The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 142: The Dao Effect... Soul Awakening...

Chapter 142: The Dao Effect... Soul Awakening...

"Are you ready?" Elder Feng's voice echoed across the stage as he asked the trio on the stage.



Chi Zheng and Zi Kun simultaneously echoed their response, as ZI Kun flicked his wrist and brought out a longsword with a sky-blue colour which was radiating a fearsome aura.

Though, this sword was inferior to Min Hong's 'Soul Slayer Blade' and it was pretty far off in the aura, it didn't deny the fact that it was also a Bronze Tier weapon but only a Low-grade type. 

Zi Kun then exploded with his 6 Star Dan Formation stage cultivation as his hair began to float whilst his robes fluttered in the absence of the wind.

Then a deep thunder rolled into the arena; Chi! Chi! Chi! Lightning flashed across the sky as it descended onto him covering his entire body in flickering sparks of electricity.

"What? Third Plane Lightning Intent?"

One of the outer court disciples who had bet on Min Hong to win grimaced in loss.

Zi Kun who had a smug grin on his face looked over to Min Hong who stood leisurely on the other side of the stage and said; 

"Haha, Fei Hong! You bastard, do you still think you can come out of this alive?"

He asked expecting Min Hong to show some emotions or retort in response but Min Hong only sniffed twice before sticking his index finger into his maze-like nostrils as he began another expedition and hunt for hidden treasures.

Seeing Min Hong's response to Zi Kun's taunting, some of the disciples within the arena couldn't help but burst out in a roar of laughter which only caused Zi Kun to lose more face as his anger and hatred for Min Hong rose to new heights.

"Zi Kun! Pull yourself together and don't forget why we are here!" Chi Zheng who had been silent even before they left the Enforcement Hall finally spoke.

The moment he did, Min Hong finally gave attention to him, as he began to scrutinize Chi Zheng who was supposed to be the one blowing up in rage because of everything that happened two days ago, but was eerily calm and quiet for some strange reasons.

Min Hong's assassin instincts abruptly kicked n as he began to sense a dangerous vibe coming from Chi Zheng who for the first time appeared to Min Hong like a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

Min Hong at that moment realised that this deathmatch might not go so well or as easy as he had thought.

Since this Chi Zheng could be giving him such a vibe, he would have to pay rapt attention to him during this fight and should Zi Kun keep interfering and disturbing him like a housefly, he might just end up revealing an opening which Chi Zheng won't hesitate to grab and sink his fangs into.

Thus, Min Hong erupted with his cultivation and made it rise gradually as if he was mentally measuring the right amount to use.

When his aura rose to the Peak Qi Sea stage, a lot of the outer court disciples who were unable to witness the entrance selection exams were finally happy to confirm if the rumour of Min Hong's cultivation base was correct.

Then, there were also those who hadn't truly seen Min Hong fight and though, they knew of his strength, they had yet to see him truly use it in a fight.

Then Min Hong's aura slowly surpassed the Peak Qi stage and entered the Dan Formation stage shocking everyone within the arena including his group as Long Sha thought to himself; 

"So, he broke through in his Qi Cultivation? I had thought he was someone who primarily cultivated his physical body"

Min Hong's aura continued to rise until it reached the 3 Star Dan Formation stage, and then it stopped moving.

Instantly, those who betted against Min Hong burst into series of whisper;

"What? He has entered the Dan Formation stage?"

"It hasn't been a week since they were accepted into the sect and they have both had breakthroughs in their cultivation? 

Cultivating shouldn't be this easy, right?"

One of the outer court disciples fired several questions after the other when he saw Zi Kun reveal his one level rise in cultivation and Min Hong with his three-level increase.

Then he glanced at his friend and evaluated their own cultivation which had been at a bottleneck for the past two years and laughed self-mockingly.

What's more, they were acclaimed to be very talented within their clans. Really? 

Now he had begun to think that it wasn't that they were talented, but rather, their clans were just filled up with trash who thought their mediocre aptitude for cultivation were amongst the best out there.

Apparently, their clans had truly been frogs in the deepest of wells

When Min Hong reached the 3 Star Dan Formation stage, he stopped and released a Peak King Stage body cultivation power and looked over to Zi Kun and spoke flatly; 

"Since you have decided to draw your sword, I will gladly indulge you"

Min Hong flicked his wrist and the 'Soul Slayer Blades' appeared in his hands.

With a thought, Min Hong's left eye turned into gold as his Second Plane Metal Intent surged out and covered the blades of his ninjatos making their edges sharper and the blade itself very much sturdier.

Immediately after, his second eye turned pitch-black and the aura of a mysterious Dao descended on the arena. 

The moment this aura suffused the entire arena, all cultivators (yes, all cultivators) within the arena went quiet, silent and still.

Then those amongst them, whose Dao comprehension was in the lower to middle side of the Intent Level suddenly began to feel their Dao trembles as they all receded into the deepest parts of their souls.

Whilst those, whose Daos were on the higher side of the Intent Level felt their Daos lie dormant within them and could only crawled to life, no matter how fast they tried to make them surge out.

