The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 228: The Void and Chaos

Chapter 228: The Void and Chaos

"The blood from her wrists streamed through the ground like spilled wine as her face was losing the very last tinge of rosy color it had, but even at that point, she still looked at him with the most loving smile that said; 'I regret nothing', she stared at him so hard, it was as if she wanted to take his image with her even in death"

"Why?" He asked with a voice that sounded like there was a lump of metal in his throat

"B-be-because, t-this is the way it w-was m-meant to be" She stuttered as she was gradually finding it harder and harder to even maintain a steady breathing pace"

"Then eventually she shut her eyes, never to open them anymore"

"At this point in time, Luo Sheng was so wrecked mentally, that every single form of his thought process was in total disarray"

"The reason was because, this goddess of his who gave her life to pull him out of the deepest depths of the Netherworld had actually committed suicide, which means she was heading to the same place she saved him from"

"Knowing the level of agony and pain that blooms within that realm where he had spent countless years, Luo Sheng was obviously not ready to let her go through such horrors and nightmare; so he cultivated"

"e cultivated like the sanity of the heavens themselves depended on it, he fought and slaughtered on massive scales without even batting an eyelid"

"People called him all sorts of names; tyrant, monster, demon and the list went on and on, but he never cared even a single bit, after all, the reason behind his actions was very much more valuable than their nave and mundane comments"

"He just wanted to become very strong; strong enough to barge into the netherworld like she did and leave with her soul, just like she did"

"This will and goal of his drove him so hard to the limits of his capacity that he eventually evolved and grew so strong, that he could silence the heavens and trample the netherworld into submission"

"Then to battle against the masses of the netherworld, he amassed an army of his own"

"This army of his consisted of the most powerful cultivating beings alive, he had cultivators who could smash open the gates of the netherworld and those who could reject the notion of the heavens, and yet, they all decided to serve him as subordinates and valiant generals"

"Then, with the same focus and courage that caused them to follow him, he led them to the entrance of the netherworld as they smashed their way into the ninth ring of the netherworld"

"Luo Sheng led them to the deepest depths of this realm and even fought against the kings of each rings by himself, whilst the rest of his army faced the forces of the netherworld"

"He had the belief that there was nothing that couldn't be killed, and with that mindset, he gave these 'lord of the rings' the gravest battle of their lives"

"He, who was born a mortal, instilled deep fear and petrification into these kings, and even these demons who were acclaimed not to have any emotions or intelligence felt deep fear wherever his name was mentioned"

"It was after they had suffered heavy losses, that 'the originals' took Hao Hui's soul and sealed it away, before using it as bait to lure Luo Sheng into a trap"

'But despite knowing that it was a trap, he still ventured into it with a single sword in hand, because to him; he didn't care wherever she was, even though she had been transferred to the heavens themselves, he didn't mind painting the seven heavens in red and let the blood of the gods and goddesses drip onto the lower realms like rain"

"The Originals used everything in their arsenal but still couldn't kill him."

"Thus, left with no options, they traded with the heavens who, themselves, have now known fear due to the conquest Luo Sheng was currently on and from the sheer state he had currently put the entire netherworld in, the heavens, not willing to see him do the same to them, used several unorthodox means to accumulate many primordial treasures and even had to venture deep into chaos itself, to get more resources needed to forge this treasure of theirs"

"Then when the treasure was finally made, the heavens used their strongest divine abilities to rip Luo Sheng's soul out of his body before they then destroyed the body itself which at that moment was an empty husk but still had the power of a god"

"But since his soul was even more powerful than his physical body and could not be destroyed, they finally had no choice but to use the treasure they had used almost all the resources of both the heavens and the netherworld to create"

"This treasure was respectfully named; The 'Seal of the Immortal Mortal' or in a much more simple terms; the 'Immortal Mortal Seal'"

"Finally, with the help of the 'Immortal Mortal Seal' they were finally able to suppress his soul by sealing away a huge chunk of its powers, but just as they were about to kill him, Luo Sheng summoned the last ounce of strength he had and tore through the fabric of space before escaping into the abyss, which many believe to be the Void"

"What!? So who went after him?" Min Hong asked as Cui went quite for some moments

"Ha-ha ha, little kid, you still don't get the idea The infinite void is not somewhere anyone can just venture into just because they felt like"

"As a matter of fact, if one was being chased and had only a 2 percent chance of surviving, venturing into the infinite void is at most a 1 percent chance of survival"

"Thus, such a person has a better chance at life facing his pursuers or staying on the run than venturing into the void"

"Our planes and dimensions are just a very tinny tiny part of the infinite universe, the rest of it simply consists of chaos, sheer emptiness which hid several fangs and teeth, since there is always an eternal darkness present in there"

"As a matter of fact, some scholars believe that not even light can reach these places In there, only one known Dao exists, and that is Chaos"

"The rest as we know them gets consumed or dispersed if they manage to find themselves there"

"But as much as the other Daos we know do not exist there, there are also many unknown Daos that would also exist in there, as a result, most times, it is not even the monsters and unknown beings that are there that will get one killed, rather, it is things that has never before existed in the history of gods and Mortals, that would cause someone to meet a tragic and unfortunate end"

"Even experts who thread through the void will have created their starting point and arrival point in space before traversing the void"

"Nothing makes any sense in there, not even the ideology of time itself But the only thing separating that nightmare of a place from us, is the Chaos itself"

"Chaos does not follow any known set of laws or ideologies it has its own set of rules and school of thoughts"

"There are things within it that even gods and devils can never comprehend even in ten lifetimes"

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