The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 151: Enlightenment [R18]

Chapter 151: Enlightenment [R18]

"Do you mean the only other sibling in the top five position of the final rankings for the entrance selection exams; the 3rd place Kun Chao and the 4th place Kun Lin?" Min Qing asked.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Mu Bai responded.

"As I have gathered, those two were from a very mysterious background. In fact, I also heard that only the sect's upper echelons knows about their backgrounds." It was Mu Li who responded this time.

"Okay this would be harder than I initially thought" Mu Bai muttered softly but the entire room still heard it.

"Are you sure they are the best fit in the entire outer sect?"

Min Hong calmly asked before he added; "Moreover, where would they fit?". 

"From the rankings and their recorded power level, there is no arguing how capable and talented they are."

"Furthermore, they would do well as extra firepower which we severely lack in our group compared to those inner court disciples" Mu Bai explained.

"I truly like that idea, but would they accept to join our group. Moreover, we still don't know if they can be trusted" Long Sha contributed.

"If they are both who I think they are, then I should be able to rope them into our group. Furthermore, with the secrecy surrounding their background, then they must be someone backed by a strong power which we might have to tap into in the future."

"Their loyalty to our group would naturally develop when they see the potential in our group, and if they don't trust us enough, we can just send them away"

Min Hong spoke flatly as he began to think of how he could convince the duo to join his cause. 

After another series of conversation which included some other minor things they needed to do, including purchasing cultivation resources, manuals and techniques...

Min Qing then took out 1000 mid-grade spirit stones and 10,000 merit points and split them with according to the hierarchy within the group.

She took out 3000 merit points and 300 spirit stones and kept it in the storage ring she had set aside for her man.

Then she and Long Sha both received 2000 merit points and 200 mid-grade spirit stones each, before giving the Mu twins and Qing Tan 1000 merit points and 100 mid-grade spirit stones each.

The Mu twins received their rewards with overwhelming emotions and gratitude, after all, this single reward was almost equal to what would take them a year to accumulate without spending a dime. 

After they shared the rewards, the Mu twins, Long Sha and Qing Tan went to the outer sect library to purchase everything they needed for cultivation.

For Long Sha, he had to raise his strength as soon as possible since he only had about two months left before they begin the 'War God Challenge'.

Min Qing and Min Hong were once again alone within the room as Min Qing walked over and hugged him from behind as she spoke very softly;

"You are going into another cultivation seclusion, right?" she asked.

"Un I didn't have enough time to stabilize my cultivation before the death match. So, I have to do that before the 'War God Challenge', you should also cultivate you know" 

Min Hong held her hands which were now crossed over his chest as he softly spoke to her.

Then Min Qing walked over and stood in his front with her face flushed and shyly added;

"You don't have to begin immediately, you know"

Min Hong heard her and smiled weakly before holding up her chin as her eyes met in. Min Qing looked into those mysterious golden-green eyes of his and was instantly washed with several emotions

She knew too well, the meaning behind that gaze and it was one which reassuringly says;

"You do not have to ask anything from me you just take it!" 

Then as Min Hong's gaze had given her the green light, Min Qing took the initiative and approached his face before her supple lips landed on Min Hong who still felt a jolt of pleasure run through his brain down to his spine.

He just could not ever get enough of this innocent and shy little babe of his

They began with subtle and light kisses, not rushing any of it before Min Qing took a step into his embrace as Min Hong grabbed her by the waist and leaned a bit allowing the slanting Min Qing to rest completely in his arms, saving her the stress of standing 

Before long, Min Qing had begun to pant slightly as her breaths were now slightly heavy and somehow rapid.

Every part of her body was currently standing firm including her perky little twin mountains which Min Hong felt pressing against his broad chest.

Getting to this point, Min Hong slid his hands downward until they rested underneath her thighs and then lifted her up in a princess manner, before carrying her over to his bed.

He laid her down on the bed like he was laying a balloon full of water on a bed of needles.

With him on top, he slowly leaned in as Min Qing who was so sexually charged up at the moment pulled him into her embrace as their kisses became more rapid and uh- sensual 

Min Hong decided to oblige her and allowed Min Qing to explore and release all her pent up desires and emotions, and but just as the thought flashed through his head, Min Qing suddenly turned around till she got on top and then began to kiss Min Hong like she only had a minute left with him till he was gone forever.

Min Hong felt this and made him sigh in his mind, he had just discovered how lonely Min Qing must have been whenever he was focused on his cultivation. 

Her feelings were akin to a little girl who was given the tastiest and most flavor-blasted ice cream, but this ice cream was then covered in a transparent case that can't be broken or opened from the outside until a specific amount of time has elapsed.

For the little girl, the moment that case actually unlocks itself, she would most definitely pounce on the ice-cream and devour it with its cone.

But the difference is, in Min Qing's case, she had to wait for about two months most times, other times weeks but she was sure there will be a time when it might be longer and she didn't think she could be away from him for that long. 

Furthermore, it would be unreasonable to ask him how long each of his cultivation sessions would take.

After all, no one knows when enlightenment will come and most of the time, it usually comes when a person least expects it.