Yes, this was the Chaos Dao and though everyone within the arena didn't know what Min Hong was doing or how he did it or what exactly was causing the strange phenomenon, they knew fully well that their Daos were currently humbling themselves at Min Hong in awe, fear and subservience.

Some of the outer court disciples within the arena tried to forcefully surge their Daos, but only ended up coughing out a mouthful of blood. 

Even Min Hong's group also felt the same way, as Long Sha stood up in shock as he gazed at Min Hong like he was seeing his worst nightmare unfold before his eyes.

The ones who were most affected by this, were the Chi Zheng and Zi Kun duo.

Whilst Chi Zheng had his Dao slightly hindered, Zi Kun had his Dao power drop by two levels.

That was just the effect of having a very much superior Dao grace a lower Dao with its presence.

This kind of situation isn't under the control of the cultivator but was just in accordance with some mysterious rules that govern all creation.

The situation greatly shook Elder Feng whose brows had almost risen above his head as he mumbled weakly; "What kind of Dao is that?"

"What just happened? I felt my Dao ignore my will"

One outer court disciple who tried spurring his Dao but got no response asked with a bewildered expression. 

"Yours is better, I actually felt my Dao lash out at me as I tried to forcefully get it going"

One of the other disciples who also threw up a mouthful of blood added with a petrified expression.

"Has some great expert graced us with their presence?"

Though this disciple murmured, but the current eerie silence within the arena made it look like he had bellowed his statement instead. 

But when everyone heard it, they all began to look around to find any odd disciple amongst them, some who were more knowledgeable actually began to look overhead into the empty space as if expecting it to ripple, crack or tear, so the experts can reveal themselves.

But they were bound to be disappointed, because no matter how much they stared, the space didn't show even the slightest reaction.

"No, that's impossible! My mind is just playing tricks on me."

One of the disciples who had stared at the empty space for so long desiring to see a strong expert sensed an illusory ripple in space, so he quickly shook his head as he calmed his mind.

Whilst all the outer court disciples were busy overthinking the entire scenario, Zi Kun and Cho Zheng who were both standing in such close proximity with Min Hong knew that whatever was happening was because of Min Hong.

But this realization sent a very deep and potent foreboding sensation rippling across their hearts as they gripped their wits and rekindled their confidence as they braced for what they have now figured out will be the gravest battle of their lives. 

Chaos Qi surged out of Min Hong's meridians as it wrapped around the hilt of the 'Soul Slayer Blades' in Min Hong's hands.

This greatly confused Elder Feng who had initially felt that the Dao Min Hong just released would do greatly if he used it to attack the Chi Zheng duo directly, but Min Hong who was wielding the twin blades had a contrasting idea.

The reason why he had wrapped the Chaos Qi around his palms was so that they could disperse not only the vibration coming from their swords colliding but also to disperse the Dao effects that will definitely try to spread and invade his body through those brief collisions.

Just as they all though it was over, another silence reigned within the arena as everyone whose comprehension of the Dao was within the Intent Level all felt their Daos stop cease to react, including Elder Feng. 

But the mysterious thing about this new phenomenon was that, no one within the arena noticed what was going on because this new effect was so subtle and negligible that it was non-existent to all those in the Intent Level comprehension of the Dao.

Perhaps, only those who had reached the Law Level of the Dao would be able to slightly sense the intrusion of these new Dao effect on them. But as non-existent as it seemed, the effect was almost ten times stronger than that of the Chaos Dao.

In fact, it seemed like the more non-existent the effect became the stronger its sovereignty and dominance over all other Daos.

This was of course, the Oblivion Dao, which had just obliviously descended into the arena without everyone present knowing any better except for Min Hong who casted it.

Then Oblivion Qi which has its name suggests was invisible to the senses or sight surged out of Min Hong and wrapped around his twin blade.

The moment that happened, all the effects and aura that Min Hong's ninjatos were giving off abruptly vanished, including the Chaos Dao.

Though, their effects were present, they couldn't be seen or touched or even sensed, the only way people knew the effects were still present was due to the reaction of the Daos within them.

In fact, Zi Kun and Chi Zheng who were standing in front of Min Hong could no longer sense any form of aura from him or his sword.

In fact, if it wasn't because they could see him standing in front of them, they definitely wouldn't have known he was there, even in ten lifetimes.

It was as if Min Hong's entire being was currently non-existent, like he had meld with nothingness.

It was in this moment that Daniel's true nature of an assassin completely possessed the current Min Hong.

Instantly, everything about Min Hong deviated and changed; 

His demeanour, his views about everything, his train of thoughts, his attitude, his soul aura, his mental inclination and even his sense of style

Then a bloodthirsty and murderous aura began to seep out of Min Hong's body like a dragon that's just waking up after a long deep slumber, it was potent, unadulterated and original and it began to gradually fill up the entire arena 

"Oh? I thought I lost you?" Min Hong mumbled to himself rhetorically.

"I have been wondering when you were going to finally awaken from your slumber and make an appearance" He added as an evil and demonic grin tore his lips apart sending chills down the spine of the Chi Zheng duo

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