The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 170: Rendering Them Immobile

Chapter 170: Rendering Them Immobile

But just as he almost uttered the word 'member', he heard a Chu-Lom sound within his head and out of the eagerness that is born from sheer curiosity, he shifted their meeting to another time as he quickly dispatched the Long Sha trio, giving him the privacy and time he needed

Looking around and noticing that no one was watching him, Min Hong stepped into the ancient formation placed at one corner in his room, they now had much more spirit stones than they needed, thus powering the formation at a whim wasn't any problem

But the moment he sent his consciousness into his brain, he saw what Daniel was currently seeing

It was a notification from his 'Imperial Relics Of Ancient Scholars' system that read;

Category Mission

Type Quest

Nature Engage

Location <10 mile Radius

Target: Kun Chao

Directive Recruit Target

Time 3 Hours

Rank A Rank

Base Reward: 1500 Cowries

Potential Reward: 12,000 Cowries

Status Open.

Progress Pending [0%]

Min Hong saw this and before he could even accept the quest, his body had already started walking towards the door subconsciously

By the time he accepted the mission, he was already outside his apartment as the details of the mission changed to;

Status Closed

Progress Accepted [1%]

If someone saw the current Min Hong, they would notice that he was currently walking though absent mindedly, there was still a level of familiarity to the way he walked in this particular direction

When Min Hong was done with Daniel and returned to the driver seat of his physical body, he ended up noticing that he had already arrived in front of Kun Chao's apartment, since it was only a walking distance from his

Sucking in a deep breath to settle his minds and rearranging his clothes, Min Hong finally stretched his hands to knock, but before the knuckle of his middle finger could knock on the door, a voice drifted over from inside;

"You and I have no business to discuss, so you can scram"

Min Hong's hand which was about to knock on the door froze as a deep frown slowly crept over his face

It wasn't like he had directly met this guy before, and neither did he recall offending him some way or the other, so Min Hong was left wondering why Kun Chao would show him such a cold and disregarding attitude

Min Hong had initially wanted to turn away and leave, after all, he had already told Mu Bai initially that, no matter how talented the disciples he scouted were, once they show symptoms of a bad attitude, he was to quarantine such a disciple in a separate list for further study

They would study and guide such a disciple on how to get rid of such behaviors, just like Min Hong had planned to help Qing Tan overcome her timid nature

If the person changes, they were to be assimilated into the group, and if they didn't, they were to be let go

But duo to several different reasons, the highest one being the system mission, Min Hong decided to try again So he replied;

"I just want to talk to you about a proposition, you can decide to accept it or refuse after you have heard me"

Min Hong said with his meekest smile which abruptly vanished when he heard Kun Chao's reply to his statement;

"I have heard you, I refuse Now, can you please scram?" Kun Chao said with a tone that had an unconcerned and arrogant tinge to it

At this point, Min Hong really gave up and turned to leave, but as he was about to take his first step, a familiar but mad voice echoed in his mind;

"Is that how you plan on walking away from every little rejection you face? Where is your sense of persistence?" Daniel bellowed at Min Hong who replied with a thought;

"So, what do you expect me to do to someone who have premeditatedly made up their mind?"

"So you are going to bail on our first mission? You're such a wuss"

Daniel berated Min Hong with a soft but domineering tone which caused the currently sour-mood Min Hong to scold back at him;

"If it was so easy, why don't you come and do it?" Min Hong angrily retorted

"What?! You call this difficult? Utterly ridiculous" Daniel chortled internally causing Min Hong to fume at this behavior

"Alright, come and do this"

Min Hong mentally left the control of his body to Daniel who calmly and professionally swapped controls with Min Hong before mumbling with gut-shredding confidence;

"Give me half an hour, and I will finish this mission"

He said as he clenched his fists and punched the joint where the lock of the door enters the frame, sending the door swinging wide open to its limits as Daniel [Min Hong] casually strolled in like the place was his own 

"You dare!"


The exploding sound of an erupting cultivation base burst through the front door as the cultivation base power that was very close to the Nascent Soul stage swarmed towards Daniel followed by the arrogant voice from earlier.

