The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 260: The Three Solutions [2]

Chapter 260: The Three Solutions [2]

"Those who even manage to believe will tell you that; the reason they're still a mortal after comprehending such enormous power is because there is something we are doing that makes these True Spirits leave us who are actual cultivators and grant enlightenment to them that are mortals"

"Some would even tell you that the reason why the True Spirits gave them such knowledge is because they didn't want us cultivators to know about it, so they simply shun us and send us away" 

[Authors Thoughts: - If you take us Christians for instance, we were told that if we have Faith as small as a mustard seed, that we will tell an entire mountain to move and the mountain will heed our words and move, just because of that tiny amount of Faith we have If that was truly true; then the Kilimanjaro or the Everest should at least be somewhere else by now, or the alternative scenario is that there is no one who actually has Faith which is as tiny as a mustard seed Perhaps, it was just a figure of speech from the Holy Book, or perhaps, we actually have such people amongst us, but they decide to keep such powers and testimonies to themselves, causing the rest of all Christians to start thinking that statement might not be true]

"Furthermore, we cannot just forcefully abduct them and force them to cultivate, neither can we kill them to absorb their Daos, because asides from the fact that it is an unspoken rule amongst all cultivators within our plane of existence..."

"If we kill an expert in the Origin Realm, we won't be able to absorb their Daos even if we wanted to, because the True Spirit within them is sentient and will leave the dead body of that mortal in search of someone else who fulfils its criteria..."

"Then if it doesn't find someone that falls within these standards, it will return to the realm where it was obtained from and reside there till it decides to go after someone else, or someone else comes for it"

Old Man Li explained as he slurped another sip from his cup

"As for the third solution which can prevent the total annihilation of all the beings within our Plane of Existence; this involves us actually going to other Planes of Existences and requesting help from them"

"But that would be a very dangerous because asides from the fact that, the Plane we request the help from might even have an ulterior motive for helping us, what if the 'great creator' goes over to them and after suffering the suppression of their own True Spirits, they decide to kidnap him and use him against us"

"There are several dangers that are plausible to happen to someone, when one moves from one Plane of Existence to another"

"Even if the Void and Chaos protecting our Plane of Existence allows you to pass through, what is the probability that their own Void and Chaos will allow us cross over

Thus only people who are in the Origin Realm are guaranteed a slim chance of success if they are to move from one plane to another"

"Though, these chances depends on the Plane of Existence one is crossing from and the Plane of Existence one plans on entering"

"For instance, the Daos within the Plane of Existence where these demons comes from are way stronger than ours and that is why their crossing over was very easy and why we couldn't truly detect them until the True Spirits notified the 'great creator'"

"Even the 'great creator' was only notified because he was very close to the Origin Realm in terms of all the Universal Elements he had comprehended"

"Otherwise, if we had been caught off guard and unprepared by these demons, then not only will you never have met the 'great creator', you might even have never existed, and if by any chance you even came to be and existed, you will have been born into slavery of the demons who would have been ruling this plane millions of years before you were born"

Old Man Li explained as the trio in front of him went deep in thought

"So, these are our only options in the order of increasing difficulty and decreasing likelihood?" Min Hong muttered the question to himself before adding;

"it is truly unsettling to know that; our home as we understand it to be, is only a tiny fraction of what it is truly supposed to be, and that there are overpowered demons and devils already ruling and controlling the rest of our home, whilst we wait here in our fragile, stupid and little knowledge thinking we are the strongest plane in existence, without knowing that we are at the mercy of some group of demons who are simply too lazy to be bothered with us who are the last survivors of our plane

"This is truly an infuriatingly tragic thing"

Min Hong didn't know why, but something within him made him begin to feel guilty and selfish about the way he had been living his life and had been doing things 

"You don't have to beat yourself up about anything, even the 'great creator' and all beings existing within our plane back then had our asses served to us on a golden plate, so do you think you have or will have the ability to singlehandedly change the course of our fate?"

Old Man Li sensed what was going on within Min Hong's mind and though, he wasn't sure about the remaining two figure which were Shen Bing and Little Wu, but his statement instantly freed them from the self-ridiculing vibe and aura that surrounded and haunted them at this moment

"That's right, what could we have done?" Shen Bing justified herself

"I can't believe my First Bloodline Ancestor was useless in such a sensitive battle and here I was still worshipping his petrified statue"

"I'm sure he would even be grateful to be petrified since that ensured his survival and save him from such a tragic battle"

"If I ever get stronger than he is and he manages to get out of his petrified state, I will make sure he suffers a fate worse than that battle"

"We have the guardian bloodline running in our veins and are very proud of it, I wonder what the rest of my Clan would think when they hear about this"

"He is not worthy to be worshipped as an ancestor, at least, not in my views anymore"

Little Wu vowed as he berated his First Bloodline Ancestor But Min Hong still refused to back down as he lamented;

"But at least I would have known that I have tried my best, but my best was not enough"

"Do you know how my life would have been, or how I would have been living my life aimlessly and selfishly if you hadn't revealed the true danger that is haunting our general existence?"

His voice at this point was already laced with tears and even Little Fei and Daniel for the first time kept their mouth shut and allowed him to wallow in his grief

This moment would determine if Min Hong would rise from the ashes which was his former self and lead them to the peak and eventually be the savior of their entire Plane of Existence, or if this guilt he was feeling would eat him up and they would have no choice but to shove him to the side whilst they take on the role of controlling the main body from now henceforth

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