The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 220: The Abomination [2]

Chapter 220: The Abomination [2]

"They have sensed it, that from the moment it was laid, Lekan already had a God Stage cultivation in both Body and Qi cultivation paths, and asides being a Sage of all Daos excluding the new found Oblivion, its power was also growing by the day and at an alarming rate..."

"Thus, they decided that this child of theirs would be the Retribution of the heavens and would even lay their lives to ensure that it hatched"

"The Elder gods were all having an intensely savage battle with the rest of the god beasts which included; the Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin, Kraken and Fenrir just to mention the valiant few amongst the hundreds of thousands..."

"Furthermore, because their Daos had been suppressed to the Fifth Plane of Origin Level, they were already at an initial disadvantages against the god beasts and this war raged on for over three billion years, before the next catastrophe occurred; it was phoenix"

"Phoenix was slayed by the god of war and her body fell into the mortal realm, and unknown to all the Elder gods, including 'the one whose name must not be spoke' who was watching the entire battle from the comfort of his throne, phoenix had evolved due to her valiant battle for billions of years and gained a new divine ability; rebirth"

"All of a sudden the Elder gods all saw the entire mortal realm go up in scorching flames as all creations were burnt to crisp because phoenix was reborn"

"It was then that 'the one whose name must not be spoken' rose and joined the battle he was the only one who was so powerful that he was unaffected by the effects of the egg, and then he began to slaughter all these beasts by himself..."

"But unfortunately, the souls of all the Elder gods who had died never returned because the moment they entered the cycle of reincarnation, they were all hijacked by the god of the netherworld who imprisoned them all"

"But that was not even the worst of it, the souls of the dead god beasts were returned into the bodies of several asura devils and sent back into battle"

"Thus, the Elder gods were losing manpower whilst the beasts could now battle without regards for their lives as they knew they would only be sent back again should they die"

"It was at that point that 'the one whose name must not be spoken' ordered all Elder goods to go down to the netherworld and stop the shenanigans of the god of netherworld and leave the battle of the god beasts to him alone"

"Though, he was capable of defeating all the god beasts combined, but it was at this point that the third catastrophe struck; the battle between the Elder gods and the banished gods"

"In this battle, the saying 'all hell broke loose' became very literal as the netherworld was almost flipped upside down and turned inside out as a never seen before battle raged within with the god of the netherworld dominating it valiantly to the extent that even 'the one whose name must not be spoken' was shocked to the core"

"Asides the fact that he was within his own domain, the god of the netherworld who had access to all the souls from the mortal realm that the phoenix just destroyed became so powerful that he broke the bones of the god of war and used it to pick his teeth after he had chomped on the head of the goddess of beauty"

"Then after slaughtering all the god beasts and intentionally sending their souls to the netherworld to even empower the god of netherworld the more, 'the one whose name must not be spoken' finally entered the 'den of terrors' to face the three beasts he never prayed to even face individually, not to talk of together"

"He wasn't bothered by the Roc because, though she would be a little difficult, he believed he was capable of destroying her under an hour, but as for these three, if he wanted to battle them alone, it might take him years, not to talk of together"

"Thus, he devised a plan that was even crazier than that of the god of netherworld

"The moment he entered the 'den of terrors', 'the one whose name must not be spoke' simply self-detonated-

[and as a result became the origin of every cultivator that self detonates, which confirms the originality my novel over the clich ones]

-the sheer scale of his self-detonation not only wiped out the entire heavens, and it also took out the ruins of the scorched mortal realms and broke the barrier that separated the netherworld, taking out everything and everyone with except the egg which not only remained perfectly fine but even absorbed some of the powers of 'the one whose name must not be spoke' to grow even stronger"

"Appearing within the netherworld after self-detonating, 'the one whose name must not be spoken' freed all the Elder gods, whilst the god of the netherworld revived all the banished gods and god beasts..."

"As a result, the battle was back to square one with the only difference being the fact that, there were no heavens, mortal realm and even the netherworld itself was already destroyed when 'the one whose name must not be spoken' fought to release the captured Elder gods"

"The egg which had been feeding on the baleful auras, negative feelings, death energies and every form of abstract and physical effect that was born from the war finally broke through the Origin Level of all Daos and reached the [the name is a suspense for future volumes lol]"

"Then when this war was about to begin once again, the egg then hatched, and it was rumored that once it hatched every single god beast who mated with the roc too conceive this beast and even the roc itself died instantly because of a single reason;"

"The Will Dao of this new beast was so strong that it wanted to be the only one of its kind, and as a result, the Dao responded to its desire as all god beasts began to disintegrate to ashes"

"This wasn't like the normal death but rather they all ceased to exist, like they were never created to begin with, breathing in relief that the war was over, the Elder gods were about to vent on the god of the netherworld when 'the one whose name must not be spoken' ordered them to lend him their powers"

"Stunned by the sudden request, they all asked why and the response they got was that, this new beast was stronger than all of them combined, and that the only advantage they might have was its level of intelligence which was not even up to that of its captured parents yet..."

"As a result, 'the one whose name must not be spoken' said he was confident not in killing it completely, but at least seal its ever growing powers by sacrificing his life"

"This was not a reincarnation kind of death, but one which would mean 'the one whose name must not be spoken' never returns"

"One of the Elder gods even suggested that why couldn't they just tame the beast by feeding and taking care of it and if possible find a way to control it"

"But would a beast which wanted to be the only of its kind allow anyone else to control it?"

"No thus, the Elder gods lent 'the one whose name must not be spoken' their powers and after a single month of battle, the Abomination finally had all its powers and consciousness sealed in the form of a spirit ring before being sent into oblivion out of the reach of any possible being who would hope to take such enormous powers which was the combination of all the power of the Elder gods, the abomination itself and finally, 'the one whose name must not be spoken'"

"Then of course, many searched for it until my creator found it, and being unable to gain the acknowledgement of the spirit ring, he stored the spirit ring within me until its rightful owner comes." Daisy finally finished her narration which shook the Min Hong trio to their core...

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