But Daniel simply waved his sleeves with a casual but mysterious aura infused with it, as a very mind-churning painting appeared right in front him as he continued his casual stroll within another man's home

The painting currently floating right in front of Daniel was a sitting within a frame made of metal which had a dimension of about 3 by 2 feet

When he finally stepped inside the apartment, he saw four figures within the room

There was the Kun siblings on one side and there was Yue Yao and Lao Shi on another side of the room

The person who had launched that attack just now had been Kun Lin, and as a result, when Daniel came into view, she began to sweat bullets as she realized that she had just attacked the leader of the group she had been flustering and craving to join for weeks now

Then she began to sweat bullets

The entire room began to stare at Min Hong who didn't give them any ounce of attention, instead, he was busy looking around at every decoration within the room and some other strange things he might be looking for

At this point, he was like someone who was told to come take a look at the house he was about to buy

Of the four other figures in the room, Kun Chao had a mysterious expression plastered on his face making it nigh impossible to discern whatever it was that was roaming around within his mind

He simply sat there casually with his right hand positioned over his lips in a contemplating manner 

Kun Lin on the other hand had a red hue from her neck all the way up to her plump cheeks which could compel anyone to want to pinch them

She still seemed to be embarrassed by her earlier actions, thus she could only bow her head slightly unwilling to meet Min Hong's gaze

[Everyone should know that the current Min Hong was being controlled by the black-robed Daniel King]

Yue Yao had a very disgusted expression that was mixed with sheer frustration glued all over her face whilst Lao Shi was simply staring at him with a venomous gaze, like a viper in the desert lurking in wait for any stray movement

But Min Hong who was looking and touching almost all the decorations within the room like an appraiser then spoke nonchalantly;

"I can always keep doing this till you're done with them or you can send them off and let's discuss something more important and beneficial to us all"

He said without even looking at the stunned, stumped, curious and angry gazes behind him as he continued to skim through all the decorations within the apartment

Hearing Min Hong's overbearing and taunting words, the Lao Shi duo looked to the Kun siblings to rectify the current situation and deal with the intruder

But to their shock, Kun Chao looked unperturbed by Min Hong's shenanigans, seemingly expecting them to deal with the situation instead, whilst Kun Lin for some weird and unknown reason to them was somewhat embarrassed to even look at Min Hong's face

Seeing that they would have to take matters to their own hands, Yue Yao was just about to standup and yell at Min Hong when his voice floated over;

"So tell me Yue Yao, is he the one spanking you now or what?" He said still without looking

The moment everyone within the room heard that statement, they all had a rapid transformation in their expressions. 

Lao Shi had a pissed and insulted expression on his face as he clenched his jaws and fists in pure rage, whilst Kun Chao had a shocked expression on his face that bordered on curiosity

Kun Lin who had been embarrassed in the first place found her hue intensify like someone turned up the temperature within the room to its highest as she perspired a drop of awkward sweat

Yue Yao was initially left rooted on the spot due to being stunned speechless, but the moment she realized how further her prestige and pride had sunk just because of a statement from this shameless fellow, she lost control 


Golden-red flames surged out of her body as it swept all around the surroundings, causing Kun Chao to simple pull his sister over to his side before erecting a Qi barrier around themselves

Lao Shi on the other hand also lost his cool as another explosion shook the foundations of this apartment

A 7 Star  Dan Formation stage aura erupted from him as he grabbed the empty air causing several Metal Dao Qi to surged into his palm and form a giant hammer, then he released his Earth Dao which made an heavy pressure descend upon the apartment

Kun Chao and Kun Lin was obviously affected but it was still bearable and moreover, he really wanted to see how much Min Hong had improved since he last saw him, thus he didn't mind the ruckus one bit

"Lol are you trying to make me laugh?" Min Hong spoke as he finally turned around causing everyone to see the jeering and ridiculing smirk that hung on his lips

"Trying to compete with me in terms of pressure? Alright, I will play around with you for a bit"

Min Hong spoke as he released his 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline power which instantly caused the gravity around a mile radius of this apartment to increase by 25% as tiny cracks began to form and spread out in every direction with Min Hong at its center

At this point, Yue Yao saw her movement reduce by a little over 50% as she began to feel like she was neck-deep in a quicksand whilst Kun Lin was also forced to release her cultivation base duo to the heavy pressure

"Hmph! If you think that is enough to keep me rooted to the spot then you must have some screw loose in your head"

Yue Yao spat through gritted teeth "Oh? No, no, no I was just getting started. But concerning the last part of your statement, you are correct, I have recently discovered that also"

Min Hong replied as he released his aura [The one unique to only body cultivators in the King stage and above] and the pressure of the surrounding gravity doubled instantly

Creak! Creak!


Crash! Boom! 

The first set of things to feel the immense pressure of the gravity which had now surged by half were the wooden pillars, floors and furniture within this apartment and before long, they all shattered beneath the immense pressure they have been put on by the gravity which had now amplified by half

Yue Yao instantly saw her movement speed decrease by a heavy 90%, now Min Hong could kill her ten times over before she could blink her eyelids

Lao Shi also began to see his speed drop till he was limited to only 80% of his peak speed and just as they all thought it was over, Min Hong upped his game

Min Hong who had been holding back before, completely released the pressure of his bloodline which was already at 29% causing it effects on gravity to surge higher and then bringing the gravity to 60% more than its initial pressure level

Then to round everything up, he then released the pressure of his dragon tattoos, Dao and Qi cultivation

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