The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 154: A Beneficial Disadvantage

Chapter 154: A Beneficial Disadvantage

Min Hong then began to pet her; "Hush Hush!"

"Who told you I wasn't interested in?" Min Hong spoke before he realized that he had said what he wouldn't have said.

He then shut his eyes as the white-robed Min Hong began to curse at the black-robed Min Hong for nearly ruining his time with his woman

He was then about to open his eyes and correct himself, when the black-robed Min Hong once again spoke;

"She is ours too, you know?"

"You-" the white-robed Min Hong almost had a heart attack as he fumed at this mischievous version of him...

"Tch I better go and ask Little Wu for a way to make sure that never repeats itself again"

"I don't want to cultivate in life and not die by the hands of the gods, but instead, die from the agony of my own minds completely destroying themselves"

The white-robed Min Hong made a very important mental note as he focused back on Min Qing.

He was the one in control of his own mind at the moment, so he was planning on using it effectively and efficiently

All this took a long time to explain in writing but actually took less than five minutes, between the time that Lang Su took over Min Qing and the point where Min Qing woke up.

Min Qing then slumped to the side, still naked with only her soaked panties and clumsy placed bra.

Her shoulders drooped in guilt as she cautiously tried to enter Min Hong's embrace, so Min Hong opened his arms wide as he allowed her snuggle into his arms

But the posture Min Qing was currently taking left her wet cave within a reach's length of Min Hng's shlong.

The moment the thought skidded past Min Hong's head, Min Qing abruptly felt something familiar poke through her laps as it mistakenly brushed past the slit of her wet cave

She trembled slightly as Min Hong cursed the black-robed Min Hong for his shameless

Though he was in control of his mind and body, the black-robed Min Hong could still manipulate everything to find an opening and cease control over one part of his body, since they were mainly concerned about who controlled the mind.

"Is this how we will forever be?"

"Is that the farthest we will ever go?" Min Qing who was still teary began to fear for her future.

If she couldn't even enjoy just five minutes of love making with Min Hong before losing her guard and risking Lang Su demote her to the passenger seat of her own body, then would she be able to ever do 'the thing'....

Then if she couldn't, wouldn't that mean she can never give Min Hong a child? 

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you think you would never get strong enough to snatch your life back from that thing?"

"My Qing'er would have never entertained such a thought"

Min Hong try to help her pull herself together.

After hearing Min Hong's words, especially the last statement, Min Qing sniffed repeatedly as she stopped her weeping and owned the weird but dangerous situation that just occurred.

She then turned around and looked at Min Hong's face with a love-struck expression.

Min Hong then wiped teary eyes as he planted a kiss on her lips 

The romance in the mood had been drained beyond zero, so they could only cuddle and snuggle each other not daring to go further than that seemingly wary of falling into the claws of Lang Su once again.

But, what they were having at this moment was also satisfying to them, so they just stood that way and basked in each other's warmth.

After about three hours of laying with one another, Min Hong and Min Qing half naked- walked over to their bath to wash up.

On getting to the tub, Min Qing's palms went up in purple flames as she dipped her hand into the tub full of water causing the water to boil intensely as she and Min Hong soaked in it 

Min Qing's physical body was as strong as that of a Mid-level King stage expert, so a water of such temperature was nowhere hot enough to make her uncomfortable, not to talk of the Min Hong who was in the Peak Emperor stage.

Min Qing sat on Min Hong's waist, both now completely naked, but they just kept staring at each other as they took time to appreciate each other's company.

Min Qing would occasionally pour some water on Min Hong's hair and help him wash it whilst stealing multiple kisses from him.

Min Hong just sat there and allowed Min Qing play with his hair to her hearts content as they spent another two hours in the bath.

Whenever the temperature of the water lowered, Min Qing would just dip her burning palm into it and return it to its normal temperature. 

They both return to the main room and dried themselves as Min Qing helped Min Hong bind his hair before Min Hong returned the favor by combing Min Qing's hair as gentle and smooth as he could.

Though, they were both having an endearing time, they hadn't spoken a single word to each other since Min Hong wiped the tears off her eyes.

After completely binding their hairs and clothing themselves in beautiful robes, they both moved over to the cultivation area as Min Hong brought out the formation stones and activated them.

Before long they were already within a concealing formation that had a different timeline from the outside world. 

Min Hong then glanced over at Min Qing as he spoke;

"Qing'er, there's only two months left before we challenge the 'War God Trial', and with this formation that gives us double the amount of time, we should try to make our cultivation as stable and strong as possible"

Min Qing simply nodded back at Min Hong who planted another passionate kiss on her lips before shutting his eye and directly appearing within the 'Realm of Creations'

The moment he appeared, he was greeted by the image of both the 'great elder' and Little Wu.

"Why do I feel so happy to see you two?" Min Hong remarked with a smile. 

"Ha-ha ha only you can answer that."

The great elder responded as inhaled the ancient air and aura that suffused the surrounding which washed his significantly refreshed his body, mind and soul.

Then he sighed as he commented;

"Trust me, with everything I have discovered and experienced in these short few days, meeting you guys is a true breath of fresh air. In fact I don't mind coming over here to escape the stress, hustle and bustle of life"

Min Hong sighed out a wry smile as he approached the duo.

