The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 165: Are You Being Chased Or Followed?

Chapter 165: Are You Being Chased Or Followed?

Now, there were all being chased by death and if someone was to look at the scenario from the ground, they would see a huge bird miserably fleeing from some bunch of adorable looking harmless butterfly or they would see a seemingly stronger bird that was also miserably fleeing from three female beasts, and no matter the perspective one wanted to view this from, it was still a very hilarious sight

"Oi I thought you really wanted us, so why are you fleeing?!" Little Ming spoke in their beast language as the firebird nearly fell from the sky after hearing that statement

With its eyes twitching intensely, the firebird fled for its life flapping its wings so hard, it nearly lost all its feathers

It didn't even spare the trio the slightest bit of attention, at this moment, it just wanted to flee as far away as possible from these three 'sheath' magnets

Elder Yun was also on full flight mode as she tried to use the dense foliage of the forest to evade her pursuers, but the point was that, these butterflies were very small and as a result her tactics were already bound to be rendered useless from the very moment it was conceived

Meanwhile, about a thousand mile away from the group of the hunter and the hunted, was a massive clearing with a relatively large lake which is about 50 meters in diameter right at its center

Artistically built in the middle of this lake was a fairly large but comfy and well ventilated stilt house

Built with contrasting colors of green bamboo woods and several trunks of a white tulip tree, followed by a touch of flower pots and some stacks of herbs that portrays the owner of this simple, natural and vintage property as a vertical herb farmer

Atop this 40 feet deep lake was a man hovering there, right at its center

This man had his eyes closed with long beards concealing the opening at the chest area of his brown/blue robes

He was currently hovering in a lotus position (See yoga) with a slight frown which portrayed him like someone who is looking for something they had misplaced

Hovering in front of this man was a golden fishing rod with its line currently dipped into the calm and placid lake

"These guys are late did they run into some sort of trouble?" The man muttered beneath his breath as he delved into deeper thoughts

About two minutes later, this man's train of thoughts was interrupted by a slight ripple that subtly surfaced on the surface of the lake for about a second

The man sensed this brief ripple and looked over to another side of the lake which was actually opposite in direction to the source of the ripple

"You are getting wiser by the day"



The man sent the fishing line flying towards the spot on the lake he was currently looking at as hook of the line pierced straight after whatever the man was aiming at

Tappa! Tappa! Tappa!

Something within the water trashed around as if fighting something much stronger than itself

Then the fishing rod which was hovering in front of the man yanked itself out of the river, sending an adult fist sized, purple-blue fish, which looked like the crossbreed of a tuna fish and a piranha into the air, before it premeditatedly landed atop a metal basket that mysteriously materialized out of the thin air

The man then brought the fish closer to its face as he calmly spoke to it;

"You are getting wiser and wiser but you still fail to notice something" He said with a sigh

"Subtlety and diversion are the two greatest characteristics of a great escape artist"

"Firstly, your diversion was very week, so weak than that it couldn't even distract me from you one bit"

"Secondly, you have underestimated your opponent I might be the same person every day, but that doesn't mean I must think the same way everyday"

"Thinking I'm going fish you out using the same tactics I used yesterday Hmph, are you the one who will think for me?"

The man continued to chide this little tuna which was actually a 2 Star Dan Formation Spirit beast

"Thirdly and lastly, I have taught you all I can and today has marked the end of our deal, so the next time I catch you will be the last day you ever taste the air again"

This bearded middle-aged man berated the fish before throwing it back into water

The fish which (even I myself) thought was going to swim so hard till it splits the horizon actually paused in its track, turn 180 degree to face the man for a brief moment before darting off towards the deepest parts of the lake

"I better go take a look and see what is causing the delay"


The middle aged man muttered to himself before he vanished from the surface of the lake with so much momentum that the lake water itself spread massive waves rippling through its surface from the center to its banks

The middle aged man who vanished from the lake abruptly flashed and reappeared then atop a cliff about 1000 meters away from the stilt house, then he looked into the distance as he calmly listened

Then after about two minutes of searching, the man's eyes snapped open as he stared into the distance and muttered;

"There they seem to be in a pinch too I had better hurry"

Dash! The middle aged man flashed off the tip of the cliff causing the trees around to sway wildly just from the sheer recoil of his forward speed

"Tch How am I going shake off you 'shith' magnets" The firebird bellowed at the Elder Yun trio who nearly exploded in fury from having their pride poked

The pride of any lady is how beauty she believes herself to be, thus  if you call a lady 'ugly' or in this case a 'sheath magnet', then you might end up seeing the darkest and ugliest nature of such a lady

"If I head home, these beaches would definitely follow me, leading over these 'Puddle Flies' in the process"

"I might end up being the harbinger of a genocide, if these bunch of adorable nightmares end up anywhere around my home"

"I might probably end up being pummeled to death when I meet my ancestors in the afterlife!"

