The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 308: Min Rou's Story [1]

Chapter 308: Min Rou's Story [1]

"Since you now have another member to join your training, go and fetch that Viper"

"Most preferably alive, but being freshly dead will also be manageable since we will be able to harvest all the treasures within it"

"But if you manage to bring it back alive, then we might be able to have either of our young masters try to tame it and have it serve them"

Elder Jun revealed the plans which the Little Ming duo loved hearing a lot

It was something more like a motivation for them, whenever they hear that the next beast on their list would live too serve their young master

This makes them want to take all these beasts alive, but if they were unable to do that, they tend to grab the egg of that beast or its cubs, and so far they now have two eggs and two cubs, if they could bring in this viper and made it the fifth, then their hellish training within this jungle would have been well worth it

This jungle had the biggest water source in the entire Dogon Empire and as a result plants were able to grow around it until it became the jungle it was today, and its landscape attracted many beasts over and even transformed most of them

For instance, there was a 'desert dune-sand worm' that completely became a 'leech' monster because of the change from a sandy environment into a wet habitat

"You don't have to leave today you can set out tomorrow morning"

Elder Jun said as he ushered Min Rou into his apartment whilst Little Ming and Elder Yun took their respective abodes

After chatting for a while,, Min Rou began to see Elder Jun in a new light, especially with his fountain of knowledge on cultivation and the maturity with which he carried himself, and for the first time in 20 strong and long years she began to feel emotional once again...

Then with occasional blushes that wasn't directed at Elder Jun, but more like the joy in the realization that she could now actually feel romantic emotions once again...

But Elder Jun, who though was single, and very datable, just took it in stride as he offered Min Rou the entire apartment whilst he claimed he was going to keep watch for the night, since the sun had finally set and the jungle was nightmare dangerous at night time

Min Rou who was once again emotionally stirred from having someone show not only care but deep respect for her was busy thinking about Elder Jun

This was not a slutty attitude or anything it is just that, ever since she was pregnant with Min Hong and found out that the little adorable youngling of hers was feeding on her cultivation all out of the sheer will and determination to stay alive, Min Rou had never once cared about herself ever since then

She only thought about her baby and even most times, she had to lay on her bed surrounded by spirit stones, especially when it gets to the occasional moments when Min Hong drained her so hard that she felt gut-wrenching pain wreak all over her body and even the feeling of the cultivation base which she had aggressively and painfully cultivated get sucked away at a faster pace...

Moreover most times, that pain and exhaustion left her so weak,, that she couldn't even call out to her father; Min Tian, and had to suffer agonizingly, alone, with no one to show her care since Min Qing was barely two years old then, and needed Min Rou's care much more than she could offer any shred of comfort

She had passed out on numerous occasions that it was only Min Qing's cry whenever she was hungry that would alert the visiting Min Tian who would then rush into the house to find her only daughter lying on the floor, all by her pregnant self a little far from her bed signifying the fact that she had tried to crawl out of the house in pain in a bid to seek help

Min Tian's heart would ache all those times and at a point in time, he even considered X-ing the baby within her so that his daughter could survive...

At least that would not only ensure her safety and return of her cultivation base, but also give her another opportunity to have another child in the future, which back then was better than having the mother and son pass on

But anytime he saw the resolve in Min Rou's eyes which always screamed that she would birth her child even if she had to feed him both her cultivation and her life force, he would shake off the thought

Then as lady luck would have it, which no one knew if she was already in love with Min Hong when he was still within his mother, or just a sheer coincidental luck, Min Tian stumbled upon the wyvern and the waterfall which was oozing rich spiritual energy

Then Min Tian and the rest of the family drove out that wyvern and then built the Min Family Resort around it whilst he gave Min Rou the best and safest location in the resort, so that anytime she was feeling the cramp coming again, she could hurry to the resort and lay within the bath of spiritual energy which eases the rate at which she lost her cultivation to the poor little kid within her, and as a result, also lessen the gut wrenching agony she faced whenever Min Hong aggressively fed on her cultivation...

Back then, Min Tian had advised her to find a companion who wouldn't only love her but also help care for her because he was busy with the duties of being a Family Head, thwarting threats that faced his family and finally, [even if everyone hates to hear this], teach his children and care for his other grandchildren

[Mind you, everything that happened with Min Lei and Min Tian wouldn't have happened, if Min Lei wasn't so adamant and greedy about the body cultivation technique, and most of all, being too needy]

[This was because Min Tian was a good man who showed no partiality between his sons and his grandchildren but gave them equal amount of attention and resources After all, Min Bolin was also treated the same way as Min Lei, and it was the same for Min Chen and Min Jin]

[But whilst the rest acted like a man they were supposed to be, and maturely like a father they were, only Min Lei whined about everything, because whilst the rest of his siblings understood that, Min Rou's condition with the child in her belly warranted more care from their father than they did, Min Lei idiotically didn't, as well as some readers who felt the same...]

[All it took for the bastard son to hate his own father was being denied of a single fucking body cultivation technique - which by the way, there were few others in the library which Min Bolin and Min Jin gladly used like the mature and sensible human being they were, and the fact that a father showed extra compassion and attention for his only dying daughter and the only grandson she was about to give him]

[Think about that for a second, and then go back and read the Volume 1 of the novel once again! Yeah, that figures!]

Back to the story, but despite her father's advice of finding a man, Min Rou knew within herself that she was currently a mess; physically mentally, spiritually and finally in cultivation...

Then being the kind-hearted dove that she was, she felt she wouldn't want to burden another man with her current problems, after all, it would be more of caretaking and a one-sided love for the guy, because she was not even healthy enough to replicate her feelings and love back to him

Thus, she shoved all that love for the person who plunged her into this lonely life of agony and torment furtherly accentuating the kind and nature of a person she was

It was not her fault, and neither was it Min Hong's and whilst she can't remember how she truly landed in this condition, because all memory of her life prior to three years before she birthed Min Hong seemed to have been wiped, she couldn't blame anyone else but gently accept her fate

She only remembered the man who was responsible for the child within her, but if she was asked to describe how life with her husband was, she would definitely be unable to say anything other than what she knew and felt about him the few months that they were together, or everything her father [who seemed to have kept 99 percent of the story a secret] told her

But anyways she loved both of them still, and when she later died in the war, one of the regrets she had was not having a man who she could have looked into his eyes whilst she lost consciousness or someone who could have escaped with her son and ensure that he didn't live his life on the run alone


Author's Thoughts: - 

Sorry for the late post... My laptop has finally fucked me sideways, and now i have to travel at least 10 miles to be able to use someone else's gadget to write whenever it is free to use... That was the issue I made mention of, earlier in the previous chapter....

Furthermore, my phone is now so bad, that i even have to literally uninstall and reinstall my webnovel app every single day, since that was the suggestion given to me on WEBNOVEL discord server...

But irrespective of all that i will still keep to my two chapters a day, but might slightly err in terms of release time, until i can earn enough money from this book to get a new writing gadget; Laptop or Tablet....

A screen shot of all these issues would also be added in the chapter comment section to serve as proof of everything that is happening...

Thanks, and i am sorry for whatever disappointment this might have caused you all - 'My Dearest Readers'... 

Thanks once again... 


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