The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 168: Farting A Bolt Of Lightning

Chapter 168: Farting A Bolt Of Lightning

As a result, everyone easily accepted the imperial decree to be true and others were even hailing the Emperor for being astute and considerate

Some of the Clans, Alliances and Sects within the Dogon Empire even brought rare and extremely valuable resources to aid the Emperor in his cultivation, but sadly for the Imperial Family, the resources needed to heal Chu Huang were not amongst them, thus in the ensuing week, the five man team of the Emperor and the Hooded Figure departed the Dogon Empire in search of the cure

Seeing that the cure for his ailment was already being set out for, Chu Huang in a bid to stand in for the absent Emperor and his previously weak self, didn't hesitate to sacrifice his seventh Nascent Soul and regress to the 6 Star level before a rigorous and potent life force returned to his soul and body, returning him to his youthful state of about 35 years

After all, it was a nascent soul he sacrifice, and that is the entire life's work and cultivation of a 1 Star Nascent Soul expert

Thus the great Chu Huang who was feared and respected even in the entire Meng Dynasty had seen his cultivation begin to regress from the 8 Star Saint stage to 1 Star Saint Stage, in the past seven years

Furthermore, he had almost fallen back into the Nascent Soul stage if not for the unorthodox technique that he used to forcefully keep his soul bound together preventing him from completely falling back to the Nascent Soul stage

The cultivation of a Saint Stage expert is ranked by the amount of souls he had fused together with his Saint soul

Someone who had formed his nine Nascent Souls and has also pried into the Law level of any Dao is regarded as a 1 Star Nascent Soul expert

Those who have merged two of their Nascent Souls together and comprehended a Law level Dao are regarded as 2 Star Saint stage expert.

Those who have merged three of their Nascent Souls are referred to as 3 Star Saint Stage expert, with the merger of 4 nascent souls being the 4 Star Saint stage and so on

Thus the moment he felt the Old Man in the void actually heal his ailment so casually with just his walking cane, one could only imagine what such an expert could do if he was there in person

That person would probably be able to crush their entire dimension with a belch from drinking too much booze

Though, he felt a little displeased by having his life in the hands or grasp of another person, especially when such a person was anonymous

Chu Huang didn't know if the man was someone who would angrily crush his soul because some kid threw a snowball at his face but he was too mighty to spank the kid and a result decided to vent on his feeble and miserable soul

Thus, despite the incredulity being shown by these four figures who each had a clown like expression etched on their faces, Chu Huang didn't dare delay on the task he had been given by the person he know considered to be his master

On the contrary of being scared and displeased, the more Chu Huang thought about it, the more he began to fantasize and realize that should he carry out his tasks very well and be a valuable servant to such a person, he might as well be securing the future of his Dogon Empire.

Thus, he did what he had not done in over thirty years; giving the Emperor an order

"Firstly, I want you to find Dong'er and tell him to return since I won't be needing that treasure anymore"

"Grandpa, do you mean-"

The Emperor wanted to clarify the situation before he leaped and celebrated like someone who just won a grand lotto.

But after the stern and commanding tone within his grandfather's statement, the youth understood that his grandfather had one way or the other been mysteriously healed

Thus he didn't mind even if his grandfather slapped his face whilst making that statement, he was just so happy that his role model and superstar had returned to his former self

Thus, regardless of the fact that he was either an emperor or interim, he fell down on one knee and bowed as he received instructions from the main person behind the prosperity and survival of the Dogon Empire in this recent century

Even if his father; Chu Dong, the true emperor, was here, he would still go down on one knee even though he was around six cultivation stages stronger than Chu Huang, so who was he; someone still in the nascent soul stage, to not take a bow in the presence of such a respected and well feared personality

"Tell me your will and it shall be done accordingly"

The Emperor instantly changed his manner of address once he began to sense his grandfather's Imperial Intent return and the energy and vibes of a youth coursing through his veins once again

"You three" Chu Huang said. "I want you to start keeping a close eye on whatever unusual thing happens within the empire from now henceforth" He continued.

"He someone farts a bolt of lightning out of their butts, I want to know"

"If someone chokes and dies on a blob of tofu, I want to know so you get out there and make it happen"

"Furthermore, you should lay more emphasis on people within the age bracket of being a 'Youth' and 'Next generation' individuals"

"There is someone I want you to be on a really alert lookout for

He is going to be a very important guarantee to the future of our Imp-"

Chu Huang who fired several rapid and successive assignments to these three white robed grand elders wanted to say the word 'Imperial', but when he remembered what the old man within void said earlier, and the rest of the statement abruptly got stuck in his throat.

