The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 140: Troubles Within And Without

Chapter 140: Troubles Within And Without

This duo kept at it as if they were visited and smitten by the god of debauchery.

But no matter how strong they may seem to be, there was no way they could go on forever and after about three hours later, everything finally died down.

This time it didn't resume as everyone present within the inn could finally get the lengthy sleep they have been craving for.

After all, they have just travelled from one Empire to another without rest and to top it off, they did that in less than a week. 

So, they were all tragically exhausted, except for the duo who just burnt some extra calories indulging in their lustful desires.

But at the moment, within the captain's room, he was currently big spooning the Jun Yue with their lower body still connected and the captain's naked rod nowhere in sight.

Apparently, Jun Yue had kept it in her lower pocket as she asked;

"Now that we know where they are, how are you planning on retrieving them?"

She spoke with a smile that indicated that she was currently pleased from within.

"We are currently within another power's Empire, so we have to be careful, subtle and discreet in our approaching."

"But we obviously cannot go through with this the official way either, it would require a resource about a hundred times more than what we brought along."

"Thus, we can only patiently wait and hope that they take on a mission outside the sect.

"Then we can simply tail them and once we are out of the area under the influence of the sect, then we can capture them." 

"What if we get spotted by someone or one of their experts?" Jun Yue logically asked.

"It simple, we can just decide to leave no witness. If we can handle that person then we kill them, and if they are stronger than we are, then we use what the general gave us."

The captain spoke of the thing he was given like as if it was something no expert within the Dogon Empire could withstand.

The moment they made their intentions clear, Little Wu who was calmly cultivating within the 'Realm of Creations' suddenly jolted reflexively as a deep frown appeared on his face before his eye snapped open and shone with a mysterious light.

Then he abruptly vanished from the spot and reappeared within Min Hong's Mind Palace only to see Min Hong quietly cultivating with a smug expression on his face. 

Seeing that he was in the middle of cultivating, Little Wu sent his mental energy into Min Hong's futon and quickly obtained a physical map of the situation happening within his physical body and dantian;

"The Metal Dao would grant a massive boost to all physical attributes and also solidify his cultivation base."

"But, Eh-"

Little Wu who was mumbling to himself when he scanned Min Hong's physical body condition had his next statement stuck within his throat when he saw what Min Hong was currently doing.

"HoHow is that even possible?"

Little Wu's eyes were trembling in shock as he gripped his hands into a fist like he had just seen the most abominable thing in the world.

"What in Huoyi's beard have you done, you little punk?"

Little Wu kept mumbling as he was instantly caught by Min Hong who had just completely filled up his fifth Dan.

"Oh, it is you..."

Min Hong said as he gazed at Little Wu who was now looking and acting more like an ancient expert. 

Moreover, the aura he was subtly giving off was now bearing down immensely on Min Hong who was sure that if given a physical body at this point, Little Wu would most likely explode with the cultivation of at least a Mid-level Saint stage cultivation.

Furthermore, there were also several ancient runes appearing on his soul body and finally the mysterious glow that was now present within his eyes.

"Hmm. Who were you expecting it to be?" Little Wu gazed at Min Hong from the corner of his eyes. 

"I thought it was Yao Ming's snooping soul body once again" Min Hong frowned as he looked to Little Wu and added;

"I can't help but feel that it is sentient" He spoke.

"Well, that is one of the uniqueness of living beings, especially those on our level. If an expert had his sentience or memory wiped off, the uniqueness of the human nature would see to it that it is being replaced by another sentience."

"This new sentience might stem from the nature of the soul itself or the personal experience it had accumulated during this period of time." Little Wu explained.

"So, what you are trying to say in a nutshell is that, even if an expert's memories are wiped away, given enough time, they would naturally develop a new sentience?" Min Hong replied.

"Yes, and it is even more guaranteed for cultivators who had become attuned with nature and can easily sense the nature of every being and things around them with heightened clarity."

"The only downside is that, in the presence of an ancient expert, the soul can be harnessed and turned into whatever one wants since its sentience is still immature and highly sensitive to every form of emotional influence."

"Thus, whilst it might not be exposed to evil thoughts and influences or environment, its very nature might cause it to develop into one." Little Wu calmly explained.

"So, you are basically telling me that I have a ticking time bomb within my Mind Palace?" Min Hong sighed in frustration. 

"Yeah. One that could potentially affect your disposition and behaviour. It might also take control of your mind if it desperately wishes to do so without minding the costs."

Little Wu was also frowning deeply at the situation.

"If it wasn't going to be very valuable to you, I would have destroyed it since the first time he intruded your consciousness."

"Though, I might have suffered some fatal injuries, at least that would have guaranteed your safety." Little Wu added. 

"It is certainly going to get much more troublesome as time goes by."

Min Hong looked towards the demon soul which for some strange reasons walked by whilst the duo was discussing about it.

"Hmph! If you think that is trouble, then I might as well let you know that a more pressing problem might be coming your way."