The firebird which was now losing its momentum due to exhaustion thought to itself before it looked over at Elder Yun who had efficiently only lost 20 percent of her energy duo to her supplementing her flight with her Intent Level Wind Dao

One might be able to run an entire day, if he runs at 2Mph, but if he was moving at 300Mph, he might not eve last three hours which was the current plight of the firebird

Before long, Elder Yun finally caught up to it and even left it behind;

"Oi, if you still want to join my harem of concubines, then you might want to help me here and perhaps, you might just have a favorable number within my bed of flowers"

Elder Yun who was already fuming at this lecherous pervert who had now gone shameless nearly fell from the sky when she heard that statement

In fact, she was almost compelled to turn around and give him a piece of her most vicious attack just to vent her fury

But they didn't just have any sliver of time to waste as the 'Puddle Flies' which got their names from injecting their Flame Dao directly into their victims which would then cause their victims to melt from the inside until their skin can no longer hold the heat and also dissolve along with its organs and bones

These puddle flies were really intent on having one of them for lunch and as a result were very persistent in their chase

They were very small in comparison to their preys and were relatively light also, thus, they didn't need to waste much energy to fly since they possessed a more massive and lighter wing to body ratio compared to the Firebird and the currently incensed Elder Yun

Little Ming and Yuexing also heard the firebird's statement, but their attacks were in no way strong enough to kill him and moreover, they were looking to conserve their strengths for the time Elder Yun finally gets exhausted and force them to land, at that time, they would have no other choice but to face these sticky situation they have found themselves in

Whilst they were fuming and thinking about their possible escape solutions, Yuexing simply cat-walked to the tail section of Elder Yun's back and stared at the struggling firebird in disgust;

"Tch Since you are already disgusting in the heart and mind, I might as well make your disgust bloom outwards to the world, so everyone can know just how disgusting you are"

Then she turned around and took a dump which due to their speed and the abruptness of it all landed squarely on the face of the exhausted Firebird


The Firebird which was still thinking about a way to sway the Elder Yun trio suddenly found its face plunged into a severely pungent spray of 'sheath' as Little Ming abruptly forgot about her worries and laughed so hard that her tails were twitching;

"Wh-who is the 'sheath magnet' now? Hehe hehe" Elder Yun definitely saw the situation as the corners of her beaks curled upwards slightly in a contented smirk

Seemingly receiving a sudden enlightenment, Little Ming slithered her way to the tail section and raised her rear end slightly before water sprayed like a lawn sprinkler straight at the face of the Firebird

This Firebird who just had its confidence and ego sheath on and then showered by piss nearly exploded in rage as it yelled;

"You ugly beaches, you have all been dumped and if I ever see you again, I will be sure to make sure you die miserably after I and my gang finish taking their turns"

"That is no proper way to address the ladies, you know?"

The Firebird almost sheath itself when he abruptly heard a human voice ring out from behind it, then it looked backwards and saw a middle aged man in brown and blue robes riding on a flying sword as he approached them from behind with a breakneck speed.

The middle aged man sped past it and the firebird saw itself plunge towards the ground like it had been stripped off its wings, or had he?


Two wings fell from the sky as the Firebird saw its wings fall of its body

The cut was so clean and fast that even till now the Firebird still felt no pain at all In fact, he didn't even feel anything other than the pain coming from its eyes which was now stuck wide open with incredulity

Imagine walking on the road on a normal day and your arms just fall off your shoulders, at that moment one wouldn't feel any pain because one's brain would be busy trying to find out how, just how that could happen

The Firebird plunged to its death as the middle aged man who turned out to be Elder Long Jun looked towards the fleeing trio and spoke to them in a soft but lecturing tone;

"You need to really know when you are being chased or when you are simply being followed"

He said plunging the Elder Yun trio into a state of sheer confusion as they wondered why he would make such statement

After all, they were clearly being chased by something even he would have serious trouble escaping from

Noticing that they seemed not to get what he was trying to say, Elder Jun expatiated;

"You couldn't possibly be running from these bunch of Peak Dan Formation stage beasts, right?" He asked as Little Ming scoffed before replying;

"We might be far off the Peak of Dan Formation stage, but these vermin won't be able to stop us if we focus on escaping" Little Ming gestured towards herself and Yuexing

"The problem is just their Queen which is somewhere within their swarm and is a 7 Star Nascent Soul stage Magic beast" Yuexing added as she looked towards the incoming swarm with dread

She was not told, this was something she had witnessed by herself, so how could she not feel dread when something she spent almost all her energy on defeating was turned into a puddle of molten bones and organs right in front of her two eyes

"And you think, you all would have survived for this long if their Queen was truly awake?" Elder Jun spoke once more as a very ridiculous realization hit Elder Yun which caused her to finally slow down and abruptly turned around


Strong Warning = Do Not Read The Notes Below, If You Are Not Interested...


Watch Out For Volume 3 of this Novel starting from Chapter 200 onwards, i know the first two volumes  haven't been up to par, but i promise you that i have been on several writing trainings, platforms and symposiums to improve my writing...

Furthermore, i have also gotten a new laptop to prevent the repeated glitches i had this month... I give my all into everything i do, plus this is my first work ever, so i am still a newbie to writing... but fear not, i am embarking on journeys that would evolve me into one of the best author's out there...

Stick with me... i am not begging, it's just an advice...


I was challenged earlier today by a reader who trashed me for asking my readers to buy privileged chapters...

Firstly, buying my priv chapters not only benefits me as an author, but readers (Free Coins) also, if we both meet the right quota...

Secondly, I don't feel it is in anyway wrong to ask people to patronize me and my work, after all, whatever anyone does is always with other's and one's own benefits in mind...

Lastly, If you feel all I am doing is spewing crap, feel free to always ignore the Author's note... You do not represent the world; and because you are always after free things, doesn't mean others won't do the right thing out of their kind heart...

That's why it is important that you stream songs and watch movies in the cinema, not because it is legal, but because it is only humane for someone to show appreciation and support for someone else's work... (It follows the same logic...)

This would be the last time i write anything concerning piviledge chapters or votes or comments in this novel... I will just write to the best of my ability and if the novels gets no activity from readers and is forced to be put down by Webnovel, then there is nothing i can do about that...

Thanks: Author [ORIGIN_ESSENCE]

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