The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 230: The Planes And The Netherworld

Chapter 230: The Planes And The Netherworld

In fact, he was even starting to think that probably, it was due to Cui's insane boredom and loneliness that caused him to just declare his response the right answer

Min Hong at this point, was a 'total mess' and the annoying thing was that he knew that, but he wasn't sure Cui did

Thus, at this point, if Cui were to go on another rampage of mystifying and incomprehensible speech, Min Hong was very sure that he would very much run mad from having his mind and thought process extensively muddled up

To take his mind away from its current unorganized state, Min Hong decided to ask the first of his three questions;

"Are or were you once this Luo Sheng from this tale of yours?" Min Hong probed trying to see if he could get a true answer from out of him

"That You can say, I was once called that,"

Cui nodded with serious expression that had a little tinge of nostalgia which completely eradicated the ever present grin off his face

Min Hong who at this point didn't even give a rat's ass about Cui's expression continued with the previous frown still layered over his face;

"Is the story you just told me in any way true? Did everything truly happen?"

This time, his frown was less furrowed than earlier, because the first question had eased his chaotic thought process

"They are all true I was once hailed as the 'Immortal Overlord!"

Cui responded as calmly as he could possibly reply as he eased his seriousness with a deep sigh and for a split second, Min Hong could have sworn that he saw the image of this man turn into a giant for a brief second

"Then did you happen to be the strongest in the universe during your era?"

Min Hong subconsciously allowed his curiosity to take over him as he mistakenly asked the wrong third question

He could have really asked a more intelligent question but there was just something within him that was screaming for an answer to that question and that thing took over his reasoning for a brief moment

"Definitely not, I was merely the strongest in my world, it is nigh impossible for to explain it to you at your current level, it will plunge you into greater confusion and birth more unanswered questions"

"You know nothing about what's out there, you heard me say 'Seven Worlds' earlier right?" Min Hong eagerly bubbled his head up and down like a little obedient child"

"Alright then, what exactly do you think these worlds are?"

"I not sure, solar systems? Planets? Dimensions?"

Cui couldn't help but give a light chuckle when he heard Min Hong's half assed answer as the seriousness on his face dialed down another notch

"That's incorrect..."

"There are billions of planets within each galaxy and several galaxies in one universe, several universes in one dimension and lastly, few dimensions in each plane of existence thus how could there be only seven dimensions out there?"

"Just cut the crap and spill the beans already!"

Min Hong who had just managed to barely get a little portion of his thoughts sorted out was rebelliously unwilling to plunge his mind into that state of utter chaos once again, as his tone subconsciously took an aggressive and displeased tune to it

"These seven worlds are seven different plane of existences"

"This means if there is one billion planet in one galaxy, there would be at least a hundred thousand galaxies out there, then about ten thousand universes all within each of about one thousand dimensions that are present within a single plane of existence"

"Thus, from that alone, can you guess how many planets we have in a single plane of existence?"

"Then multiply that by seven, and lastly, these numbers are just the smallest I can come up with that would ensure that the calculation doesn't fry your brains"

"The true numbers out there, in the very least, would be multiplied by 5439 to get the minimum number out there"

"Then each of these planets and galaxies each have their separate beliefs, culture, religion and finally, cultivation systems and Dao ideologies"

"When you get strong enough, you will be able to move through these several planes of existence using a myriad of methods"

Cui explained as Min Hong asked once again, this time with a far less aggressive and frustrated tone;

"Then what about the netherworld, do each of these planes of existence each have their own netherworlds?"

"Something like that, but the netherworld is a bit more complex and complicated than that"

"But compared to how complex and complicated they are to the planes, the netherworld rings are very much closely related"

"There are so closely related that they could be considered different continents of the same planet

Almost all mortals do not know about the existence of these other planes, but every single resident of the netherworld are very much familiar with all the rings present within the netherworld and can easily traveled through them anytime"

"That doesn't make any sense. You just said that you single handedly fought the 'lords of the rings but you're not even the strongest in the seven planes?"

"Are the 'lords of the rings' that weak?"

Min Hong's irritation was beginning to resurface Was this guy just showing off earlier? Exaggerating everything to such a length?

"Oi oi oi, that is way more than the three questions I promised" Cui frowned when he noticed that he, himself, had been swept into the conversation also.

"That means you truly lied then, it's no wonder" Min Hong said like he had figured everything out


"Alright, I will only explain a single thing to you Each planes of existence, has its own laws, rules and Daos, only when someone from one plane crosses over to another plane would they feel their powers being suppressed"

"This natural suppression reduces their cultivation realms and their Dao effects to some extent, that is why one cannot just determine which plane is the strongest"

"For example, our physical bodies are highly suppressed and restricted in the netherworld, but soul beings and spirits would see a tremendous boost instead"

"I was not the strongest by any means, but back then I cultivated a kind of technique that allows me to initially gain more momentum with the more damage I receive, then later overpower my opponents with the more momentum I gain..."

"Then finally, the effects of their attacks would be neutralized on me leaving only the raw damage done"

"I also had many divine treasures, amulets, talismans and artifacts with me during that time that helped me battle, but neither of us could actually kill each other"

"It will get really messy if I try to explain it any more than this, you will understand better when you get there yourself"

"Are you implying that I will go to hell, or are you just straight telling me to do so???" Min Hong butt in but was utterly and completely ignored

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