"Are you ready to challenge the 'Pagoda of Ascension'?" Little Wu inquired.

"Sure, but before that, I need your help with my well my mental alts"

"I don't think I can survive, one more minute, with him, he might end up forcing me to kill myself out of sheer frustration" Min Hong sighed in frustration when he spoke about his alter egos.

He had only spent less than a day with the black-robed Min Hong and he had almost suffered a massive heart attack, was he going to spend the rest of his life living in such situations? Capital, No! ...

"Oh, hehe I have met with the black-robed you, and we seem to have a lot in common I like him!" Little Wu teased Min Hong to the core with that statement 

"Wh- what do you mean, you like him?" Min Hong cringed badly when he realized that his best hope of finding a solution to his alter ego's might most likely be a no-go area.

"Ha-ha ha, there there!"

Little Wu and the great elder burst into unrestrained laughter when they saw Min Hong cringe as Little Wu patted him lightly on the shoulder to ease his nerves.

"Am I missing something here?"

Min Hong glanced at the great elder and Little Wu with a strange gaze as he asked in confusion.

"No, it's nothing really. We have just never truly seen someone who is so terrified of himself- hu-hu hu"

The great elder answered but couldn't hold back his laughter when he got to the last part of his response. 

"I have already discussed it with teacher and we have devised a solution to your fears"

Little Wu tried to console Min Hong but the playful smile etched on his face only made Min Hong several times more nervous.

"What is it?"

"Do I have to do something shameless to end this?"

Min Hong asked almost on the verge of begging in tears just to get rid of the mysterious, mischievous and dangerous Daniel King

"Well, I would rather let teacher explain it to you. You will understand better that way, than if I explain it"

Min Hong then turned his gaze to the great elder who immediately began to explain the solution to his problems. 

"Firstly, let me tell you that the solution will not completely get rid of the black-robed you"

"This is because, he is the same as you. So, sealing him or completely getting rid of him will only do you one percent good but also place you in a 99 percent disadvantage."

The great elder gave Min Hong a foreword to his solution.

"Firstly, having a mental alter ego is one of the greatest thing that can ever happen to any cultivator in your case, you could just delegate the cultivation of your soul and mental energy to it whilst you focus on cultivating your body and Qi."

"The possibilities of their usefulness are endless and nigh infinite, but they have only one single flaw They can think for themselves!" 

"They both want what is best for you, but because they have different personalities, their methods of achieving that would naturally be different"

"If you find yourself in a situation where you killed your mortal enemy right in front of his only offspring, the black-robed you might decide to kill the child too, just to save you from any future disaster the child might bring you."

"But you, on the other hand, might feel that killing an innocent kid who did nothing to you, is sowing a bad karma with fate and as a result opt to let him live"

"The thing is, both of you have arrived at two different but perfect solutions to your problems, but the issue is, whose method will you use?" the great elder explained.

"It is very important for you to find a common ground and be in the best of relationships with your mental alter egos, because the day you will be caught in my earlier example and you are mentally caught indecisive about which method to use, the little kid might have picked up a knife and spill your guts before you return to your senses"

"Thus, you and him, or them, would have to develop a kind of mental accordance that would ensure that every decisions you make is unanimously accepted" the great elder explained as Min Hong chipped in a clue; 

"He also made mention about him being only 80 percent complete whilst he had ten percent me and ten percent the dumb me!"

"Eeh! There's three of you?!" Little Wu was truly pleasantly surprised.

But Min Hong only responded with a nod as he continued to listen to the great elder who was also pleasantly surprise for a completely different reason

"That's the common ground I was talking about"

"If you already have ten percent of your personality within him, then all you have to do is merge or link this ten percent of your three separate personalities into one"

"When you have achieved this, delegate the new combined personality into one and grant it the highest authority over your consciousness."

"That way, whatever decision it makes would be perfectly acceptable to all of you, since it is a combination of your personalities" 

"This means that every situation you encountered would be simultaneously analyzed from all of your perspectives Thus, whatever decision it arrives at would benefit you all."

The great elder took a great pause at this point before he continued; "That is the first part of the plan"

"The second part is would be a bit too troublesome for you, because it means that you won't be able to make use of this solution until you form enough nascent souls to house your individual 80 percent personalities"

The great elder gave the Min Hong who was just starting to get excited, the figurative stick

"The upside is that, you would be having not only sentient nascent souls, but self-conscious ones too which would really help you drastically in battle" The great elder then gave added the figurative carrot.

"Can you imagine what it would be like, if you don't even need to comprehend or use your Dao in battle?"

Little Wu asked when the realization exploded within Min Hong's head like an atomic bomb

"Should that happen, your blacked robed can keep comprehending the Flame Dao whilst you are sleeping or busy groping others"

Little Wu explained as Min Hong's eyebrows twitched intensely at the realization that the black-robed Him had actually come broadcast his accidental encounter with Lang Su to the Little Wu duo.

"This means that, you can be in battle and concentrate fully on using your [Imperial Willow Fists], whilst the black-robed you completely focuses on using the 'Parry Path' ability of your 'Eye of Infinite Dao' simultaneously in perfect sync and without any complications"

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