The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 268: The Two Bloodline Spirits

Chapter 268: The Two Bloodline Spirits


That point of the barrier began to melt as Min Hong who was sitting cross-legged beside the unconscious Min Qing began to sweat bullets and weaken due to the sheer rate of his energy depletion

After all, it was only a strand of his consciousness that was down there and there is little amount of soul force he could send in there, and that is even ignoring the difficulty he was currently undergoing just to have his consciousness stay within Min Qing without causing her any harm, because who knows if the Seal won't try to self-detonate, harming Min Qing in that process

After all, having more than a single soul within one's body alone, is enough to put a huge strain on that person's life force

Even Min Hong was only lucky because all the entities within him [Shen Bing. Old Man Li, Little Wu and the rest], were all within the 'Realm of Creations', and that was the only reason why he was still okay, after all, if we take just his two other personalities into question, they were enough to plunge the stability of his soul and mind below 70 percent 

That was even because he had Daisy to not only show him how low his mental and soul stability was, but could also enhance it slightly by spending cowries in the system store

But Min Qing didn't have all of these, and even having Lang Su alone within her already meant that she couldn't get too happy or too sad, or else, she would get taken over by 'her', at least that was the case before Min Hong planted a 'Minion Mark' on Lang Su herself

But now that Min Hong was back inside her and was a powerful consciousness on his own with only his Soul Power having an equivalent power level to a Nascent Soul expert, the Dan Formation stage Min Qing, might end up running mad, if she woke up to see that her consciousness had not only been shove backwards by one but two separate consciousness she had no control over

Moreover, there is a high tendency that her soul might get crushed from being cramped or her body might burst from being to full 

Thus, Min Hong had to be careful and measure the amount of power he was feeding his consciousness down there, or else, should Min Qing wake up, then everything would be a bust; Sher might get crippled, if she didn't die

One could also physically knock her unconscious, but that way, her soul would still be wide awake, after all, the only thing one knocked unconscious was her physical body and mental consciousness, that doesn't guarantee that her soul would be knocked out also

After all, if one's soul could be knocked out by simply knocking out the physical body, then of what use would be Soul attacks, Soul techniques and other Soul arts?

That was why they had to allow Min Qing herself knock herself out through sheer pleasure, that way, there was a guarantee, that her soul would go to sleep as well, since the pleasure she was experiencing was from the depths of her soul...

Thus, there is a high tendency the soul might get intoxicated by the euphoric feeling till it gets knocked out, which is exactly what Min Hong had achieved through Little Wu's guidance 

But if her soul wakes at this point, then there would be a different situation and a very grave situation, which is why, whatever Min Hong was doing had to be very fast, hence his sense of urgency, whilst the sensitivity and level of concentration required to carry out this task was so burdening that he was perspiring bullets of sweat

Riip!!! Min Hong's palm melted through the barrier as his body followed through

Stepping into the other side, Min Hong's physical body tensed up from the sheer sense of danger this place brought him

He felt he was being watched from every angle, [like those cartoon character who find themselves in a cave with several eyes staring at them from behind, but when they turn around, they don't find anything there]. But Min Qing steeled his nerves as he propelled himself deeper until he felt another barrier after about another fifteen minutes

Without thinking twice, he once again used the 'Baptism of the Ancient Saints' technique and burst through the barrier, but this time, Min Hong actually found himself free-falling

Yup, there was no water here, it was like an underwater palace, and in the centre of this palace, was a massive altar with every single space on it etched with Diamond Tier runes

Atop this altar was a feminine figure with floor-length hair, glittering blue in complexion, the upper body of a sexy, lithe enchantress and the lower body of a fish

The figure sat there on her sides with her elbow propping up her face [See the portrait of Rose drawn by Jack in the movie Titanic]

The figure was currently singing subtly, but as low as the volume of her tone was, the easier it seeped into Min Hong's consciousness as he subconsciously began to walk towards the altar like a puppet

It was at this moment that the 'Imperial Edict Seal' on Min Hong's palm burned brightly as the searing heat snapped Min Hong out of his daze

The instant this happened, the feminine figure turned around and Min Hong saw her face, and yes, though it had Min Qing's face and stature, Min Qing paled miserably in comparison

It was a tragic and heart-breaking experience for Min Hong who thought his Min Qing had the most beautiful face he would ever see.

This was the 'Heavenly Trench Sirena' Bloodline Spirit, and was also the same thing Min Qing was going to become in the future, not the half lady-half fish monster, but just the level of beauty and all the abilities of the figure in front of Min Hong

This made Min Hong remember when he was previously sparring with Min Qing and the hypnotic nature of voice back then;

"Was it this spirit or Lang Su that did that back then?"

Min Hong asked himself, but later pushed the question to the back of his mind to focus on the current matter at hand

The runes on the altar where flickering like they were being worked, thus Min Hong walked around the altar, and then he caught the sight of a figure from the corner of his eyes

This figure was about 70 metres in height, which was almost the same height as the altar and the feminine spirit atop the altar

This figure was dressed in a golden robes with an embroidery of basically all the primeval beasts in existence squirming all over it


One of the embroidery on the outfit of this figure was that of giant Roc which flew out of the figures clothes and made a bee line for the altar, before slamming into it, chipping off a single rune, out of the numerous amount runes all over the altar itself

Min Hong looked up to the figure's face, and just as expected, it was him on a giant scale, but just like Min Qing, disgustingly ugly in comparison with this figure who had a golden crown on its head, with each of the crown spikes being the tips of several types of divine weapons

The figure kept attacking the runes on this altar with every single beast that was embroidered on its Imperial robes

But the figure was very illusory, like it was just a very tiny fragment of its real self, but when Min Hong appeared completely in front of it, the figure squinted and lowered itself to look at Min Hong, or more like the seal in his hand...

Then when the figure's face got close to Min Hong, Min Hong realized how little he was, not only in size, but power, grandeur, valiance and every single trait that describes an hero and a sovereign of all creations

In a nutshell, Min Hong felt savagely inferior on all fronts

But knowing that this was just him in the future, he boldly stretched his hand forward and touched the figure on its forehead, as the figure began to get sucked through the centre of Min Hong's palm into Min Hong's mental figure...

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