The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 303: Home Alone

Chapter 303: Home Alone

It was since that time that the fear of Min Hong took root within his heart, because the person he just flicked away like a bug, was actually a Peak Emperor stage cultivator with two Intent Level Daos

But the moment Min Hong refused to force him to bow like other tyrants would, and even offered him friendship was the same moment all that fear multiplied and transformed into deep respect, bordering on servitude

"Second, give those who cannot pass the inner court tests yet, 15,000 merit points each and have them pay for the promotion"

Min Hong wanted everything to fall into place concerning the inner court in three days, so he could fast track his plans

He had begun to sense a more focused and particular calling sensation coming from the Nihility Essence Flame, and the direction it was pointing him to, was the Core Court District

Furthermore, it would soon be about a year and half since he had last seen Elder Yun and Little Ming, and though there was still a year and half more to go from the initial time limits they had set for themselves to achieve their goal of becoming an core court disciple...

But Min Hong was more concerned about obtaining the Nihility Essence Flame because, not only would it help him form his Flame Nascent Soul and advance into the Nascent Soul stage, he had also promised Elder Yun a little bit of it which she would use to form her next nascent soul...

Thus, he was in a bit of a hurry

Moreover, the earlier he entered into the Core Court, the more time he would have to search for it

"I know you mean what is best for us, Fei Hong, but we have discussed amongst ourselves and decided to have our inner court test whilst you are busy challenging the inner court 'War God Trials'"

Min Hong was a bit speechless when he heard this, and was a little uncomfortable with it;

Firstly, was because he didn't have much time to waste and could obviously not tell the rest of the group why he was in a hurry or about stealing the Nihility Essence Flame and that might even jeopardize the plans he has for the inner court 'War God Trials'...

Secondly, was because he knew it would also be a lot beneficial if these guys fought for their place in the inner court, so that using money to move from one stage in life to another won't be a habit for them...

Thus, it was more beneficial for the whole team if they took promotional test, but it was going to be even more beneficial to him if they could use merit points, because that would save him a great deal of time...

This was because taking the promotional test could take anywhere between a week to a month, and if he doesn't have Mu Li around to oversee the betting this time around, he didn't think his plan would go smoothly

But being who he was, Min Hong would obviously choose to let them take the test for the betterment of their group's battle power, character and reliability...

"Alright, you guys do whatever it is you have to, we all have one week at most"

Min Hong spoke with a contemplating expression just to appear like he was making a compromise for the group which they all understood the moment he made that face;

"Don't worry, we will be done in time for you Trial challenge" Mu Li reassured

"If that is the way it is, wouldn't it be better if you guys join them taking the tests also" Long Sha looked towards the new trio and suggested

"Oh, we don't need to take any test to enter into the inner sect, as a matter of fact, we could walk in there anytime and register, but we were waiting for the outer sect promotional tournament to begin, so we can attract the attention of the higher tiered elders and take them as our masters" Dai He explained;

"Our inner court strongest disciple rankings wasn't just made out of fame and our connections here

It was made from how many missions we have taken and completed, and on some other occasions, we also get to duel with one another to claim a higher rank, thus, the sect itself counts all of us in the top ten as inner court disciples"

Ma Dong added, as the rest of the group realised that, if these guys could be considered inner court disciples, then perhaps, the inner court 'War God Trials' might not be too difficult for Min Hong to defeat, and this level of power and achievement only served to deepen their respect for Min Hong and the loyalty to his cause

Finishing their meeting here, they all went about their business, and before long only Min Hong and Min Qing were left in the apartment;

"Where is mother?"

Min Hong asked after sensing that there was no one else within their room asides the two of them;

"We ran out of food, so she said she wanted to go hunt some beasts; to both sharpen her fighting senses and battle techniques as well as get adapted to the new body we've given her"

"So, she might be away for about a week too"

Min Qing responded before crossing over and sitting on Min Hong's laps

"You should have told me before she left, I would have given her some weapons or resources and stuffs like that-"

Min Hong was speaking but was interrupted by Min Qing who planted a deep kiss on his lips and slipped her hands into his robes, touching him where it tingles and tickles, sending hot blood rushing through every part of Min Hong's body, and before long, his eyes were already rummaging every inch of her sexy body like an MRI machine

Even Min Qing felt completely naked with the way those eyes searched every inch of her body for imperfections it would never find, making her blush and smile coyly;

"So we can both sit here and discuss about mom and her adventures, or we can do several other interesting things"

Min Qing spoke with a sexual suggestive wink as she was still feeling good from being called Min Hong's mistress by the rest of the group, but the block head Min Hong just had to reply;

"Interesting things like going fishing?"


Min Qing was stunned stifled; "Ha-ha ha, I was just messing with you, come here"

Min Hong grabbed her by the waist, and with a single thought, the black star skin on his body detached itself from his body and laid on one side, meaning Min Hong was now butt naked; "I really need one of those"

Min Qing said through steamy breath as her body exploded in flames burning her clothes into cinders;

"You You know ~hmm~, if you keep, ~hmm~, burning all your, ~hmm~, clothes off, ~hmm~, you might not have any left ~hmm~"

Min Hong managed to make a sentence as Min Qing kept sucking the air out of his lungs;

"Then that means I would have to walk around the house naked at all times, won't that be a lot ~anh~"

Min Qing tried to tease Min Hong but couldn't finish her statement because the little boy had plunged the little poky ice on her left snow-capped mountain into the depths of his mouth, melting Min Qing emotionally, both from the inside and out

Min Hong switched between the two snow peaks sculpting the snow-peak with his tongue and carving them perfectly with occasional bites from his set of white teeth which sent pleasuring shivers down Min Qing spine, because they came abruptly without patterns

In about five minutes, slurping and sipping sounds suffused the entire apartment as Min Qing made sure Min Hong paid for what he just did to her by focusing on the tip of his lollipop, which tugged Min Hong's consciousness between the barriers of black and white, causing him to nearly get muscle cramps from the way his muscle shrunk every time Min Qing expertly licked her way to shaft of his lollipop, with veins popping out of every corner of his body including his massive six inch long God Tier sword

Not being able to take Min Qing's teasing any longer Min Hong rolled her over mid-air and without waiting for her to put up her defenses, he invaded her immortal cave of heavenly ascension, and just as the name suggested, he was thrusted into the heavens of heavens 

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