In some cases, one might be bathing and enlightenment would greet that person, in others, one might be in the midst of dying when the enlightenment regarding Life-Death Dao or Karma Dao would be made available to the person.

Thus, it is a general knowledge that enlightenment can't be sought after, but can only be hoped for.

Then lastly, when a person finally gains enlightenment concerning anything, it might take them as little as a breath or as long as twenty years for that person to finally grasp the Dao.

This was why Min Qing usually wanted to have romantic and memorable moments whenever she was alone with him. Which was why she was currently on a mindless, full blown kissing mode.

Sensing that Min Qing was already losing the romantic side of their indulgence, Min Hong then held her face for a bit and looked into her eyes with a slight smile on his lips which was now very lubricated by Min Qing's mouth juice.

Then he began to nibble on her lips slowly and softly gradually returning Min Qing into a romantic mood and after about some minutes, Min Qing realized that she had lost sight of the true reason why they began this in the first place. 

Then she looked over and realized that Min Hong knew too which was why he took the initiative to return her into a romantic mood without ruining the mood or saying a word.

A surge of happiness flushed through her insides as she discovered that Min Hong would rather not indulge in any form of intimacy with her, if it held no valuable emotional meaning.

So she weakly fell on his chest as he began to caress her hair once more.

It was only then that Min Qing realized that, just staying the way they are with Min Hong caressing her hair was much more fulfilling than any mindless touching, groping or humping they might every indulge themselves in. 

"I have told you before and I will say it once again; it is just me and you and I am not going anywhere"

Min Hong softly whispered into her hair as Min Qing felt his hot hair brush past her earlobes which instantly turned tomato red as she blushed intensely.

Then the reassurance and guarantee within Min Hong's statement then appealed to her inner lady as she instantly went red-hot, sexually aroused.

Every single inch of her body was now so sensitive that any slightest touch from Min Hong sent a bucket-load of sexual information into her brain.

It was at this point that Min Hong then turned to his side as he was now face to face with Min Qing who was also sleeping on her side. 

She lowered her face slightly trying not to reveal her tomato-red face to Min Hong in embarrassment.

But Min Hong simply raised her chin once more before planting a gentle but firm kiss on her lips which for the strangest reasons was hot to his touch.

He then realized that the sudden heat that was emanating from Min Qing was because she was severely and savagely aroused.

He then pulled her waist closer to his as their groins met each other and touched through their clothes.

Min Qing's perky and firm twin peaks were already so strong and stiff that they were actually poking through her underwear and through her clothes as she firmly impaled Min Hong's chest with them. 

Then they resumed their kisses as Min Qing's hands went to her sides and loosed the only ropes holding her clothes together.



The sound of silk brushing against silk took Min Hong's attention as he saw that the upper half on Min Qing's sides were now half-naked.

Knowing what she wanted, Min Hong ran his fingers slowly and teasingly across her waists then up to her ribs before stopping just underneath Min Qing's tits which was still covered by her bra which did nothing to cover the glaring and reaching nipples of Min Qing's breast

Min Qing watched as Min Hong gradually and gently caressed every part of her left side as Min Hong stroke his fingers onto her bra and circled round Min Qing's nipples which was now reaching out like the last desperate grasp of someone falling into a bottomless pit.

For every circle Min Hong drew with his fingers around her covered nipples, Min Qing trembled and released several breaths of hot hair which sometimes ended in a very stimulating moan that even Min Hong who was in such close proximity couldn't help but feel Little Hong begin to rise like a slumbering dragon that was just awakening. 

Before long Min Qing could feel something meaty and firm slightly poking her lower abdomen and this only served to turn her on the more.

After all, that only showed that Min Hong was also getting into motion.

Then, she abruptly spasmed due to Min Hong's fingers which was now slightly pinching and pulling on her savagely sensitive and erect nipples.


Min Qing moaned as Min Hong grabbed the left loaf of her ass and kneaded it softly like he was making bread

He squeezed, grabbed, pressed, held and caressed that single left ass that Min Qing felt so relaxed and blissful she didn't realize when her left hand subconsciously pulled her left breast out of the covers of the bra.

Min Hong saw this wonderful peach pop out and giggle as he instantly covered the her nipples with his fully lubricated lips



Min Qing moaned as she grabbed Min Hong's head and pressed it tightly to her breasts whilst her fingers nearly dug into his scalp fully explaining how edgy and blissful she was currently feeling.

Min Hong slurped, licked, kissed and nibbled her rosy-pink nipples with his lips as Min Qing shuddered and tightened her laps as she hugged Min Hong tightly;


Min Qing moaned has her eyes rolled backwards into her sockets as her mouth gagged open as she gasped for air

She just had her dam of love juice leak open a bit but Min Hong didn't stop there as he continued to nibble and slurp causing Min Qing's dam leak over and over again as she was gradually becoming limp from orgasming with pure pleasure...

Then all of a sudden, Min Hong felt Min Qing subconsciously reach for his rod through his robes and before he could say 'Jack Robinson!'

Her left hand had snaked its way into his shorts and grabbed on his rod as he trembled immensely

Min Qing's eyes which was full of ecstasy snapped open at this point when she felt the sheer girth and length of the rod she just grabbed...

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