats trying to calm herself whilst she adjusted and accustomed herself to the intruder

Min Hong who finally had a little time to breathe then ran his finger all over her body, through the sensitive parts causing Min Qing to moan from double pleasure, she looked up from his chest as they shared a love-filled kiss, rampaging through the insides of each-other's mouth like a teenager looking for his last 50 dollar bill which he couldn't remember where he kept it

Few minutes later in that same position, Min Qing began to straddle her lover, slowly at first, loving the way her hard and erect nipples brushed against his chest

When she moved up, dislodging his shlong up to its mushroom, she ended it with a kiss, and when she slid back down, impaling her baby factory with his mushroom, she ended with a deep but satisfied moan, as well as a lecherous, pleasurable but needy expression plastered on her face

This morning, she didn't just want it, she needed it badly, and the reason was apparent since her hands already went to work and her 'love juice dam' had already begun to leak long before she awoke

She didn't wake up from a wet dream, no, she woke up from a soaking one!

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