The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 286: A Three-In-One Water Dao!

Chapter 286: A Three-In-One Water Dao!

[Author's Thought: - I'm so sorry guys, I know the past three chapters haven't been my best work so far, I have just recently been plunged into a burdensome situation, but it is nothing I can't handle, but I will get back to making you smile shortly, so just hold on tight Thanks]

But now, not only did all these people make fun of him to relieve themselves from their loss, he had also lost 35,000 merit points, and even though his father might be an Elder of the Inner Court, losing that much merit points is something he would frown over with utmost displeasure

Min Hong looked over to the female stage when the results were announced and just as expected;

"Fei Long Vs Hu Ning!"

Long Sha stepped on the stage followed by his opponent which just like Kun Chao's first opponent was in the 2 Star Dan Formation stage

But just before the battle could begin, Long Sha spoke to the Elder presiding over the Trials;

"Sorry, but is there any way you could make my first four opponents come at me at once?"

The Elder: - "!"

The Stands: "!"

The Sect Leaders: - "!"

"Fei Qing Vs Ming Lin"

The entire arena was so silent that the announcement on the female stage was so loud, it brought them back to reality


"Is this guy so really eager to die!?"



Several figures blurted unconsciously when they heard Long Sha's overbearing words...

"Oh ho ho! I think we have an entertainer here!"

The Merchant Alliance Head blurted, as Elder Fifth finally stopped staring at Min Hong and finally looked over to Long Sha who was the cause of the commotion

"Interesting lad, even the rest of your cohorts are also breaking records Just who are you?"

The Fifth Grand Elder mumbled beneath his breath as he cursed his luck

If not for the fact that the Sect Leader and the Emperor himself had ordered him to be on the lookout for talents, he wouldn't be in such a miserable situation as he was at the moment

He was currently like the middle man between two drug lords He had ties to both sides and either side could fuck him up one way or the other if he favours their competitor

But it was easier for him since he was initially sent to the Sect by the Emperor, but the Sect Leader had also done him a great deal of good and even some of  real favours, so he was currently caught between doing his duty and being morally sane

"Urgh! Who says being a middle man isn't difficult!" The Fifth Grand Elder heaved a huge helpless sigh

"I wish this guy would just go low profile, that way, I would be able to recruit him for His Majesty, whilst the Sect Leader can take the rest of the kids"

"Then if they find out that their leader is already heading somewhere else, then they would simply follow him of their own accord"

"That way I would have done my duty and at the same time not stab the Sect Leader in the back So easy!"

"But knowing the kind of person this guy is, I bet he's going to cause even more commotion than his counterparts"

"Or perhaps I am simply getting too old for this position of mine"

"Perhaps I should step down after all these has ended"

Whilst the Fifth Grand Elder was caught in his mental dilemma, the Elder presiding over the Trials looked over to him, seemingly asking for permission to either grant Long Sha's request or not

After all, even though he might be confident, they are still looking to protect the lives of their assets, but contrary to his expectations, the Fifth Grand Elder waved his hand in ascent as the shocked Elder finally gathered enough courage to send up three other outer court disciples up to the stage

The moment these disciples got on stage, Long Sha took out his blunt metal sword and spoke ever so casually;

"I am looking to end this in one move, you should get ready?" He said

"Hmph! You have only been in this Sect for a year and you think you can just take on four disciples all by yourself?"

"Hmph! Guys, lets teach him why the heavens and the earth are so far apart!"

"It is your funeral b-"

The third outer court disciple was just about to speak when Long Sha shut his eyes



Humming sounds began to ring out from the blunt sword and it kept increasing till every Sword Dao inclined expert within the arena felt their Sword Dao supressed, even those with other weapon Daos felt their weapons hum and vibrate like they were looking to escape and pay homage to the aura that was currently radiating from Long Sha

Meanwhile, on the female stage, Min Qing thought to herself;

"I can't allow these guys outshine me I have to show babe that I am capable of protecting him also"

Then she called out to the female Elder presiding over their challenge and asked;

"Sorry, but I would like to battle my first to fifth opponents, simultaneously"

The female Elder didn't even wait to get confirmation from the Grand Elder before accepting Min Qing's request, as she was happy that a female disciple for once have surpassed male disciples in terms of guts, bravery and valiance...

Thus without too much thought, she sent another four female outer court disciples onto Min Qing's stage, as she prepared to save Min Qing when she falls into a very dangerous position

"I am also looking to end this in one move, so prepare yourselves!" Min Qing announced valiantly as even some spectators from the male arena looked over to the female stand to watch the proceedings

Then Min Qing's water Dao erupted, but this time, there was something strange about her Water Dao, and this was because from what her everyone could see and sense, she seemed to have comprehended a single Dao using three different materials which was virtually impossible, and it was this condition that even drew the gazes of the Sect Leaders and Grand Elders over to Min Qing

These Elders were so shocked, stunned and incredulous, because not only were Dan Formation experts be in the Concept Level of any Dao, they had also begun to find Intent Level Daos amongst their most talented disciples

But today, not only have they found a Divine Ability amongst ordinary students; something which should only be found amongst Elders and the most talented of Core Disciples, but now, they have even seen an outer court Disciple who has three different types of Water Dao which was something impossibly impossible

Min Qing's water Dao had three colors with three different auras

Not only was there was the yellow part of it which symbolized her Yellow Springs Netherworld Water Dao, there was also the black Part which symbolized her Heavenly Trench Sirena's bloodline power, and finally the Blue part of it which signified the original Water Dao Min Qing cultivated from when she was way little; the Frigid Water Dao

Thus when she summoned her Water Dao, not only did a miniature and illusory gate of the Netherworld appear in the sky, Black water also perspired from the earth up wards before they were then separated by a blue coloured misty water which was as cold as the North Pole in its coldest season

Spreading her hand like someone who was having a spirit exit their body, these waters responded to her gesture and slammed over in overlapping waves over to her opponents, and when the water receded, not only were her opponents affected mentally by her Trench Water Dao which made them feel a reverence from Min Qing which originated from their heart, they also had their souls affected by the Yellow Springs water Dao which injured their souls directly

Then finally, came her Frigid Water Dao that froze their body solid

This sort of freezing wasn't one that would have one's body covered in frost, nope, instead they felt their limbs utterly restricted, making Min Qing's attack one that couldn't be seen with the naked eyes, but one which wreaks havoc on the inside of her victims

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