The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 289: The Mother Of The Dark Unity

Chapter 289: The Mother Of The Dark Unity

When these sect leaders looked around, they noticed that something was wrong; the spectators were cheering loudly, but there was nothing going on the stage for them to be cheering like that

"Isn't that an illusion technique!?" The Saber God Sect leader was the first amongst the rest to discover what was truly going on

"Illusion Dao!?"

"Doesn't that belong to?" "

The Sect Leader is amongst us" The Fifth Grand Elder completed the Merchant Alliance Head's thoughts

Min Qing on the other had was still having to ancient beings battling with her body

Lang Su's Yin Dao which was innate to her 'Genesis Yin Bloodline' erupted, followed by her Demonic Flame Dao, Yellow Springs Water Dao and finally her Demon Dao which was a result of living and cultivating within an environment suffused with potent Demonic Qi

"Four Vs One, beach!"


Min Qing's aura soared as her flaming hair began to rise and float in the air

"It is never the size of the dog in the fight, it is always about the size of the fight in the dog!"

Sirena's bloodline power surged and the black water went even a shade darker as Sirena's aura took a devilish feel to it

"Do you know the difference between a demon and a devil?" Sirena transmitted to Lang Su

"You are all pawns who think too much of themselves because we can't even spare you enough moment to be bothered about you"

"Your father bows to the 'Devils of the Nine Orders' with deep reverence, and you dare spout nonsense in the presence of I; 'Sirena; the mother of the Prince of Rebellion, Angels, and Darkness!'?"

"The punishment for your insolence can't be cleansed by annihilating your generations!"


Sirena who had flown into rage simply rippled her bloodline power in a shock wave manner as Lang Su saw her control of the Demon Dao robbed off her

"What evil power!"

The Fifth Grand Elder stood from his seat in shock as he waved his sleeves, covering the entire spectators with a curtain of space

"Sect Leader"

The Fifth Grand Elder spoke into the thin air, as the space in front of him rippled, as a handsome middle aged man stepped out of the spatial pocket

"Don't worry, I have it under control But notify the Patriarch, just in case" 

The middle aged man who would be the most handsome middle-aged male in the entire Dogon Empire turned around and waved his hands towards Min Qing, as she was covered by a different pocket of space

So, if one were to picture how the environment looked at this point; they would notice that there were two different pocket of space present within this dimension...

The spectators were within a pocket of space which like a mirror was projecting what the Sect leader wanted them to see

They were currently watching Min Qing battle her opponents intensely with her Water Dao that was countered by her enemies Wind and Earth Dao, but despite all that, she was not falling into any form of disadvantage, and was even slightly gaining advantage over them because she had just unleashed her Intent Level Yin Dao

That was the first pocket of space

Then the second pocket of space is the one the Sect leader had just plunged Min Qing into, to prevent her from destroying the entire arena, or even leaking her aura to the extent that it attracts certain mysterious figures over 

Finally, so that even if she lost control, no one would be injured or killed in the process; thus the pocket of space the Sect Leader placed Min Qing into was to protect herself and everyone at the same time

Min Hong also knew this and understood that he could interrupt this process; he had done all he could by awakening Sirena, everything else would be left to Min Qing's ability and fate as well as the level of support Sirena could muster for her

The moment Lang Su heard the Sirena's claims, and found out that her control over the Demon Dao had been stripped from her, deep anxiety and fear gripped her badly as her spine began to tingle

Not delaying even further, she crushed the protective seal she placed on herself when she was recovering;

"Father, help me!" She screamed

Someone who could strip another person's control over their own Dao, was not someone she could or even wanted to mess with

Thus, she called for help 


A heavy aura descended on the arena blasting the pocket of space into pieces;

"Erect the Sect's protective barrier!"

The Sect Leader though alarmed, dished out his order with a calm tone

The three Grand Elder's around threw their tag into the air, as these tags bolted towards to the centre of the Sect;

"Are we being attacked!?"

The Second Grand Elder exclaimed when he saw his tag vibrating and humming, releasing it from his grip, the tag bolted at an even greater speed towards the three and slammed into them fusing together into one massive tag, then shortly after, another tag joined as they completely fused into a star shaped bigger tag

Bolting into the Core Court District, the star shaped tag reached a humming altar which was glowing with bursts of green glow, and after hovering over the altar for a breath, the star-shaped tag slotted itself into the star-shaped depression atop the altar, and the moment that happened, a green burst of light shot straight into the sky!


After reaching a certain height, the light stopped and then began to spread out and after covering the entire sky atop the sect, it then began to descend in a curve-like manner, and finally covered the entire span of the Desert Sun Sect in an inverted bowl-like manner

After the barrier had covered the entire sect, the green barrier then began to shrink, and the more it shrunk, the stronger the barrier became, until it was only covering the entire 'Reaper's Lair'

Then the barrier turned invisible, but not before many experts within a 10,000 mile radius of the sect saw it and began to rush towards the sect area

"Grand Pa, the Sect Leader has erected the Sect's protective barrier Definitely, they are trying to hide something"

"Patience, Yang'er Be patient It is not time yet"

The man sitting opposite this Yang'er spoke with a knowing and expectant smile


A gut-wrenching demonic aura weighed down on the sect, as a sinister power suffused the entire 'Reaper's Lair' as a deep voice boomed;

"Anyone who touches my Su'er has carved their names upon the tombstone of eternal torment!"

This voice was way creepier than the one Min Qing used when chanting her Divine Ability earlier

"Hmph! Since you have come, you can both stay behind"


Sirena unleashed 40 percent of her bloodline power as the black colored water seeped into Min Qing's body, straight into the depths of her soul where Lang Su and the soul shard of her Father was

Lang Su saw a tsunami-like tidal wave of black trench water approach her with the force of a freight train moving at 2 million miles per hour;


"Trench Water!?"

"It's the queen of the trenches!"

"Why have you offended the queen of the trenches!?"

"Sirena; The Mother of the Dark Unity, please forgive us lowly worms!"

"We were blind but couldn't see!" The deep voice begged for its life...

"Hmph! 'The Mark of the Damned' reeks all over your presence" Sirena sneered in anger...

"Under whose command are you stationed!?" Sirena asked with regal authority and dominion;

"This lowly one and his useless daughter are stationed with; Lord Belial; The Vessel of Iniquity and the Creator of Evil!"

The deep male voice sounded very docile as he spoke with fear and reverence

"Hmph! You lot have done the Abyss a great deal of service, and for that I shall reward you;"

"Strip her off her Daos and Bloodline, leave them behind, send her to the 'Mine of Madness' and have her reflect on her insolence!"

"When she has been purged of her enablement, she is to return and become the servant of my master; the one who she seeks to control, forever!"

Sirena spoke as the deep voice replied with a slightly pained tone;

"As you wish, Matriarch!"

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