The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 211: Finding The Dao

Chapter 211: Finding The Dao

Luckily enough for him, that instantaneous moment he could hold on for was enough for Little Fei to take control of his body and successfully planted his third ace; the 'Imperial Edict Seal' within the death dragon

The moment he did that, the death dragon had a 'Minion Mark' etched into the depths of its soul, but little did Min Hong know that, the 'Minion Mark' in all its power and mysteriousness appeared within the soul of the true and real death dragon which was in another different dimension and plane entirely

The death dragon stood there right in front of Min Hong with many thoughts of shredding him to pieces, but no matter how much it urged any part of its body, they didn't move even in the slightest

Thus, after several futile tries, it ended up discarding the thought for the moment as Min Hong turned away from it and sat cross-legged on the ground just beside the hovering massive cube of grey smoke

Then he began to readjust his constitution as he was severely drained by the daring and gutsy stunt he just pulled some few seconds ago, as a result, he instantly shut his eyes and went into deep meditation

Daniel and Little Fei also returned to their cultivation as they thanked their stars that they were able to achieve minor breakthroughs in their comprehension

Then after about thirty solid minutes of meditation, Min Hong eventually ceased his meditation since he had recovered an ample amount of his soul force

Then he looked over to the death dragon and Shen Bing before asking;

"So, how do I set you free from this prison?"

"Firstly, you will have to comprehend the Death Dao to at least its level, which is the Ninth Plane of the Law Level"

Shen Bing responded with a sigh as she felt that, irrespective of Min Hong removing the threat the death dragon posed, he would still take at least twenty to two hundred years for him to comprehend the Death Dao to the Ninth Plane Law Level

It was the same moment that Shen Bing made that statement that Min Hong decided to use one of the unique abilities of the 'Minion Mark' for the first time

Shutting his eyes deeply, Min Hong sensed the aura of the 'Minion Mark' and connected to it as he was brought into a unique dimension where he saw two souls connected to his own soul via a soul link which came in from of a chain that originated from his own soul and stabbed into these two souls

Min Hong looked at the first soul which had a humanoid form but shockingly was looking like a Siamese twins of two female human

On furtherly scrutinizing these Siamese figure, Min Hong found out that it was actually the fusion of Min Qing with Lang Su, but the person who was impaled was actually Min Qing and unfortunately for Lang Su who had taken residence within her, she was also impaled alongside Min Qing

Then the second soul took a form of a figure that was so fresh within his own memories; the death dragon

Min Hong then connected to the death dragon via the soul link and was moved into the space within the death dragon's mind

Here, Min Hong saw many motes of light hovering all over the place, and in fact they numbered in their billions

These were all the memories and experience the death dragon had witnessed, being through or put through in its entire life

Min Hong then willed that which he was looking for and then; Whoosh! Instantly, about five specific motes of light bolted over to him and hovered there in front of him

Of these five motes of light; one was black giving off the vibe of being able to suck the light out of anything

Another was grey, which was giving the vibe of also sucking the vitality and life force of anything that dares so much as touch it

There was also another that was giving off the feeling of all negative emotions

There was also another one that was radiating so much heat that it could possibly scorch anything it comes in contact with to ashes

There was also a last one but Min Hong who had already found what he was looking for didn't bother to check what it was as he willed the mote of light that was radiating the deadly vibe to come towards him

Touching this mote of grey light, massive amounts of information, scenes, experiences, knowledge and other various form of learning flowed into Min Hong's mind like a flash flood in a town without fences, causing his soul to flicker intensely

Min Hong didn't know when he subconsciously sat cross-legged after noticing that the amount of information he was going to receive here today was going to be so much that he would be extremely lucky if his Mental and Soul force could actually withstand it all

Whilst Min Hong was busy going through all these memory transfer, the death dragon which was in another dimension within a different plane began to get the feeling that someone was rummaging through its memories....

But it couldn't as much as even get the direction of where it was coming from, not to even talk of the dimension or plane the mysterious person was doing it from, and this feeling of helplessness in front of someone who could actually access the memories of another person without either a physical contact, or any other form of comprehensive measures, made a deep sense of fear to grip this powerful, revered and well feared entity

If the real death dragon knew that the person who was doing this was a little bipolar kid of about thirteen years old who was about three realms lower than itself in terms of cultivation, it would have most likely killed itself with a blob of tofu or drown itself in a tear drop of water

Thus, unwilling to allow its memories and life to be continually and helplessly toyed with, without its consent, the real death dragon rose from its resting posture as it spread its massive wings which seemed to blot out the entire sky from view...

The real death dragon took off leaving a 500 feet deep and 100 feet wide crater in its wake as it actually disappeared from view, and this was not some sort of Space Dao effect or something but just the sheer speed of the real death dragon

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