The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 306: The Ladies Reinvented

Chapter 306: The Ladies Reinvented

"Little Ming, fetch that egg carefully and that bitch's core and let's return home"

"We are already about half an hour late"

"I don't wanna stay within this jungle for another second, and now that we have finished our training, it should be time to return to young master's side"

Elder Yun added, whilst Little Ming did as she has been instructed and fetched the valuables from their spoils of war as they returned

About half an hour later, riding on the back of the upgraded Elder Yun who had seen her Void Soul Owl bloodline increase by about another 10 percent surging her to the higher level of being a Magic Beast, whilst her Quicksilver Eagle bloodline had increased by 5 percent due to the life threatening and imposing tasks Elder Jun had given them

As at last month, she and Little Ming have been able to barely defeat the second strongest beast in the jungle which was a massive Hyena that had comprehended a Sixth Plane Intent Level Death Dao

And luckily for her, she finally awakened her first innate bloodline abilities; the 'Soul Flight' and 'Soul Snatch' divine abilities

The Soul Flight divine ability enabled Elder Yun's beast soul to leave her body and shrouded with the Void Dao which meant she could go anywhere and fly into any place she wanted without being detected except she encountered an expert who was an entire realm stronger than her, or if she met someone who had a deeper comprehension of the Void Dao than her

But even at that, she would still be able to escape if caught since she was in her soul form which was about ten times faster than her physical self, except the person who detected her was way stronger than her

But as for the Soul Snatch ability, it is an unorthodox, overpowered technique which was the only reason why they could defeat the Dark Wraith Hyena, because that battle had forced her to awaken this divine ability that allows Elder Yun to be able to snatch the soul of her target, just like an eagle snatching the chick of a hen

But what made this technique so fearsome was that she could also snatch her target's Dao Nascent Soul which was why they were able to kill the Dark Wraith Hyena after she snatched its Death Dao Nascent Soul out of its body

When she uses this technique, her sharp glistening silvery talons takes on a complete black and intangible, allowing it to sink through her opponents physical body, straight into their souls

But this technique can only work for anyone below her cultivation base power, at least, till she purifies her bloodline higher

This was the Awakening Stage in the cultivation cycle of all beasts

Their battle with the Dark Wraith Hyena was fierce, costly but improving, since the Hyena was in the 6 Star Nascent Soul stage

The Hyena's attack infused with Death Qi ensured that anytime its attacks landed, it would not only corrode their bodies but also corrupt their blood and Daos, but luckily Elder Yun was already in the One Star Nascent Soul Stage whilst Little Ming was also in the One Star Nascent Soul stage, and was also the most improved of the duo

She was able to cultivate during the day, improve herself and bloodline when battling with several overpowered beasts in the jungle, and finally was able to comprehend and purify her bloodline faster when she was in her half-death sleeping state, where her consciousness leaves her body and roams the void

Thus, she saw the greater increment in bloodline purity bringing her to the Peak of Magic Beast purity level at exactly 40 percent

Then she awakened her divine ability; 'The Void Dragon Breath' which was the azure flames she just nearly used to pulverize the monster mama-spider just now

Asides from that, the range of her Void Blink had now been upgraded;

She could now teleport from anywhere to as far as her eyes could see, and though it was a very nice ability but it came with disadvantages which includes the fact that, she could only teleport as far as her eyes could see and not wherever she thinks of or have been to before....

Furthermore, is the fact that, she cannot take any living being with her whilst she is teleporting, except the being was within her though

But asides those divine abilities, there were also massive changes to their physical appearance as their bloodlines have begun to physically manifest themselves

Currently, Elder Yun was transforming to more of an Eagle and regressing her Owl features, but that even only served to heighten her owl features, as she can now fly soundlessly and stealthily past anything which was on the same power level as herself or lower

Her talons now glistened silver whilst her feather are gradually transforming into silvery sharp scales, and every time the sky reflects on those silvery scales of hers, it makes her blend with the clouds, becoming almost invisible to the sight

Once one couples that invisibility with her soundlessness and ability to snatch someone's soul out of their body;

she did become a fearsome foe to anyone on the same level or beneath her power level, bringing out the dread, fear and trepidation that her ancestors relished in, back when they were in their prime

Little Ming on the other hand also saw herself grow some patterned scales which only furtherly accentuated her cuteness, especially when she was in her powerful shrunk state

She now looked more adorable than before, like a pet that would melt the heart of even the coldest tyrant, and her beautifully patterned scales and her azure blue complexion on made her prettier and more snuggle-worthy by kids...

Furthermore, whenever she wanted to use her 'Void Dragon Breath', her scales would begin to glow from her tail, all the way to the Azure Crown on her head, before she fires a stream of azure colored flames

Moreover, whenever she's pissed, she was a real spectacle to watch as all her scales will being to home with azure light whilst her eyes would go bonkers; glowing completely azure whilst the vertical slit in her eyes would stay blue, giving her an otherworldly look

"Any moment from now, I will be able to awaken my Mimic Abilities and finally grow proper dragon wings and my feet"

"Then I won't be forced to slither or blink my way around and would be able to properly fly and walk everywhere"

"~Ayyyee~ I can't wait!" She thought to herself;

"I will soon crossover and become a Demon Beast too, then I will finally be able to take human form and serve my master better ~Aahh~"

She began to fantasize about things only she knew of;

"But I have yet to find a pretty girl to transform into yet, and she has to be my exact worldly age; Sixteen!"

She thought happily to herself as she allow the strong breeze accompanying Elder Yun's flight to caress her body whilst she basked in Min Rou's fragrance, since she was curled around her wrist like a bracelet

"How long have you been back, young mistress?"

Elder Yun asked as Min Rou subtly smiled contently at being called 'young' again

Though, she was always called young ever since, looking like she was in her late twenties even after her child had almost clocked twelve back then, but this new body of her's made her appearance recede in age a little, as now she now looked like a prime young maiden in her early twenties which made her fulfilled from within

Moreover, knowing the way elves are, that their appearances never age again once they reached a certain age and cultivation base power, her future would forever be bright, because she would never stop getting the stares and the whistles for the rest of her life;

"Just about a week ago"

She replied with a refreshed sigh as the cool breeze brushed past her hair, making her look like a damsel who was eloping with her runaway boyfriend whilst in a speeding convertible coupe;

she was free, glad to be back, and was determined to enjoy everything she regretted not enjoying when she was dying, but most importantly, was the fact that she would get to stay by her son's side and never leave him again in such a fashion

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