The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 276: The Mu Clan – Mu Twin's Story

Chapter 276: The Mu Clan – Mu Twin's Story

You are obviously not thinking that we would be able to instantly recruit the inner court disciples, right?" Mu Bai smartly interjected

"Don't worry about all that, I have a plan for that"

"Mu Li, this plan would be basically centred on you, and it will determine the future of our group" Min Hong turned over to Mu Li who fell on one knee and almost swore;

"I will definitely accomplish whatever task you have for me, impeccably."

"Firstly, just like when we earned from my death match, I will need you to upgrade the stakes this time around"


"But not only that, I will also need you to spread the news about this deeper into the sect"

"I know you might not reach the core court, but the entire inner court would do just fine"

"Furthermore, I would also appreciate it deeply if you can spread it outside the court and even to the Sunfire City"

"We have only a week left, so you really need to be fast"

"Leave everything to me!" Mu Li cracked his knuckles as he grinned; 

"I might not have much influence in here, but outside the sect, the amount of people who can gather and spread information as much as I can, can be counted on both my hands"

The group were stunned speechless by Mu Li's bold claim

How can a fifteen year old boy make such outrageous claims

"He's telling the truth" Mu Bai sighed helplessly as he confirmed his twin's claims;

"He is popularly known as the 'Rat' within our clan whilst i was termed the 'Spy god'"

"The rat?"

"Yes, no one knows much about our clan because of him, but we know everything about the Dogon Empire because of him His information gathering skills is nearly unrivalled"

"That is why our clan became an information gathering clan and have our wealth by selling information you would not find anywhere else"

"We only started that because of the claim he once made to our clan head"

"He vowed that he could get information on the battle plans of one of our enemies five years ago"

"Our clan head back then called his bluff and he was even punished by our father"

"But I knew they couldn't curb his love for mischief and daring lifestyle, thus a week later, I saw him packing rags and little food into a small backpack, and immediately I knew where he was going"

"I actually wanted to tell our father back then, but they were too far away and were within the clan heads house, thus, I could only tag along after he deceived me with just how much praise I could get if he ended up telling the clan that I was the one who got all the information, and as a result, I followed him on his journey to confirm his confidence in himself"

"We were dressed as beggars for three days in a very unassuming street, and it wasn't until the young mistress of that clan passed the area that I knew that he had already gotten an information on the route she usually took, and that my brother who lacked nothing had been receiving several gifts from her pretending to be a poor orphan, *Sighs*"

"It was a crazy and dangerous but bold move, and the more gifts we received from the princess as the days passed, the more confident I grew in achieving our plans"

"Then the day he decided to strike, he told me I had to act anti-social and difficult to relate with, and thus began my acting, until today, that jovial boy back then had been in too deep in his act, that he forgot about his real self"

"But, I just couldn't help it, this idiot has a way of compelling people to do his bidding just from his attitude alone"

"But when he revealed the plan he had to me, I almost shit myself"

"He had gathered more information about a smaller tribe that were rebelling against the clan we were after, and selling the information to the princess who was eager to prove herself to her father; the clan head, under the claim that it was the tribe who destroyed our tribe and turned him into a poor orphan, he played on the emotions and goodwill of the princess, and before I knew it, we were living within the clan we were about to go to war with"

"We lived within the princess's house and became her house-help to the rest of the clan but indirectly, we were spies, but how many people would think two 10 year old kids were actually spies sent by the enemy clan"

"We spent three months there, until the night we made our move"

"I was to stay behind and massage the princess who was finally happy that I was relating with her, whilst he took spiked drinks to their war room where the clan head and the generals were celebrating their victory over the tribe we gave them information about"

"After drinking themselves to stupor, he stole all their battle formation and tactics with his photographic memory and then we left the next day, with him telling the princess that he was sad because he left the rest of his orphan mates behind and was enjoying alone, that made the princess love him the more and even gave us loads of food and gifts to give to our non-existent orphan mates"

"We returned home and gave the information to our father who took it to our clan head"

"Then after verifying the authenticity of the information, they asked my father to say anything he wanted"

"My father then told them we were the ones who brought the information and this idiot in turn kept to his promise and said I was the mastermind behind everything, making me the hero why he was underrated by the whole clan"

"Till today, I still find it displeasing to be just a pawn enjoying the benefits of a hero's achievement"

All of a sudden Mu Li, for a moment there, appeared to everyone within the room as a green viper beneath a beautiful green flower tiny and unassuming, but equally deadly and devastating

"I simply requested that they spared the princess since I knew he was really concerned about her, which caused the clan head to laugh at how meagre my request was, but that was the least I could do to redeem myself"

"Thus, my father made an additional request and asked the clan head to give him access to the kids of our clan who he could train to become god-tier spies and information slips"

"Our clan head gave him the go-ahead without even thinking twice and even made our father his right hand man since information was very key to anyone's survival..."

"Our father simply oversaw the collation of our information whilst Mu Li and I were the ones who trained the kids and youths within our clan on how to become spies and rats"

"The clan members saw our work as the highest and most important calling anyone could ever have, and as a result, they began to ship in their kid into our ranks, and under three months, we were already over 500 men strong"

"Then, we spread out like rats, infesting the entire Dogon Empire and gathering scraps of information everywhere"

"Each of our outpost were also given the resources to begin their own network by hiring orphans who had nothing to live for anymore and bring them to a higher calling, and before long, our clan began to sell information to the highest bidder and were even protected by different Super Clans, the Long Clan included"

Mu Li looked over to Long Sha who sighed and spoke;

"I suspected you guys at first, but I decided not to say anything, so it won't ruin what we have built here"

"Moreover, you are allies with my clan, so I have no issues with you guys"

Mu Li breathed a sigh of relief at that, because whilst their clans might be allies, it doesn't mean every one of their members would like them, and now he just confirmed Long Sha was not one of their petty members or heirs

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