The three white robed grand elder who had been standing afloat on empty air since they all came out, flew off in three different directions to go  and begin their assignments

"You should also begin preparations to bring your father safely back to empire"

After seeing them go, Chu Huang finally turned to his grandson, and though still spoke with the same arrogant and domineering tone, his aura also had a subtle softness and fondness within it

After all, this was the kid who actually indirectly gave him a chance at survival when he was muscle-deep into the hole of death

Thus, no matter how domineeringly and grandfatherly he wanted to act, whenever he saw this little kid, he couldn't just help but want to bear-hug this little savior of his

"Most definitely, grandpa In fact, I will personally ensure that they step out at first light, tomorrow"

The emperor bowed slightly before Chu Huang took to the sky and flew so fast, he nearly tore the fabric of space as he caused three sonic booms to ring across the sky which only happens when a saint stage expert added more momentum to his flight in bursts

"You heard him right?"

"Go now begin to make required preparations for the journey and you will also be leading the team"

The emperor spoke into the thin air as a shadow actually bolted out of the shadow of the emperor himself

The shadow the morphed into the figure of a six foot tall youth with broad and firm shoulders, but other than that, nothing else was discernible due to the nature of whatever it was that was veiling him from the physical realm...

"Rest assured your majesty, I will accomplish this mission even if I have to lose all limbs to it"

The shadow spoke in a muffled tone, like one had covered the outlet of speaker with a thick foam

Then the moment he left that statement, he suddenly vanished and could only be sensed at the position where an object has cast its shadow

Then the emperor also left creating a single sonic boom

Meanwhile On the other side of this current location within the Dogon Empire map, were a group of wings, heads and appendages falling slowly to the earth due to their light weight

Only after tracing a further 100 miles from there, would one see a massive eagle gliding effortlessly in the wind

Atop this bird were three figures; a boa with azure scales, a panther with flame-red runes and a middle-aged man with strange white beard

This bird was naturally Elder Yun, with the azure boa being Little Ming, the flame panther being Yuexing, and lastly, the middle-aged man being Elder Jun

Elder Yun glided gently through the air as she gobbled up all the instructions Elder Jun was dishing them concerning their next training region of the volcanic forest

"Firstly, The new training region I have selected is a highly poisonous one poison gases suffused the atmosphere, and every other thing within this place is highly poisonous or venomous

So tread carefully, and don't forget to wash your hands, never touch your faces to avoid contact with any poison residues on them" He began

"Secondly, you can either chose to carry out the training in this area as a team where the beasts you will be required to kill must be four stages above the strongest amongst you."

"But the time frame therein is increased to six hours or you can train individually and be required to kill beast at least two cultivation level above yours in twelve hours"

Elder Jun paused to receive their answer, of which they actually chose to hunt separately again like they did before

"Then lastly, for this training region, there wouldn't be any survival tools or items for you all except your wits, cultivation and potential"

"Thus, it is either you evolve in there and rise or stay the same and die. At least that way, your magnificent potentials wouldn't be wasting away." Elder Jun finished by slamming them with the harsh truths

The Elder Yun trio really and truly had tremendous potentials, but they aren't anyway near reaching the next level in them and it was because they were all entitled beasts that never really went on life threatening cultivation journeys, so as to stimulate their bloodlines to higher percentage purity level

In the case of Elder Yun and Little Ming; one was the guardian beast of a small family that thought that was the height of life

The other was also a revered beast who was ranked at the top of the entire forest talent rankings and third on power rankings, but had the same mindset as Elder Yun that they were already at the top...

But in the case of Yuexing, she was simply a personal transport and guardian beast to one of the heirs of a Super Clan, thus behave like a silk-pants and neglect the way they strived hard to reach their current level

This was why Elder Long Jun had proposed they come here to train so as to break their ego and bones of pride, so that they can easily evolve to their next stage

Thus, he had been very lenient in the training for the first 20 percent of the forest they have crossed and see if they will grow, and they did

They were actually fooled by a beast nowhere the same level as them in terms of experience, after all, they are beast who have related with humans for so long they are supposed to have learnt more from man than a beast which had been surrounded by, grasses, tree and forests all these while

Thus he planned to shed their skin of laziness and allow the training and the jungle awaken the beastly instincts within these three lazy fellows

After making his intentions known, Elder Jun alighted on his flying sword and parted ways with the Eder Yun trio after asking them to begin the next phase of training right away, which nearly made them blanch in bitterness, after all, in their mind, they just escaped death

But they don't know that is what the entire cultivation world is all about, cultivate and follow your Dao with courage and do not fear any higher power you encounter, but instead press on, those kind of difficulties then pushes your limits and make you evolve

Then before you know it, one has become the literal 'carp that leapt over the dragon gate'

So if this near death and nightmare inducing training is what it would require for them to recover their beastly instinct and spur their potential, then they would just die

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