The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 175: A Mission Worth Dying For

Chapter 175: A Mission Worth Dying For


"System Roulette activated As a new user, you have one 5x lucky spin to use You will also be eligible to a lucky spin upon reaching the peak of every cultivation stage... Would you like to spin the roulette?"

Min Hong's smile widened as he gazed at Daniel with a taunting wink as rolled his eyes and Daniel blurted in irritation; "Beach please."

"I so love this system!" Min Hong blurted loudly


"First impression compliment accepted" Min Hong heard Daisy's somewhat gratified voice as he saw a new notification pop up

On opening the pop up, he saw a new mission

But this new mission actually made both Min Hong and Daniel forget about their childish games as they both stared at the screen in incredulity before looking at each other and smiling gleefully

This details of this mission not only explained the nature of this quest, but it also gave a hint into one of the long term goals him, Min Qing, Long Sha and Elder Jun was tasked to complete.

It read;

Category Mission

Type Quest

Nature Engage

Location >50< Mile Radius

Target - Nihility Flame Essence

Directive Obtain Target

Time 200 Days

Rank S Rank

Base Reward: 150000 Cowries

Potential Reward: 1,500,000 Cowries

Status Open.

Progress Pending [0%]

"Now, this is a mission worth dying for" Daniel and both looked at themselves and shared a frenzied laughter before smacking their palms together in a High-five manner

Then Daniel proposed;

"I am done with the mission, you should come take over" Min Hong then took over but not before sincerely shaking hands


"System-User-Host sync complete" Min Hong and Daniel simply looked at each other and smirked when they heard Daisy's comment

By the time Min Hong opened his eyes in the outside world, he saw two enchanting, mesmerizing but innocent greyish-yellow eyes staring curiously into his at a very close proximity of about six inches from his face 

He instantly knew who those eyes belonged to; his woman

Min Qing had her eye color change from sky blue to yellow due to the change in her Water Dao nature, then the surge in her Yin Dao added a little greyish tinge to them which would cause anyone to obliviously lose themselves into them

"Are you okay?" she asked with a slight concern and a questioning gaze which was directed at the Kun siblings

Since Min Hong had walked in, he didn't utter any more than one sentence and that was;

"Everyone, these are the Kun siblings, and they would be joining the team from today onwards, so get acquainted with each other." Then he just sat on a nearby chair and shut his eyes 

Thus, Min Qing thought it was something the Kun siblings had done which is why she directed such a gaze at them, but Min Hong simply caressed her cheeks which instantly made her slightly flush red and complete melt when she heard his voice;

"I was just contemplating how to go about the War God Trial"

Min Hong spoke as he rose to his feet but before he could say anymore, Kun Lin blurted;

"Are you going to challenge the War God Trials?" and Min Hong responded with a nod, before Kun Chao stuttered;

"D-Dude, are you crazy or something?"

Min Hong knew he didn't mean to curse but was just too shocked by the news, but then Min Qing;

"He is not the only one I will also be challenging the trials too"

"Me too" Long Sha calmly and flatly added

"Since you are challenging the trials too, would you mind adding my name into the list?"

Kun Lin walked over to Min Qing and pulled her left arm, as Qing Tan who wasn't looking to lose out, pouted her lips and quickly grabbed Min Qing's right arm, stunning the entire room

Min Qing who was put under the spotlight of the entire commotion could not help but give an awkward chuckle before responding to Kun Lin;

"If Hong-ge is willing" Instantly, Min Hong became the center of attention of the entire room as he felt the gazes of so many eyes, his skin almost crawled 

Min Hong then gazed at Min Qing as he commended Min Qing's ability to subtly dump the attention and pressure placed on her, entirely on his shoulders

But being a man that he was, he maturely accepted the pressure and nullified it

"Sure, we will do that after choosing the challenge sequence" He said calmly

"You guys are truly nuts I like it!"

Kun Chao smiled for the first time as Kun Lin sighed in irritation as she berated;

"You dare not!"

The sudden attitude and scolding took the rest of the room by surprise, but Kun Lin knew the kind of person her brother truly was

He was the king of mischief, even when they are on missions, Kun Chao liked to play around with his victims

There was even a certain time where he actually had a half-an-hour long therapy session with his target before he finally slit his throat cleanly

Thus, when she noticed the excitement in his tone, her soul cringed at the fate of the next unfortunate soul that would fall into her brother's claws

But the room wasn't taken aback by anything of that nature, instead, they had their views about these two people turned upside down

They had all believed that the Kun siblings would actually be a proud, arrogant and socially isolated bunch because of not only their powerful and mysterious background, but their own personal talent and cultivation

But here they were being as chatty as Mu Li on his laziest days But after they bickered with each other for about ten minutes, Min Hong finally stood up as the Kun siblings saw the rest of the group keep shut and humbly bow their heads slightly towards him, this greatly shocked the siblings who didn't even realize that their mouths were just opened but no words were coming out of them

But after sensing the subtle gestures the rest of the group were giving them, they finally stood quietly still but Kun Chao still refused to bow and just as he looked to his sister, he was stunned to set this sister of his actually bow to someone else apart from people back home and at work

Kun Chao was snapped out of his shock when he felt Kun Lin's hot slap on the back of his neck, as she forcefully pressed Kun Chao's neck into a slight bow

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