The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 202: A Breakthrough In Negotiations

Chapter 202: A Breakthrough In Negotiations

"Though refining your soul would have been the easiest way out, I think there is still a better option that could benefit us both"

Little Fei spoke as Min Hong and Daniel used their 10 percent access within him to telepathically get the understanding behind this new option he was talking about

Then just like a subconscious tactical thinking, they accepted the option and put the plan in motion

"We know that Death Dao doesn't belong to and we can also help reduce the rate at which your life force and cultivation degrades, at least for the time being"

Daniel spoke out this time as Min Hong finally pushed in for the final move;

"At least till I can comprehend the Death Dao and help you remove this Death Dao Branch"

Min Hong pointed to the grey wooden stake that was currently protruding from her chest area

"What do you think?"

Min Hong subtly nudged her decision when he noticed this ancient lady in front of him was looking at him suspiciously and skeptically, after all, she has seen many things in life and gained oceans of experiences in different facet of life, cultivation included

Thus he knew that to get what they really wanted from this wisdom filled lady, they had to thread carefully, which is why they appeared more like an helping hand whilst at the same time being subtly forceful

"What do you stand to gain?"

She asked out of the blue, after all, everything they were currently offering was completely different from their initial intentions which was to just refine her soul ridding it off her consciousness and then absorbing everything else to increase their strength

"Having a trustworthy and potential ancient cultivator on our side would do our group a great deal of good"

Daniel who sensed that this person was just as wise as the three of them combined, if not wiser, decided to go straight to the point even if though his statement was a little bit offensive, after all, their previous intentions was even way better than this new one

No ancient realm cultivator would demote and belittle themselves to the extent of joining a band of little kids who have yet to even cross the Mortal Realm barrier into the Spirit Realm, rather, they might just as well stick a shovel into her and gut her to pieces

"There are three benefits you get for joining us"

Min Hong spoke once more as the female cultivator looked at him with a frown etched on her face as she responded through gritted teeth;

"And who or what makes you think I was considering joining your little charade and shenanigans"

"You might call it whatever you like but the very fact that we are still here negotiating already show that you will very much not want to go with our first option so drop the act and listen attentively"

The female cultivator blinked her eyes in shock when she heard Min Hong's logic about the current situation, then came the interest to know more about Min Hong that abruptly sparked alive out of nowhere

The reason for this new interest was simply because of the domineering and casual switch Min Hong's aura just took when he spoke to her just now

It was like as if he was an Imperial talking to one of its subjects, and not only that, the fact that even though he knew she was an ancient realm cultivator who in her prime could flip their entire continent like she was taking the most effortless fart but was still composed and casual in front of her means he was either just too stupid or he was just truly confident

But the way they had conned her into trying to enter his soul only to have her trapped told her that the latter was most likely the case

Even Daniel and Little Fei were stunned by the new attitude Min Hong just showed and even Min Hong, himself, wasn't sure how it happened

It was just that something within his bones, like a deep and mysteriously potent pride within his bones hated the way their conversation was turning out to be a drag and wanted to like use its authority to end the conversation and have its way

"The Dawn Sovereign Bloodline, unh?"

Min Hong muttered to himself as Daniel and Little Fei finally smiled and congratulated him;

"This is a really good news your bloodline purification seemed to have moved once again in a really long time it is now 30 percent pure"

Daniel said before Little Fei added telepathically;

"I think it is because of the Death Qi that was wreaking havoc within your physical body that stimulated an aggressive healing response from the Dawn Sovereign bloodline"

"You are ever so knowledgeable thanks guys"

Min Hong responded as a smirk formed on his lips which for some strange reasons made the female cultivator become extra cautious of this thin line she was currently threading

But Min Hong who had decided to reward his Dawn Sovereign bloodline breakthrough by becoming as arrogant and domineering as a true Sovereign, spoke out once again

"I did not want us to appear like we were bad guys, that was why we deviated from our initial plan, but now I am starting to think the first option would have been better"

"But due to the good news I just received, I will make a last compromise"

"You will be given three options and three minutes to think carefully about them, weigh your options and choose one"

Min Hong spoke in a tone that brooded no negotiation whilst making several casual gestures before giving the lady the options;

"First option; we refine your soul and still end up getting what we want and that way you can utterly forget about returning to the land of the living because even the residues of your soul would be fed on" Min Hong blurted bluntly before continuing

"Second option; I use this"

Min Hong raised on of his hands as a mysterious and super, duper ancient seal appeared on his palm as everything within the female cultivator including the grey stake in her body instantly became wary of that seal

In fact the lady could even sense the activity within the wooden stake reduce significantly just from the presence of that seal 

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