The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 273: Simplifying His Ties

Chapter 273: Simplifying His Ties

Just as they were about to leave, Min Hong felt a sense of calling, and the moment he looked down below, he saw the image of lonely shadow of Sirena within the depths of the raging waters of the ocean, he looked back with a painful expression before turning his head ahead like a man who had finally made a costly and sacrificial decision as they finally exited the dimension


Min Qing made a slightly painful moan as she woke up to see Min Hong just opening his eyes

Min Hong saw the slightly pained frown on Min Qing's face and knew that she suffered a slight after effect of them coming out late

That vibration actually caught up to them just as they were about to see the outside dimension, but Daniel had finally used the Space Dao to shift their position about a few metres forward, making them get out just in time before the entire dimension was sealed off

"Are you okay?"

He asked in the softest of voice, he didn't know why, but his love for Min Qing had quite doubled and he was now looking at her in new views

"It is probably because even our bloodlines wants to be together, so this extra interest and urge to love might be that of the Dawn Sovereign and Sirena"

"Theirs is even a lot more than ours and they have only met for less than six hours"

Min Hong was stunned at the endpoint of his train of thoughts as he was snapped out by Min Qing who was also feeling the same thing he was feeling

In fact, hers was a bit stronger as she looked at him with a slow-paced but love filled and heart-warming gaze

"Did I disturb your meditation?" She asked respectfully like a good wife

"No I'm good you woke up with a pained frown, what happened?"

Min Hong wanted to be sure that she didn't feel too much backlash from his recklessness, but Min Qing took his question deep into her heart because it made her feel like he truly loved and cared about her, to even place much attention to her pained frown;

"I'm fine, it is just a slight headache but it's gone now"

"Why do I feel a lot lighter and free?" She asked before she could even finish her first sentence

Standing up completely naked in front of Min Hong, Min Qing didn't even feel any different, she was currently drowned into the feeling she was getting from her body as she threw out a quick punch;


Though nothing extra ordinary happened, they both saw the space around that spot ripple slightly

"Nascent Soul stage!?"

Min Qing's eyes widened in joyful surprise, and just as she was about to jubilate, Min Hong ['A.K.A 'The Buzz Killer' 'The Killjoy Emperor' 'Cock-blocking Demigod'] dumped a huge bucket of cold water on her parade as he grinned;

"It is just a Peak Dan Formation Stage cultivation"

"Eeeh! Hehe Hehe!"

"Is Hong-ge getting jealous?"

Min Qing made a poker face at Min Hong, the two of them forgetting that they were utterly naked, and all Min Hong had to do was to glance at her as his cultivation base power 'aura' surged, showing Min Qing that;

'This is Saint Stage power, dial it down a notch!'

Min Qing instantly went puffy in play-fury, as she folded her arms and turned around with a slight but wronged snort "What!?" Min Hong asked when he saw her theatrics;

"You should always learn to know your opponent's prowess first before flaunting yours I have been doing just that all my life, and it has kept my head on my neck"

But he knew Min Qing had already heeded to his lectures, so he conceded;

"Okay, I am sorry"

"You should always learn to give your partner information before you make her make a fool of herself She has also being doing that all her life and this is what has kept her kindness in check."

Min Hong laughed at this unyielding side of Min Qing as he got up to hug her from behind, but the moment their body touched was the same moment they understood that they were both still naked, but even after the slight embarrassment of the touch, the duo didn't split and instead they hugged tighter as Min Qing snuggled deeper into his body with a slight smile on her face.

"The 'Trench Queen' has already merged with her So fast!"

"You are that eager to see him, unh?"

Min Hong thought to himself as he unlocked his 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline aura

The moment Min Qing felt that aura, she turned towards Min Hong with a quick spin as she grabbed Min Hong's face and planted a deep kiss into it;

"I thought as much, but we can't have this orgy until Min Qing learns about you, herself If she decides that it is fine, then good If not, then this is Our House and Our Rules"

Min Hong thought, but for some mysterious reasons, the two bloodline spirits got the memo and both receded respectfully

"Hey, we still have about a few more hours, what do you want to do?" Min Hong ushered into Min Qing's ears as her neck turned red instantly

She turned around with a little unsteady breath as she asked;

"Are you even asking?";

and she didn't wait for him to reply before planting a deep kiss on his lips as they both began another duet

After several intervals of about three hours each, which consisted of different sounds of lechery; from clapping to slapping to slurping to smacking, and finally grunting, the Min Hong duo finally exited their dimension of lechery, as they appeared back in his apartment

Min Hong touched his black star skin which morphed into his outfit, whilst Min Qing puffed still naked before complaining;

"I want one of those too"

"Dress up and let's take over the outer sect, then I will get you one of these"

Min Hong assured with a back wave as he was already approaching the cultivation area in the apartment...

Min Qing began to dress up as Min Hong turned around the corner only to find out that his mother was not within the ancient formation again

With a scrunch of his brows, his aura erupted as he called out just to be sure;


"I'm right here, Hong'er!"


He heaved a sigh of relief as he headed towards the sitting room where they receive visitors and saw his mother seated cross-legged at the entrance like a Monk guarding the road to their Holiest Buddhist Temple

"I was bored of cultivating there, so I decided to use another view"

Min Hong who already cut through her charade knew that Min Rou obviously knew about him and Min Qing seeing each other and she was just trying not to interfere too much in it, so she would make it seem awkward to both of them, which must only mean she wanted them to be

Thus, he didn't bother to act awkward about it either and simply asked;

"How is your cultivation coming?"

"I am already at the Peak of Dan Formation stage, but I have not decided on which elemental nascent soul to form, so I am taking a while to get through that thought first"

"Don't bother, I will give you a Lightning Essence and you will comprehend it"

"When you have mastered it, you can then use it to form your primary nascent soul"

Min Hong spoke like it wasn't anything extraordinary but Min Rou obviously noted it as she smile joyfully

Obviously whilst she was away, her son had already went somewhere else and either made a name for himself or made friends with someone with a super background

Or lastly, maybe he had been doted upon by a strong expert Anyhow it was, she was still proud

"Mother!?" The dressed Min Qing came out and rushed over to hug Min Rou

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