The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 213: Little Bai

Chapter 213: Little Bai

Then the pitch black Chaos Qi formed a top and trouser to cover his nudity, before he actually bound his hair with the gold colored Metal Qi and actually used the silvery colored Space Dao to form a foot wear

[In general, he looked dressed like Minato in Naruto All rights reserved]

Then he approached the massive cube and with a single thought, it dispersed into Death Qi which flowed back into the death dragon who saw its cultivation surge up to the 3 Star Saint Stage level of cultivation

Then cladding his hands in Oblivion Dao, he ripped out the chains impaling Shen Bing's consciousness, as the dimension they were currently in shattered sending all of them out of it

Shen Bing opened her eyes first and noticed that she, the princess of an ancient dynasty, was actually sleeping bare chested, breasts and all, pressed on a little kid of about thirteen, but for some strange and mysterious reason, she found herself a little unwilling to rise from her current position as a red hue sprayed all over her face from her neck region as she looked at the devilishly handsome and well sculpted face of Min Hong

Though, she couldn't feel the true texture of his body as they were all in soul form, but she mentally added it to her to-do list to feel through every inch of his true body, from the inside out, the very first chance she gets

Moreover, the natural and pure Imperial aura radiating from deep within Min Hong's soul didn't escape her senses also, after all, she was previously an expert in the Nirvana stage or higher in her prime

She also sensed something lying dormant within Min Hong's soul waiting to be awakened but would need an outrageously crazy amount of stimulant to be awakened from what she could sense, and she knew what that signifies;

It was a very super strong bloodline that was lying dormant within him, which made her begin to show more interest in Min Hong

If she wasn't interested in him before, just the curiosity of finding out the origin of this bloodline was more than enough to make her crazily interested in Min Hong, because there was one thing she knew for sure concerning this bloodline; it was not from this dimension and era

In fact, she had never seen or heard or read about it anywhere, but she feared it greatly

Moreover, she had yet to wrap her head around how Min Hong could actually comprehend a Legendary Dao to the Ninth Level Law Level within twelve hours

During the process of absorbing all that information, Min Hong had lost track of time and what seemed like almost twelve years to him actually happened in less than twelve hours, and whilst she was still caught up in her thoughts, Min Hong finally opened his eyes which seemed a little bit dizzy due to the huge amount of knowledge his soul had accommodated in less than half a day

Thus, with great exhaustion apparent in his tone, he asked;

"What are you doing?"

Seeing a blushing 390,000 year old princess from an ancient dynasty sleeping bare chested on him was something his gentlemanly side could not accustom itself to even though they were in the soul form

The princess then stood up before feigning serious anger and spitting through gritted white teeth;

"You are so shameless"

"Taking advantage of someone who is in a pinch like that and you will still dare to call yourself a man in the face of others? Tch, so pathetic and fickle"

She then used her soul force to cover herself up as Min Hong looked over at her before he then replied her with two sentences;

"Firstly, I am still a boy, so I do not refer to myself as a man and neither can I stop others if they want to"

"Secondly, would you have preferred to remain in captivity? If so, this is Little Bai, I can always order him to return you into captivity"

Min Hong said whilst pointing to the 4 Star Saint Stage Death Dragon who for some stunning reasons to Shen Bing, didn't have any issues being addressed as Little Bai by Min Hong

Then Min Hong rested his back against the Primus Dao Tree which washed him all over in soothing energy that gradually removed the lethargy within his soul whilst Min Hong began to restore his depleted Soul and Mental force

Whilst he was doing all that, Little Bai (the death dragon) and Shen Bing were all staring at Min Hong's Dao Tree with slacked jaws and utter shock

This was because, out of the five Dao Branches that were there, they could only identify three which seemed to be the Death, Metal and Space Dao Branches

Asides from that, they didn't know whatever the remaining two were, and though, they could  see one pitch black branch which would have been the Darkness Dao Branch to an average minded person

But who were they?

Ancient experts from another plane of existence which was way  much stronger than the one Min Hong currently resides in

If they didn't know that it wasn't the Darkness Dao, then they might have as well wasted all their years of cultivation, comprehending the Dao and gaining experience, by counting all the ants in existence

Then there was an empty spot somewhere on the tree too, and they knew that a branch was supposed to be there, and the fact that they are not seeing any at that spot only meant three things;

Firstly, Min Hong had a secret art that could hide the Dao

Secondly, he had once offended some ancient expert who got so pissed off that they yanked the Dao out of his memories and thus, it was lost forever

Lastly, the Dao was actually there, but it was a Dao in a completely different league way beyond their realm of knowledge and experience

But whichever of the three is the case is something worth looking at Min Hong in a new light for, and this was because, if it was a secret technique, then that meant Min Hong had a background that was at least up their own level in power and wealth, or he was just an abnormally lucky kid to be able to land his hands on such a technique

If it was about offending an ancient expert, then it is either Min Hong had something so valuable they wanted which made them do it, or he had enough guts and balls to actually offend such an expert which in either ways was worth commending

But if it was the last one about the Dao being way beyond their league, then that will mean Min Hong had an extremely tyrannic and brutal talent or he was just like before an abnormally lucky kid who could actually stumble upon some treasure or expert which could impart the Dao to him

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