"Though I was unable to pinpoint it exactly, I am certain that several experts are tampering with your Karma thread, and I can easily sense an imminent trouble coming your way." 

"So, you need to be very careful with whatever it is you do from now henceforth. Beware of your environment and never forget the dying advice master gave to you."

Little Wu ended his explanation with a warning that he emphasized with his facial expression.

"All the more reason why I should raise my strength as soon as possible." Min Hong subdues his frustration with this statement.

"Of course, but before I forget, how did you manage to transform your QI Seas into separate individual Dans?" Little Wu asked.

"I do not know myself, and I have no idea about the theory behind it. The only thing I know is that, it was definitely as a result of the variation in my cultivation technique 'Wonder Gate Codex'."

"I was also planning to ask you if you had any idea concerning the changes." Min Hong responded.

"Hmm, I also have no idea."

"Though they were techniques developed by my master, I never paid any attention sought after the principles and theory on which their creation was based, but was rather interested on the results of their end results only." Little Wu revealed.

"You should study your techniques and the effects of their variation to better efficiently maximize the power and potential of the technique." Little Wu advised.

"That's all I came to say, so I will be heading back to cultivate." Little Wu added before returning the same way he arrived

"I should have spent three days in here which is equivalent to a day and the half in the outside world."

"Zi Kun would most likely have received the approval for the Life-or-Death battle. I better wrap things up as quickly as possible."

Min Hong mumbled to himself as he readjusted his mental state and shut his eyes to continue his cultivation.

Min Qing opened up her eyes and looked down towards Qing Tan who currently laid her head on her laps whilst sleeping in a snuggling posture.

She looked over to Min Hong and noticed he had yet to end his cultivation and since she didn't really need to cultivate due to the presence of Lang Su who was doing that for her, she only needed to meditate on the mental and soul cultivation technique that Min Hong gave her.

But just as she was about to return into meditation, Long Sha and the Mu twins finally returned from their tasks.

They looked over and saw the cultivating Min Hong and sleeping Qing Tan, thus they told Min Qing about everything they went to do, from spreading the news of the Life-or-Death battle, as well as loaning and converting a years' worth of their resources into spirit stones.

They then head over to their room as night was approaching and they weren't going to wait here for Min Hong to finish cultivating.

About three hours after they left, Min Hong finally opened his eyes as he saw Min Qing who had also fallen asleep snuggling with Qing Tan.

The first thing he did was to release his mental energy which though rippled out in a shockwave manner, was as subtle and silent as a ghost.

the mental scan passed through his room and into the Mu Bai's apartment, where he saw the Mu twins quietly cultivating side by side. when it entered Long Sha's room, he saw Long Sha meditating with his blunt metal sword in hand.

Just as he was about to pass over him, Min Hong saw Long Sha open his eyes and smile and spoke. Though he could not hear what exactly Long Sha said, but just from reading the movement of his mouth, he could make out;

"Congratulations on your breakthrough into the Dan Formation stage!"

Min Hong simply smiled and continued on with his scan as it passed through Long Sha's apartment and entered Kun Chao's apartment.

Kun Chao who was initially sleeping felt something scan over him and he abruptly sat up as he checked his surroundings, but for someone his level to determine the source of a mental energy on the level of a Low-grade Silver Rank level was a massive overestimation of his capabilities.

Min Hong only smiled lightly as he thought of how wonderful it would be to actually have a mental attacking technique that he could just use to kill his enemies whilst they were asleep like Kun Chao.

Whilst that would sound and feel very empowering, he knew it was impossible for him to actually attack someone of Kun Chao's background since he would most definitely possess a talisman, amulet or artifact that is capable of protecting him.

Though, stronger experts might be able to break through the defense of such defensive items with their strength, Min Hong obviously still had a long way to go to reach that level. 

From the little conversation Min Hong overhead between the Kun siblings back when Min Qing was dueling Yuan Chun and the way the held nothing and no one in the outer court in any regard, he was able to easily deduce that the siblings were definitely not ordinary and neither was the clan backing them in any way inferior to the Long Super Clan.

after testing and confirming that his mental sense could span an area of about ten mile radius, Min Hong recalled his mental sense and checked his total power level.

At this point, he was now a fully fledged Peak Emperor and Dan Formation stage expert, with a mental and soul cultivation power equivalent to a Low Grade Silver Ranked expert.

But what was most important to him at this moment was that; He, Min Hong, would finally clock the age of thirteen tomorrow.

"I should really open my birthday celebration by defeating those miserable duo..."

He thought to himself as he smiled at the feasibility of looking down on the defeated Zi Kun and Chi Zheng in the eye before saying;

"You guys are really lucky that today marks a very important time in my life, so I will be very magnanimous just this once and let you keep your miserable lives for a bit longer..."

reaching this train of thought, Min Hong smiled joyfully to himself as he began to anticipate the battle tomorrow. he was finally going to be able to make his long awaited statement.

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