The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 233: Tricking The Abomination

Chapter 233: Tricking The Abomination

"But if that was the case, and as a result of the story daisy told me about; since you had to borrow the powers of all the elder gods and even sacrifice you own life just to seal the conscious spirit ring of 'Lekan, the abomination', then you shouldn't have survived since Lekan was stronger than you"


"Unless, 'the one whose name must not be spoken' is truly dead and you are Lekan itself"

"Then it would make sense that the seal which was used by the elder gods to seal your spirit ring was the 'Immortal Mortal Seal' and the entire story about Luo Sheng also had a bit of your story within as well"

"You cheeky little bastard"

"I can't believe a little child actually possess such high level of power; only the 'great creator' knew what was happening within his mind to create such a scenario and life as yours"

"Oi! Who are you calling a little child! I can-"

"Shut up and let me think!"

Min Hong shunned Cui who was he had initially exposed as 'the one whose name must not be spoken' and eventually; Lekan the abomination

"Perhaps he had just reached an insane level in the Karma Dao that he could actually manipulate fate so intricately, everything about your life as Lekan the abomination was just some story to have fun with"

"And now the person who was created out of his boredom and hobby was so strong that he could actually defeat the combination of all heavenly elder gods"

"Such insane amount of power I want it!"

Min Hong's desire, conviction and goal instantly swelled from having the beast core of Lekan, one of the strongest beasts ever created, to having the power of the person who created Lekan in the first place

Instantly, the Primus Dao whose tests and trials was linked to Min Hong's emotions; Ambition, Conviction and Determination instantly broke through as it began to grow taller and taller

The Primus Dao tree grew to a height of 3000 feet whilst all the Six Dao Branches on it also grew up to 300 feet, bringing all his Daos to the Third Plane Law Level

Then he looked down to Lekan and answered its question;

"The reason why there are Seven Planes is because, that is the extent to which mortals have explored"

"If I was to use the tenth heaven as a guide post, then that would mean these realms are missing; the tenth hell, then ninth and tenth desolace and then the seventh to tenth planes"

Min Hong at this point was subconsciously on another level of thinking, he could never ever dream of his potential being strong enough to not only break out of a 'Sage Level Illusion Dao', but also belittle Lekan; the abomination to the extent of calling it a little child, even when its consciousness was almost as old as most elder gods of its plane

But, he also got the answer to his question without thinking too much about it

"Or perhaps, the one who is in charge of creating al things was still in the process of building these other realms That would mean they are all work in progress"

"Now you can answer, am I right???"

Min Hong uttered with an expression and smile that meant he was pleased with himself

Then the realization hit him;

"Don't tell me I will lose all these memories and level of thought process if I pass this test!?" Min Hong screamed out in fear

"But I can't fail it either or I will die"

"Leaving after forgetting everything only to be unlocking it little by little or stay here and have all these knowledge and insights"

"Damn, why does it have to be this way?"

Min Hong almost literally began to shed tears when he realized what was eventually going to happen to everything he had gained so far

"Firstly, you are correct and this is the seal that unlocks my seal"

"If you split a little part of your consciousness and place it within, I will be enslaved to you and then finally you can unlock the seal and my powers as well"

"Secondly, only a portion of my powers would be available to you depending on the level of your combined cultivation base power"

"Thirdly, Since it is my Daos that I gave you insights into, I can allow you keep the insights into two of the three which are; Force Illusion and the breakthrough you just had with one of your Daos just now"

Lekan began to respond as the last part of his third statement shocked Min Hong to the core;


"Shut up and let me think!"

Now it was Lekan's payback time and time to shun Min Hong which really pained Min Hong because of the current expression he was wearing

"Fourthly, the reason why it is a must for you to forget this, is because, that much knowledge would do you more harm than good, if you had them all at once"

"Then Lastly, I hope our journey to the infinite level of cultivation goes smoothly, so I can return to my plane and remind them who was supposed to be the ruler of the entire plane"

Lekan ended as Min Hong who wanted to ask how Lekan could actually sense his Dao breakthrough finally regained his wits as he then looked towards Lekan with a cunning smile as he muttered;

"Hold on, I will be right back!"

Min Hong then shut the eyes of his consciousness as Lekan began to look at him, wondering why he was cultivating at this point

It was not like he could take these insights out anyways

But he kept looking as minutes passed

About thirty minutes later, Min Hong was having some sort of painful expression  appearing on his face as Lekan shook its head sideways;

"It's useless You can't take any knowledge or memory away from this place"

Min Hong's pained expression continued for days and even months as even fatigue and lethargy began to gather all over him

Then on the tenth month, Min Hong finally opened his eyes as he asked;

"What is the time flow in this place as compared to everywhere else?"

"It is accelerated ten times, why?"

"How long have I been out?"

"Ten to eleven months, more or less"

"Then you are the spirit of Lekan's spirit ring, right?"

Min Hong asked as a cunning grin appeared on his lips which only grew creepier to Lekan the wider they got

But it still answered either ways;

"Yes why?"

Then Min Hong abruptly bolted towards him as he muttered;

"This is a better idea"


Min Hong slammed a seal back into Lekan's spirit

Lekan who had initially thought it was the same seal he had given Min Hong earlier didn't put too much thoughts to it, since in its eyes Min Hong might as well be crawling, and moreover, he couldn't sense anything different about the aura of the seal in his hand, and thus he simply allowed Min Hong to do as he wished

But then, he saw that the eyes which Min Hong had concealed since he made his move was now golden green of some sort, thus, he tried to retreat but was already too late, after all, no matter how quick one's body was, it could never be as quick as the fastest thought process

As a result, Min Hong slammed the seal into him and undid the Primus Dao aura around it

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